
yǔ zhòu rén
  • extraterrestrial
  1. 从某种意义上看来,他们似乎是宇宙人。

    It 's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings .

  2. 邪恶的兽族宇宙人被送往宇宙为燃烧军团而战。

    Fel Orc sent into space to fight for the demonic legion .

  3. 杨利伟,中国第一个宇宙人,是我们中国人的骄傲。

    Yang Liwei , first Chinese astronaut , is the pride of Chinese people .

  4. 从某种意义上讲,他们似乎是宇宙人,同我们这些凡夫俗子形成了鲜明的对照。

    Its as if they were , in some sense , cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures .

  5. 我的王国却是以整个世界为界限。因为我既不是意大利人也不是法国人,不是印度人也不是美国人,也不是什么西班牙人,我是一个宇宙人。

    My kingdom is bounded only by the world , for I am not an italian , or a frenchman , or a hindu , or an american , or a spaniard & I am a cosmopolite .

  6. 这个宇宙人在格子中旋转,并象蔬菜生长一样,在螺旋运动中使自己变大变强壮,这不就是江恩所说的时间和代价的运动吗?

    Since vegetable growth , along with all life , extends itself in spiral motion , it would circumambulate the grid from center ring to outer , just as price and time do on Gann 's calculators .

  7. 系统辩证学视阈下的宇宙与人&乌杰《系统辩证学》解读之一

    Universe And Human : A Viewpoint from the Study of Systematic Dialectics

  8. 我很少见到来自另外宇宙的人。

    I don 't often meet people from another universe .

  9. 全宇宙的人都在这里集聚。

    The light of the whole universe converges here .

  10. 借此,池莉表达了自己对宇宙与人的关系的思考。

    By doing so , she expresses her thinking about the relationship between the universe and human .

  11. 象在宇宙中和人本身当中一样,业的过程是万物中固有的。

    As in the universe , so also within man himself : karmic process is inherent in everything .

  12. 他们说宇宙在人的眼睛看来是轻的浅绿色的,被叫做青绿色。

    They said that the universe would appear to the human eye to be a light greenish color , called turquoise .

  13. 在西方文化中,从古希腊哲学开始,自然宇宙与人的分离就是在一种已然的、不证自明的意义上成立的。

    In Occident culture , " from ancient Greek philosophy , it is surely established for . mankind 's separation from natural universe " .

  14. 人文学者以「自觉」探讨人性价值,希望调和宇宙、人類世俗与宗教信仰间的关系与冲突。

    On the basis of self-awareness , humanists explored the human values to establish the harmonic relationships and resolve contradicts among the universe , human world , and religion beliefs .

  15. 该章由三个部分组成:一、太阳&自然宇宙对人冷漠敌意的中心象征;

    It is made up of three parts : part one focuses on the sun , the central symbol to suggest the indifference and hostility of Nature or Universe to man ;

  16. 笔者认为:宇宙、人、语言的全息关系是人类求美天性的必然性,而耗散结构是人类求美天性的表现形式。

    The author maintains that the holography relationship between cosmos , person and language inevitably leads people to have instinct for beauty and the " dissipation structure " is the manifestation of human nature of seeking for beauty .

  17. “天”与“人”的关系关于宇宙和人的关系的讨论集中在“天”是否被认为是至高无上的神有自己的意志,还是它只是自然而已,没有其他意思。

    Relationship between Haven and Man The discussion about the relationship between the universe and man focused on whether " Heaven " was regarded as a supreme god with its own will , or whether it was simply nature with neither will nor purpose .

  18. 因此上帝创造宇宙和创建人,但与女人

    So God Created Cosmos and created Man , but with woman

  19. 没有了家庭,在广大的宇宙间,人会冷得发抖。

    In the broad universe , losing home , one feels cold with trembling .

  20. 在充满灵魂与鬼神的宇宙里,人并不是世界上唯一的生灵。

    In the world of soul and ghost and god , man is not the only life .

  21. 纵使宇宙毁灭了人,人却仍然要比致他于死命的东西更高贵得多。

    If the universe were to crush him , man would still be more noble than that which killed him .

  22. 另外,中国人广大和谐的美感,缘于人与自然的和谐、人与人的和谐,根本在于宇宙生命与人之生命的一体具化。

    In other hand , the harmonious aesthetic feeling comes from the harmonious of human and nature , the harmonious between humans .

  23. “寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海之一粟”,在茫茫的宇宙中,人的一生是很短暂的。

    " life is like Ephemera in the world , a drop in the sea ", in the vast universe , life is short .

  24. 启蒙思想家以自我规定的主体观念和对象化了的世界观念攻击传统的宇宙观念和人的观念。

    Enlightened thinkers attacked the traditional view about cosmos and human beings with the view about the self - stipulated subject and the world as object .

  25. 宇宙讯息让人混乱,当尘埃落定后,也会你会对自己匆忙的决定感到后悔。

    Confusing cosmic elements are at play and when the dust clears later , you may be sorry you rushed and made some of the decisions you did .

  26. 工具理性与价值理性的不平衡表现为科学和人文的对峙,而在这种对峙背后则是天(宇宙)和人(人生)、心(精神)和物(物质)、事实和价值的分离。

    The balance between instrumental rationality and value rationality has been broken , which lead to confront between science and humanism . Cosmic and life , reality and value , spirit and substance have been separated .

  27. 宗教作为人类最早的文化形式,作为世界的总的理论,在人与自然的宇宙秩序、人与人的社会秩序、人与自身的心灵秩序的三大向度曾起过重要的建构作用。

    As the most primary form of human culture and the overall theory of the world , religion plays an important role in the construction of three dimensions of order : order between humans and the natural cosmos , order between humans , and order between humans and their mentality .

  28. 当痛苦终于过去后,茫茫宇宙中孤身一人的杨利伟感觉自己重生了。

    When it was finally over , the taikonaut , all alone in the vastness of space , felt like he had been reborn .

  29. 在此之前人们就知道,奇异博士是漫威电影宇宙最聪明的人之一。不知何故奇异博士同意了彼得的请求,开始施法。

    Doctor Strange , who before this trailer was known to be one of the MCU 's brightest minds , somehow agrees with Peter 's plea and begins casting a spell .

  30. 你们之内存在着宇宙之父的人,很可能已经与thoughtadjuster融合了,事实上大概在很久以前。

    Those of you here that are Father indwelt are likely fused with it already , probably LONG AGO in fact .