
  • 网络Angolan civil war
  1. 这一时期双方围绕限制战略武器谈判问题、贸易关系正常化问题及安哥拉内战等问题所产生的冲突与矛盾表明福特政府时期的缓和外交面临着严峻的考验。

    The conflicts and contradictions on SALT , normalization of trade relations and the issue of the war in Angola have indicated the severe test that detente faced .

  2. 美苏的介入改变了这场战争的性质:安哥拉内战演变成了一场地区冲突、一场国际冲突,成为东西方冷战的一部分。

    The involvement of US and the Soviet Union changed the nature of this war : the civil war in Angola evolved into a regional and international conflict , which became part of the Cold War .

  3. 但现如今,安哥拉内战已结束8年。据外交人士估计,该国目前至少有10万葡萄牙人,较3年前翻了一番。不过,去年的确有一些移民选择离开。

    Now however , in the wake of the end of the civil war eight years ago , diplomats estimate at least 100,000 Portuguese are in Angola , twice as many as three years ago , although some immigrants did leave last year .

  4. 你要知道安哥拉的内战又开始了。

    You must know that in Angola the civil war has started again .

  5. 在该协议中,安哥拉在长期的内战期间欠下的这笔债务,被减免至15亿美元。协议在一定程度上是由生于俄罗斯的商人阿尔卡季·盖伊达马克(ArcadiGaydamak)促成的。

    The debt , incurred during Angola 's long civil war , was cut to $ 1.5 billion in a deal partly negotiated by Arcadi Gaydamak , a Russian-born businessman .

  6. 该公司在安哥拉获得了很多与一项政府计划有关的建筑项目,该计划旨在重建在内战时期遭到破坏的基础设施。安哥拉内战于近6年前结束。

    It secured a range of construction projects in Angola linked to a government programme to rebuild infrastructure devastated in the civil war that ended nearly six years ago .