
  • 网络the Song poetry
  1. 宋诗是宋型文化在文学层面的折射与反映。

    Song poetry is the refraction and reflection of Song Culture in literature .

  2. 宋诗的特点新探

    New Explorations in the Characteristics of Song Poetry

  3. 清代宋诗派及宋诗学的生成与发展

    Song Poem School and Song Poetics ' Formation of Qing Dynasty

  4. 读《全宋诗》札记

    Notes from Reading the Complete Collection of Poetry of the Song Dynasty

  5. 儒家诗统和宋诗情怀

    Confucian Poetic Tradition and Feelings of Poets of Song China

  6. 宋诗茶文化语词举例

    The Annotations of Some Words of Tea Culture in the Song Poetry

  7. “淡”是宋诗较为普遍的审美风貌。

    Simplicity of poems is quite common in Song Dynasty .

  8. 台湾宋诗研究的现况和展望

    Status quo and Prospect of Study of Poetry in Song Dynasty in Taiwan

  9. 钱先生对宋诗情有独钟,有《宋诗选注》在焉。

    Being in especial love of song poems , Mr.

  10. 读《全宋诗》札记四则

    Four Notes on the Complete Collection of Song Poems

  11. 宋诗茶词语例释六则

    Interpreting Six Terms of Tea in Song Poems

  12. 日本汉学界的宋诗研究

    Japanese Sinologists ' Studies on Chinese Song Poems

  13. 宋诗的平淡风格与宋代的诗味理论&中印诗学理论微观比较研究

    The Natural Flavor in the Poetry of the Song Dynasty and the Relative Theories

  14. 近代宋诗派研究

    Study on Song-shi School in Modern Times

  15. 宋诗的理趣特征是我国诗歌艺术的继承、丰富和发展,宋诗的理趣内涵包括:(一)浓郁的哲理色彩;

    The philosophy property is the succeeding , enriching and development of Chinese poetic arts .

  16. 20世纪宋诗研究综评

    A Comprehensive Review of Song Poems Study during the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  17. 在宋诗独特风貌形成的过程中,韩愈究竟产生了什么影响?

    What contribution did he make in the unique process of song poetry 's accomplishment ?

  18. 宋诗研究近年来有较大进步,但散文研究相对薄弱。

    Research on Song Poems has made progress , but research on prose is weak .

  19. 金诗与宋诗的关系也较辽诗更为密切。

    And it also has a more close relationship with Song poetry than with Liao poetry .

  20. 叶燮《原诗》对唐宋诗之争的理论解析

    Theoretical analysis about the controversy of Tang and Song Poetry in on poems by Ye Xie

  21. 宋代诗学对宋诗此特征作了理论上的回答。

    The poetics in the Song dynasty theoretically responded to this characteristic of the Song poetry .

  22. 近代宋诗派宋诗接受的范型文本与美学视角

    Acceptable Text Norm and Aesthetic Perspective of Modern Song Poetry of " Song Poetry Faction "

  23. 宋诗无论是作家还是作品数量之巨均远胜宋词。

    Song poems surpass Song Ci far hugely regardless of the writers or quantity of the works .

  24. 三是艺术风格不同,唐诗雄浑,而宋诗婉丽。

    In artistic style , Tang poetry is majestic , and Song poetry is graceful and restrained .

  25. 宋诗的理性精神是时代风尚的产物。

    The rational spirit of Song Poetry is the outcome of the prevailing mores in Song Dynasty .

  26. 自南宋始,关于唐诗、宋诗孰优孰劣的问题就一直争执不休,论者各执一端。

    Since the Southern Song Dynasty , the dispute arose about the accomplishments of Tang-shi and Song-shi .

  27. 史与诗的合璧:作为史家身份的赵翼诗歌创新宋诗是中国诗歌史上继唐诗之后的又一高峰。

    The Song Poetry was another climax after the Tang Poetry in the history of the Chinese poetry .

  28. 唐宋诗是中国诗歌史上的两朵奇葩,但有明一代诗必盛唐的强大呼声将宋诗淹没了二百多年。

    The poems of Tang and Song Dynasty are two wonderful works in the history of Chinese poem .

  29. 日本汉学界在宋诗研究领域曾取得令人瞩目的成果。

    In the field of study on poetry during the Song Dynasty , Japanese Sinologists have achieved attracting results .

  30. 音乐与诗歌的结合、分离对唐、宋诗风格的形成有重要的影响。

    To my opinion , music has its regulations to the poems , which affect the style of the poems .