
  • 网络safe distance;safety distance;Clearance;clearance distance
  1. 750kV线路带电作业人员应穿戴全套屏蔽服,保持足够的安全距离,并采取措施防护感应电压的影响。

    Based on the research work , conclusions can be drawn that to ensure the safety of live working , persons doing live working should wear full set screen clothes , keep enough safe clearance , and take correct and adequate measures to protect themselves from inducting voltage .

  2. 准高速列车侧向人员安全距离的研究

    A Study on the Safe Clearance for Persons from Running Quasi-High-Speed Train

  3. 我们在安全距离之外观看了爆破。

    We watched the explosion from a safe distance .

  4. 他认为自己能找到一种从安全距离给大象接种疫苗的方法。

    He thinks he can find a way to vaccinate the elephants from a safe distance .

  5. 在候车大厅,督促乘客保持安全距离。

    Passengers are urged to practice social distancing at the waiting halls .

  6. 他/她会不停地提醒你与前车保持安全距离,查看你的车速是否在限速范围内,而且总能很快指出你的导航错误。

    He / she constantly cautions you to keep a safe distance from the car in front of you , checks that you 're obeying the speed limit , and is always quick to point out your navigational errors . For example :

  7. 进而还可以根据PER值,得到两个系统间的安全距离比。

    The safe distance ratio between the two systems can be obtained from the PER .

  8. 基于ABS的车辆行驶安全距离的研究

    Research on Safe Distance of Vehicles Based on ABS

  9. 由量纲和谐原理看爆破地震安全距离K系数取值的合理性

    By Principle of Dimensional Homogeneity to Determine the Reasonable Safe Range with Safety Factor K from Seism Induced by Explosion

  10. 船用仪表EMC与罗经安全距离

    Nautical Meter of EMC & Compass Safe Distance

  11. 应用数值仿真,结合完全统计数据,应用MATLAB软件验证了车辆变道最小安全距离模型的可行性。

    Application of numerical simulation , combined with union statistical data , has verified the feasibility of a minimum safe distance model using the software of MATLAB .

  12. 笔者从改善K,α取值的角度,提出一种较为合理的计算爆破震动安全距离的优化方案,即进行爆破现场监测,将监测数据及时参与K,α值的计算。

    A reasonable optimized scheme for the calculation of safe distance of blasting vibration is suggested by in no time putting the monitored data into the calculation of the values of K and α .

  13. 根据无线电波的传输机制建立起RFID系统信号损失模型,并推导出多读写器能够同时工作的安全距离。

    Based on the mechanism of radio propagation , this paper builds an RFID signal loss model and calculates a safe working distance at which readers could operate simultaneously .

  14. 对500kV线路带电作业安全距离的探讨

    A Discussion on Safety Distance of 500 kV Live line Works

  15. 但是回到USB棒和很可能有微弱辐射的小天线的问题上,安全距离是多少?

    But coming back to this USB stick and little antenna which is probably very weak , what would be the distance from this that you would consider to be safe ?

  16. 确定500kV线路带电作业安全距离的最大过电压

    Determination of Max. Overvoltage in Live Line Work of 500 kV Lines

  17. 500kV托源线和源安线带电作业安全距离的探讨

    Probe into the Safe Distance of the Hot-line Operation for 500 kV Line

  18. 艾奥瓦州党团会议召开前,在一个支持桑德斯的集会上,担任主唱的是吸血鬼周末(VampireWeekend)乐队,桑德斯唱歌时则和所有麦克风保持着安全距离。

    At a Sanders rally before the Iowa caucuses , the band Vampire Weekend assumed lead vocals , with Mr. Sanders mouthing the words a safe distance from any microphone .

  19. 500kV同塔双回紧凑型线路的带电作业安全距离

    The Research of Safe Distance for Live Working on 500 kV Compact Double Circuit Transmission Line

  20. 笔者针对爆破震动安全距离的典型计算公式,从参数入手,分析误差产生的原因,认为爆破震动安全距离计算产生误差主要原因有三:①K,α的类比取值不客观;

    Referring to the typical calculation equation for safe distance of blasting vibration , the cause of deviation is analyzed from the parameters . It is considered that the main causes of deviation are from three aspects . ① The analogous value of K and α is not objective .

  21. 模拟结果表明对于锰钢材料、内径为12410mm液化烃压力储罐,稳态池火灾情况下,相邻两储罐之间的最小安全距离为15m。

    The result showed that under steady state pool fire , the minimum safety distance between two tanks made of manganese steel with a diameter of 12 ? 410 ? mm is 15 ?

  22. 基于模糊理论建立船舶碰撞危险度的数学模型,分析隶属函数中的关键参数会遇安全距离(SDA)和最晚点避让两船间距(DLA)。

    Based on fuzzy theory , a mathematical model that used to determine the risk-degree of collision between ships was built , and the key parameter SDA and DLA in the function was analysed .

  23. 在该线路上进行带电作业时,推荐相对地最小安全距离不小于2.1m。

    When hot-line work is being conducted , the recommended minimum safe distance between phase conductor and the ground should not be less then 2.1m .

  24. 基于模糊推理的跟驰安全距离控制算法及实现

    Car-following safe distance control algorithm and implementation based on fuzzy inference

  25. 矿井沼气爆炸安全距离的探讨

    A Discussion on the Safety Distance in Case of Gas Explosion

  26. 高陡边坡桥基安全距离研究

    Research on the Safe Bridge Foundation Position on High Steep Slope

  27. 爆炸地震波的现场测量及其安全距离

    In-situ measurements of blasting seismic waves and their safety distance

  28. 渔船作业避让的安全距离

    On the safe distance to avoid collision for vessel engaged in fishing

  29. 有毒重气泄漏安全距离数值方法

    Numerical Method of Safety Distance for Poisonous Dense Gaseous Leakage

  30. 强夯振动影响与构筑物安全距离研究

    Influence of Vibration Caused by Dynamic Compaction and Safe Distances for Buildings