
dìnɡ xiànɡ yòu biàn
  • Directional mutagenesis;site directed mutagenesis
  1. 本文选用蜡状芽孢杆菌(B.cereus)作为出发菌株,对其进行连续驯化诱导和定向诱变处理,以提高畜禽血红蛋白的降解能力。

    This paper selects Bacillus . cereus ( B. cereus ) as original bacterial strain . In order to improve to decompose poultry blood hemoglobin , Bacillus .

  2. 据报道,该结构域结合S-腺苷甲硫氨酸后,改变了铁硫聚簇的电子顺磁共振光谱,通过定向点诱变鉴定该聚簇中残留的半胱氨酸含量,证明它可以分解S-腺苷甲硫氨酸。

    According to reports , the structure domain-binding S-adenosylmethionine has changed since the clustering of the iron-sulfur EPR spectra , through the directed mutagenesis to determine whether the clustering of cysteine residues in content , to prove that it can be decomposed into S-adenosyl-methionine .

  3. 因此需要使用定向培育、诱变育种和细胞融合等育种方法来选育性状优良的菌株。

    So the traditional breeding mehtods such as mutagenesis breeding and protoplasts fusion are needed in breeding strains with fine characteristics .