
  • 网络academic norm;academic discipline;academic standard
  1. 新时期学术规范讨论的历时性评述

    Diachronic Review on the Academic Norm Discussing in the New Era

  2. 《图书与情报》学术规范讨论述评

    Review on the Discussion about the Academic Norm in Library and Information

  3. 不得有违反学术规范、损害研究生学术科研权益等行为;

    should not violate the academic standards or harm the academic research rights and interests of graduate students

  4. 关于文科学报的学术规范问题

    Problems Concerning the Academic Standards for University Journals of Social Sciences

  5. 中学学生主体性教育研究教育学视野中的学术规范

    On the Subjectivity of Middle School Student : An Educational Perspective

  6. 另外,严格遵守学术规范和批评原则。

    Moreover , it obeys the academic norms of criticism strictly .

  7. 专业期刊担负着学术规范建设的重要职能。

    The specialized periodical is shouldering the academic standard construction important function .

  8. 北京大学医学部研究生学术规范教育的调查分析

    Academia criterion education of graduated students in Peking University Health Science Center

  9. 这是非常重要的学术规范。

    Professor : It is a very important academic convention .

  10. 研究性论文必须符合国际上通用的学术规范;上通数学,下达课堂;

    The disquisition must accord learning standard of international .

  11. 高校学报学术规范论略

    Brief Account on the Academic Standardization of University Journals

  12. 多方面的现实原因也使得学术规范难以改进。

    Diverse realistic status quo also restricts the improvement of Chinese academic norms .

  13. 建设专业期刊学术规范共同体刍议

    A Rustic Opinion on the Building of Academic Standard Community of Specialized Periodicals

  14. 第三部分就《论稿》的研究方法和学术规范方面进行评论。

    The last part affirms the method and academic norm of this monograph .

  15. 论学术规范与学风建设

    On Academic Standardization and the Construction of Academic Style

  16. 强调学术规范是为了体现音乐学研究的“学术可信度”;

    To enforce the academic norm is for academic reliability of musicological research .

  17. 高校社科学报对学术规范化的影响

    The Effect of the University Social and Scientific Journal on the Academic Standardization

  18. 浅议学报编辑的职业道德与学术规范

    On Journal Editors ' Occupational Ethics and Academic Standard

  19. 这些情况反映出学术规范问题的严重性。

    These reflect the necessity of academic standardization .

  20. 摘要追求学术规范与创新,是学科建设的内在规律和价值取向。

    Academic norms and innovations reflect inherent laws and value-orientation in the disciplinary development .

  21. 学术规范中反剽窃的信息技术视角

    Anti-plagiarism in Academic Norm by using information technology

  22. 设计艺术学学术规范之我见

    Personal Views on Academic Norms of Design Theory

  23. 学术规范的法律视角分析

    An analysis on Academic Norm from Legal Perspective

  24. 倡导学术规范提高研究水平&2003年数学教育高级研讨班纪要

    On the mathematical seminar of Loyola University Advocating Academic Norm to Improve Research Level

  25. 如何在发展学术规范的同时保持艺术敏感和思想锋芒?

    How to develop artistic sensitivity and gain keen insight while maintaining academic standards ?

  26. 重视学术规范发挥史学功能

    Emphasize Science Criterion , Exert Historiography Function

  27. 学术规范是一个严肃的问题。

    Academic discipline is a serious issue .

  28. 当前我国高校学术规范制度建设的构想

    Ideas in the Construction of Systems of Academic Norm in China 's Colleges and Universities

  29. 继往开来任重道远&学术规范建设的新时局

    SUCCEED VARIOUS ACHIEVEMENTS SHOULDER HEAVY RESPONSIBILITIES the New Current Political Situation of Academic Standard Construction

  30. 2004&2006年中国语言学期刊学术规范分析

    An Analysis of the Academic Standardization of Chinese Linguistics Periodicals Published between 2004 and 2006