首页 / 词典 / good

  • winding;tortuous
  • as if
  • 曲折:委~。~妙(声音婉转动听)。~转(zhuǎn )(a.辗转;b.同“婉转”)。

  • 仿佛:~然。~如。~若(仿佛,好像)。

  • 姓。

  • 〔大~〕古代西域国名,在中亚西亚。


(曲折) winding; tortuous:

  • 宛转

    tactful; roundabout


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 宛春

    Wan Chun


[书] (仿佛) as if:

  • 音容宛在

    as if the deceased were still alive

  1. 受道家道法自然思想的影响,江南古典园林强调自然景观要素,追求虽由人作,宛自天开的审美境界。

    Based on the Taoist thought of " Imitation of Nature ", the South classical gardens emphasize the key element of the natural landscape , pursue the aesthetic realm that " Done by man , as if since it is made " .

  2. 都铎宛,您在新伯明翰中心区置业的好机会。

    Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham .

  3. 难怪欧盟委员会预测,2009年拉脱维亚GDP可能会萎缩13%,而立陶宛和爱沙尼亚将分别缩水11%。

    No wonder the Commission forecasts that GDP may shrink by 13 per cent in Latvia , 11 per cent in Lithuania and 10 per cent in Estonia in 2009 .

  4. 本研究是基于锚定SSR标记作图策略,利用2个F2群体,选用592对SSR引物,对宛煜嵩等利用重组自交系群体Jinf构建的含有227个SSR标记的图谱的基础上进行整合。

    The integrated soybean genetic linkage map was constructed based on the mapping strategy of anchoring SSR marker using two F2 mapping populations .

  5. 本文以宛川河大桥为工程背景,借助桥梁施工动态过程监控仿真专用计算机软件CSB进行施工控制仿真分析。

    This article takes Wan chuan creek Bridge as the research background , the paper analyzed construction monitoring of the bridge with " bridge of the dynamic process simulation of specialized computer software CSB " for construction simulation and control .

  6. 就在鹿宛与女人们嬉戏

    he was with the girls in the Deer Park .

  7. 小歌剧《吉尔伯特和苏勒宛》中的人物。

    A person who performs in the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan .

  8. 金树城的罗宛伯爵发现女儿被他睡了。

    Lord Rowan of Goldengrove found him in bed with his daughter .

  9. 这对布宛纳巴的党徒是一种教训!

    It will be a lesson to the Bonapartists !

  10. 小麦新品种宛麦369的选育

    The Breeding of New Wheat Variety of Wan-mai 369

  11. 宛西地方精英投身乡村建设的动因分析

    Analysis of the Reasons Why West Wan Elites Devoted into Local Constructive Activity

  12. 作为证据,本人于此正式签定本授权委宛书。

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF I cause this Power of Attorney to be duly signed .

  13. 本文是关于传统地方戏剧&宛梆的个案调查。

    This paper is a case survey of Wanbang , a traditional local drama .

  14. 老实告诉你们,我那外祖父念得还更好听些:他说布宛纳巴退。

    I warn you that my grandfather does better still ; he says Buonaparte ' .

  15. 这封信由后门送进厨房,宛英正在厨下安排晚饭。

    The letter was delivered to kitchen from backdoor when Wanying was preparing dinner there .

  16. 民俗视野中的宛梆艺术

    Wan - Bang Opera Viewed from Folklore

  17. 宛英当然关心。

    Of course Wanying cared about that .

  18. 乡土语境中的艺术呈现&祝寿仪式中的宛梆音乐表演

    Art Demonstration in Local Context & The Performance of Wan bang Music in Birthday Ceremony

  19. 宛在水波的中央漂动;

    Floated midway on the waves ;

  20. 从改革速度上来说,阿尔巴尼亚较快,而立陶宛进展较慢。

    From the pace of reform , Albania , developed faster , and Lithuania developed slower .

  21. 宛,于2003年结婚。

    Wan , married in 2003 .

  22. 那笑容宛在,就是那修长、肌肉结实的身材也依然如故。

    The grin was still there , even the long , lean body with the good muscles .

  23. 与目前很多传统地方戏剧凋敝甚至灭绝的状况相比,宛梆的市场表现好得令人吃惊。

    Although many traditional local dramas have withered or even become extinct , Wanbang is surprisingly popular .

  24. 他尽责地从头到尾不离席地看宛那些他职责上必检查的影片。

    He conscientiously sat through the movies which it was one of his official duties to censors .

  25. 一口气跑到了宛市,把鬼摔在地下。

    He reached the city of Wan in one breath and threw the ghost to the ground .

  26. 嗨,鲍斯,你准备把宛诺拉和你那些小家伙都带回家么?

    Hey , bors , do you intend to take Vanora and all your little bastards back home ?

  27. 于是,老宛独自一人踏上了讨债之路。

    Thus , old Wan had to set foot on the road of debt collection on his own .

  28. 山槐树皮水提取物对球毛壳菌和宛氏拟青霉菌有抑制效果,但很微弱。

    There is soft restrain effect of Wild Siris bark extract with in water on soft rot fungus and Penicillium .

  29. 一种鸟,尤其指雀形目鸟中鸣禽亚目中的一种,其歌声或叫声宛啭动听。

    A bird , especially one of the suborder Oscines of passerine birds , having a melodious song or call .

  30. 我们只能假设,这件历史艺术珍宝的黄金被溶解,珠宝被宛出,流入了黑市。

    Presumably , this historical artifact was melted down , stripped of its jewels , and funneled into the Black Market .