
  1. 清初诗人宋琬研究

    A Study on a Poet in Beginning Qing Dynesty : Song Wan

  2. 宋琬研究

    The Study of Song Wan

  3. 宋琬是清代早期的诗歌大家之一,与施闰章并称“南施北宋”。

    Songwan was one of the master poets in the early QingDynasty , called with the other poet Shirenzhang ," The Southern Shi and Northern Song " .

  4. 艺术上,在与王士祺和宋琬的比较中显出愚山诗歌的特色。

    With regard to the art , the paper tries to display the feature of Shi 's poet through the comparison with those of Wang Shizhen and Song Wan .

  5. 第四部分,从施闰章与宋琬、王士禛的交往、诗文唱和中,展现他与宋、王二人在诗歌理论和诗歌创作方面的相互交流和影响。

    The fourth part , seeing about Shi Runzhang 's affiliation with Song Wan , Wang Shizhen , through the poems'responsory between them , showing their communion and infection to each other .