
  1. 10亿颗宜居星球。

    There might be a billion habitable planets in our galaxy .

  2. 澳大利亚的天文学家发现了太阳系外的一个潜在的宜居星球。这颗超级地球是迄今为止离我们最近的一颗,距地球仅仅14光年。

    Australian astronomers have discovered the closest potentially habitable planet found outside our solar system so far - a super-Earth located just 14 light years away .

  3. 我们现在观测的可能的宜居星球离我们有好几十光年,所以他们不太可能听得到我们的老故事。

    The potentially habitable exoplanets we 've spotted so far are dozens of light-years away , so the odds are they aren 't currently repeating our catchphrases .

  4. 原因在于:尽管尚未有人能给出存在地外生命的确凿证据,但过去两年间,天文学家们了解到,我们的银河系遍布着数以百亿的宜居星球。

    The reasoning is this : While no one has yet offered decisive proof for life beyond Earth , in the past two years astronomers have learned that tens of billions of habitable planets suffuse our galaxy .

  5. 体积与地球相差无几、同样位于宜居带,这两个条件使开普勒-186f成为候选的宜居星球。

    Both its Earthlike size and its location in the habitable zone are what make Kepler-186f a more likely candidate to accommodate life .