
nínɡ bō dà xué
  • Ningbo University
  1. 她应聘到宁波大学执教。

    She accepted a teaching post at Ningbo university .

  2. 她五年前来到中国,是宁波大学的学生。

    She came to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo University .

  3. 第二部分介绍了宁波大学医学院的基本情况、采用PBL模式的必要性和可行性,并着重介绍了宁波大学医学院教育模式改革的目标和总体设计。

    The second part introduced the basic situation of Ningbo University School of Medicine , and necessity and feasibility , and importantly introduced teaching mode reform and total design .

  4. 宁波大学心理健康教育的理念探索与实践

    Theoretical Study and Practice of Mental Health Education in Ningbo University

  5. 宁波大学社会体育专业就业现状及对策

    Factors in Employment of Social Sports Professionals and Countermeasures of Ningbo University

  6. 对宁波大学本科生身体形态和机能的评价

    Appraisal of figures and functions of Undergraduates of Ningbo University

  7. 宁波大学女教职工妇科普查分析

    General Survey of the Female Staff of Ningbo University

  8. 宁波大学2007级学生体质健康状况研究

    Health report on students of 2007 of Ningbo University

  9. 教师是深化高校教改的关键&试论宁波大学的师资队伍建设

    The Construction of the Teaching Force in Ningbo University

  10. 宁波大学建筑系教学实践

    Teaching Practice of Architecture Department in Ningbo University

  11. 宁波大学教育培训集团具有多年的品牌运营经验,拥有一支敬业、专业的汉语教师队伍。

    The school belongs to Ningbo University Education Group , which has been set up in1991 .

  12. 宁波大学教授/博士体育锻炼现状分析及对策

    The countermeasures and analysis on the status of sports exercises of professors and doctors in Ningbo university

  13. 大学生课外体育活动组织的社团化研究&以宁波大学为例

    Study on Extra-Curricular Sports Activities Organized by Community College Students & As an example of Ningbo university

  14. 宁波大学园区图书馆与中小学图书馆合作的实践与思考

    Practice and Thoughts of the Cooperation between Ningbo University District Library and Libraries in Primary and Middle Schools

  15. 城市图书馆开放式服务的实践与思考&以宁波大学园区图书馆为例

    The Practicing and Thinking about the Open Service of a City Library : for Example of Ningbo University Zone Library

  16. 复合型日语人才培养模式研究&兼论宁波大学之做法迎合新课程标准上好综合英语课

    Upon the Cultivation of Japanese Talents with Integrated Skills Giving the lecture of Integrated Skills of English Panders to New Curriculum

  17. 从四个方面阐述了宁波大学植物生理学实验教学存在的问题和实验教学改革的措施。

    The article elaborates on the problems in plant physiology experiment teaching of our university and some measures in experiment teaching reform .

  18. 本文采取了定性分析(半开放性的个人访谈)和定量分析(以调查问卷为主)的方法,主要调查了宁波大学的大学英语立体课程设置状况。

    It mainly does a case study in Ningbo University by way of quantitative research ( questionnaires ) and qualitative research ( semi-structured interviews ) .

  19. 本文在宁波大学机械工程系实验室管理工作实践基础上,分析了实验教学的重要性;

    According to the practices of laboratory management in Department of Mechanical Engineering of Ningbo University , the significance of experimental education is analysed in this paper .

  20. 其他对游泳有所要求的院校还包括厦门大学、四川大学、宁波大学、上海大学、中山大学以及华南理工大学。

    Other schools requiring swimming include Xiamen University , Sichuan University , Ningbo University , Shanghai University , Sun Yat-Sen University and South China University of Technology .

  21. 来自肯尼亚的威尔弗雷德是宁波大学工程系的留学生,虽然有全额奖学金,但生活费对他来说依然是个难题。

    Wilfred , a Kenyan student studying in the Ningbo University , studies engineering with full scholarship . However , living costs are still a burden for him .

  22. 特别以宁波大学工学院20多家校企合作委员会成员作为调研对象,就企业对该组织的认可度和期望值进行了全面考察。

    Ningbo University Institute of Technology in particular to more than 20 school-enterprise cooperation as a member of the research object of the Committee on the Organization of corporate recognition and expectations for a comprehensive study .

  23. 本研究的受试对象为宁波大学非英语专业的八十四名一年级学生,他们参加了为期一学期(十六周)的实验研究。

    The subjects of the study are eighty-four non-English major freshmen at Ningbo University . They come from two intact classes , each of which contains forty-two students . The experiment lasts a whole semester ( sixteen weeks ) .

  24. 笔者选取了宁波大学教师教育学院的中专三年级学生作为实验的对象,这些学生分为两个班级,每个班级各有50名学生,随机选取一个班级为实验班,另一班级为控制班。

    The author chose two classes from Teachers Education College of Ningbo University as the subjects , with 50 students in each class . One class was randomly selected as the experimental group , while the other as the control group .

  25. 本文结合宁波大学国际交流学院的办学实践,从办学特色、质量管理、课程设置、学位等值和教育营销五个方面对此进行探讨。

    Based on the practice of the joint education being undertaken by International College of Ningbo University , this thesis tries to have an exploration of the characteristics of the joint education program , quality management , course arrangement , and degree equivalence .

  26. 宁波大学的大学英语立体课程体系包涵七部分:预修课程、必修课程、周末强化课程、选修课程、辅修课程、双语课程及专门用途英语课程,其课程内容具有广泛性及多层次性。

    The contents of Multi-level college English courses of Ningbo University are rich and diversified , which composed by seven parts : prerequisite course , required course , intensified training course on weekends , selective course , minor course , bilingual course , ESP course .

  27. 通过时宁波大学教学检查实践的研究,探索教学检查对提高教学质量的重要作用,并对如何科学地使用教学检查这一手段提出几点建议。

    With a research in the teaching supervision practiced by Ningbo University , this article analyses the important role that teaching inspection plays in improving teaching quality , and in addition to that . it puts forwards several ways for the efficient practice of teaching inspection .

  28. 本文以《高等学校教师培训工作规程》为指南,阐述了在新形势下高校教师开展继续教育的必要性和紧迫性,并结合宁波大学的实际情况,提出了加强师资培训的途径和措施。

    Based on " Executive Guidelines for the Advancement of Teachers of Higher Education ", this article discusses the necessity and urgency of the continuing education of collegiate teachers , and produces suggestions and measures for the accomplishment of teachers ' training in accordance with Ningbo 's current situation .

  29. WTO背景下中国高等教育创新的探索&宁波诺丁汉大学之案例分析

    An Exploratory Probe into the WTO and the Innovation of China 's Higher Education & A Case Study on Nottingham Ningbo Campus

  30. 第一所是浙江省的宁波诺丁汉大学,创建于2004年。

    The first was University of Nottingham Ningbo , which opened in Zhejiang Province in 2004 .