
  • 网络Dark Matter
  1. 巴里·巴里什想要建造史上最大的科学仪器来帮助他研究宇宙暗物质。

    Barry Barish wants to build the largest science instrument in history to aid in his search for dark matter .

  2. 近年来,一种特殊的具有额外维空间的宇宙模型被提出,它允许所有标准模型的场在其中传播,此模型可自然地解释宇宙暗物质的存在。

    A specific cosmological model with extra dimensions has recently been proposed , in which all standard model fields are allowed to propagate in the extra dimensions , it may explain the exist of dark matter in the universe naturally .

  3. 因此我们推断出宇宙中存在暗物质。

    Hence we infer that there is dark matter in the Universe .

  4. 暗物质的实验探测器寻找宇宙中的暗物质

    The detector for dark matter search Detecting Dark Matter in the Universe

  5. 浅论宇宙中的暗物质

    An elementary to the dark matter in the universe

  6. 第三讲宇宙中的暗物质和暗能量

    Dark matter and dark energy in the universe

  7. 原初连续功率谱宇宙模型下暗物质晕的质量函数

    The mass function of dark matter haloes in a cosmological model with a running primordial power spectrum

  8. 另外,宇宙中的暗物质比科学家此前意识到的略多(27%),暗能量则较少(69%),不过暗物质和暗能量的组分依然不得而知。

    It also contains slightly more dark matter ( 27 per cent ) and less dark energy ( 69 per cent ) than scientists had realised , but the identities of both dark matter and dark energy remain unknown .

  9. 天文学家都知道宇宙中充斥着暗物质,但无法解释这一现象。

    Astronomers know dark matter abounds in the universe , but cannot yet explain it .

  10. 两种宇宙中最暗的物质相遇可能会导致光的诞生&或者至少会产生射线。

    TWO of the darkest things in the universe may be making light-or at least , radiation .