
dìng zuò
  • reservation
定座[dìng zuò]
  1. 对不起,您的定座已被取消,原因正在查询。

    Sorry , your reservation has been cancelled , we are inquiring the reason .

  2. ACC公司主要从事航空信息业的软件开发,主要产品有定座、离港、货运、结算以及其他相关系统。

    The ACC company specializes in software development for civil aviation industry with its prime products on air ticket booking , passenger process , cargo , account clearance , and other relative systems .

  3. 定座时间自上午10时起至下午6时止。

    Seats can be booked from 10 am to 6 pm .

  4. 对不起,在您指定的航班里,我们没有查到您的定座记录。

    Sorry , we cannot find your booking record of your assigned flight .

  5. 某些票价含有限制或拒绝您更改或取消定座的条款。

    Certain fares have conditions which limit or exclude your right to change or cancel your reservations .

  6. 在未来,航空公司机票的定座和预定可能属于网络,但在我们到达那里之前,请系好安全带。

    The future of airline reservations and booking may belong to the Net , but fasten your seat belt while we get there .

  7. 遇此种情形,在您定座时,我们会将经营该航空器的承运人告知您。

    If such arrangements apply , we will advise you of the carrier operating the aircraft at the time you make a reservation .

  8. 如果您出具的客票是不定期的,您可根据我们的运价规则和航班座位可利用情况定座。

    When a Ticket is originally issued without a reservation being specified , space may be later reserved subject to our Tariff and the availability of space on the flight requested .