
  • 网络Cloze;Cloze Test;III
  1. 完形填充是完型填空的一种变体形式。

    Gap-filling is one of the varieties of cloze .

  2. 完型填空作为英语试题中的一项综合填空题,能有效地培养和考查学生英语知识的综合运用能力。

    As one type of integrated subjects , cloze can train and examine students ' comprehensive application ability of English effectively .

  3. TEM-4完型填空测试结构效度研究&答题过程分析法

    A study of the construct validity of TEM-4 cloze test : A process approach

  4. 语篇分析在高考完型填空中的应用

    Application of Discourse Analysis in Cloze in National Matriculation English Test

  5. 试析英语阅读教学中完型填空练习的作用

    Roles of Cloze Exercises in the Teaching of English Reading Comprehension

  6. 大学英语测试中完型填空的设计研究

    A Study of Cloze Design in College English Tests

  7. 高考英语常考的两种阅读测试题型是多项选择和多项选择式完型填空。

    The reading testing formats frequently used by NMET include Multiple-Choice and Multiple-Choice Gap-filling .

  8. 语篇的衔接、连贯与完型填空

    Textual Cohesion , Coherence and Cloze Test

  9. 晚上回来还是听了一点完型填空的课。

    Lesson that came back in the evening or heard some type filling a vacancy .

  10. 完型填空试题设计中的常见技术错误

    Common Technical Errors in Cloze Designing

  11. 我希望是客观题&是非题、选择题、完型填空对我来说较容易。

    I hope it 's an objective test & true-false or multiple choice and cloze test are easier for me .

  12. 本文采用完型填空方法,检验情状体优先假设在中国大学生的英语过渡语中是否成立。

    This paper tests the primacy of lexical aspect ( POLA ) hypothesis against English data from Chinese_speaking college learners through cloze passages .

  13. 然而,上海高考英语完型填空测试的是学生的接受性语言技能,而不是产出性语言技能。

    However , cloze tests in Shanghai Matriculation English test mainly measure students ' receptive language skills , rather than productive language skills .

  14. 本篇论文尝试将衔接与连贯理论运用于初中英语完型填空教学,并在此基础上对实验进行了定性与定量相结合的实证研究。

    This thesis has conducted an empirical study by applying cohesion and coherence theory to the teaching of cloze test in junior middle schools .

  15. 虽然大多数学者同意在完型填空中不同的删词方法考了不同的语言能力,但是对于它们具体考了哪些能力学者们却一直没有定论。

    Although most researchers agreed that cloze tests of different ways of deletions assessed different language abilities , there is no consensus that what specific language abilities they measure .

  16. 首先,扩大了一般阅读能力培训的范围,把完型填空和阅读理解当作一个密切关联的整体。

    First , the scope of reading ability was extended to cloze and reading comprehension ( as in the NMET ), with the two parts treated as a closely-related whole .

  17. 实验中,事前完成了一个水平考试的102位英语专业大学新生被邀参加一个含有三篇段落但不同题型的完型填空测试,并在测试完成以后回答问卷。

    They were invited to take one of the cloze tests , each consisting of the same 3 passages in different cloze types and respond to a questionnaire after the test .

  18. 第五部分得出结论,从语法、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空、听力口语和写作等方面适时设置平时测试可以提高测试效果。

    In the Part five , author concludes how to set the aspect of the grammar , vocabulary , reading comprehension , cloze , hearing , oral and writing in English tests .

  19. 文章采用分析、举例、问卷、实验等方法,首先阐述了完型填空的理论基础和特点,其次论述了语篇和语篇分析的理论。

    Research methods used in this thesis are analysis , citing examples , questionnaire and experiment . The thesis outlines first of all the theoretical bases of cloze as well as discourse analysis .

  20. 本文的撰写旨在从理论和实践出发,研究并探讨高考英语完型填空的应试对策以及对英语教学的影响。

    The aim of this paper is to start from theory and practice foundation , and try hard to probe into countermeasures of cloze of NMET and its impacts on English teaching as well .

  21. 完型填空从1953年产生以来,被广泛应用于语言测试,选择完型,开放完型和集库完型是完形填空的三种题型。

    Since its invention in 1953 , cloze test has been widely used in language testing . MC cloze , open cloze , and banked cloze are the three different test methods of cloze .

  22. 专业词汇有助于教师选择教材和教学资料,教师还可以通过语料库提取特定词的语境帮助学生区别近义词,制订选择题和完型填空等习题。

    Teachers can choose textbooks and teaching materials in accord with the typical vocabulary , and work out exercises for synonym distinction , multiple choices and cloze by retrieving the context of a specific word through the corpus .

  23. 本次研究证明了把衔接连贯理论与完型填空相结合对于提高学生的篇章理解能力和综合语言运用能力都是非常行之有效的。

    This study has proved that applying the cohesion and coherence theory to the teaching of cloze tests is an effective way to improve the students ' textual comprehension and at the same time raise their overall language ability .

  24. 此外,笔者还结合本班学生2002的自测成绩提出了学生解题过程中存在的主要问题。并从语篇角度出发,对高考完型填空语篇的连贯和语篇的衔接进行了分析。

    We also point out the main problems during the course of examination connected with my students ' performance in the examine of 2002 . Besides , we will analyze the cohesion and coherence of the cloze test from the aspect of discourse .

  25. 为提高完型填空试题设计的信度,指出并分析了试题长度,删词原则,答案及整体布局等技术错误,为编制试题及进行考核提供了借鉴。

    For higher confidence in cloze designing , this article points out some technical errors concerning the length of the material for cloze , word-deletion principle , keys and the layout , with an analysis for reference when such a test question is to he set .