
  • 网络physical resources;practicality
  1. 于是,社会网络成为提供创业企业生存和发展所需资金、实物资源、人力资源和信息资源的重要渠道。

    Therefore , social network has become a predominant and important approach to getting access to essential resources ( capital , physical resources , human resources , and information resources ) for new entrepreneurial firms ' survival and early growth .

  2. 知识经济体现的是对知识的增长和物质的节约,即知识通过融入实物资源之中、把实物资源组织起来和增强行为主体的理解力等三种途径实现对实物资源的节约。

    A knowledge-based economy always reflects the growth of knowledge and material savings , that is , through the three ways of integration of knowledge and physical resources , the organization of physical resources and the enhancement of actors ' understanding capacity to achieve the physical resource conservation .

  3. 将资源指标分为技术资源、营销资源、战略组织资源、实物资源、关系资源,将核心能力分为外部关联能力、市场整合能力、技术整合能力、战略管理整合能力。

    The resources are divided into technological resource , marketing resource , strategic resource , material resource and relational resource .

  4. 用媒体表示所有应用于教与学过程的实物资源,主要包括设施、设备和材料;

    That is , media are referred to substantial resources used in process of teaching and learning , mainly including facilities , equipment and materials ;

  5. 在探讨近岸海洋的定义及其资源构成的基础上,将近岸海洋环境资源划分为三类,即实物资源、空间资源和生态系统服务功能;

    On the basis of the definition and composition of marine environmental resources , the discussion of an evaluation framework of the marine environmental resources was made .

  6. 国内外对野生动物资源的利用,除了实物资源的消耗性经济利用之外,以野生动物为对象的休闲旅游活动也是一个重要组成部分。

    The utilization of wildlife resources also includes the important parts of the wildlife recreation besides the consumptive economic utilization of material resources at home and abroad .

  7. 作为专门经营货币资本的部门,银行不直接创造物质财富,它是通过对实体经济的服务来提高实物资源的配置效率,从而促进经济发展的。

    As the department specialized in managing money , banks don 't make substantial fortune , but they improve the allocative efficiency of substantial resources by providing service , thereby to promote the development of economy .

  8. 克服物流减量化的障碍,实现大物流体系这一复杂巨系统内的协作与有序竞争,政府应该发挥关键作用,提供物流公共品,其中有实物资源,但更重要的是制度等软资源。

    To overcome the obstacle of MF reduction and realize the cooperation and competition in order , the government should take the key role in supplying logistical public goods , in which there are practicality and especially the system soft resources .

  9. 主要从文本资源、历史实物资源、民间传说资源、人力资源、网络电子资源等几个方面对周口市乡土历史课程资源的基本情况进行分析,了解和分析周口市乡土资源各个方面的特点和优势。

    Mainly from the text resources , physical resources , history , folklore , human resources , networked electronic resources and other aspects of local history curriculum resources Zhoukou the basic situation analysis , understanding and analysis of all aspects of Zhoukou City native features and resources advantage .

  10. “在我们的客户中,从主权财富基金到高净值人士,都希望有机会投资于实物自然资源,”巴克莱资本负责该基金的董事总经理马克布朗(markbrown)说。

    " Our clients , from sovereign wealth funds to high net worth individuals , want opportunities to invest in physical natural resources , " mark brown , a managing director at Barclays Capital who heads the fund , said .

  11. 信息资源应当分为体载信息资源、文献信息资源、实物信息资源和网络信息资源四种类型。

    Information resources can be classified into the following four types : object carried information resources , document information resources , tangible information resources and network information resources .

  12. 木质纤维素作为一种可再生的能源和实物性资源,其价格低廉、来源广泛,对缓解能源和资源危机起着重要的作用。

    As a kind of renewable energy and resource , lignocellulose has a low price and a wide source , so can effectively alleviate energy and resource crisis .

  13. 实物期权的资源能力基础

    Resource-based Real Options Power

  14. 基于实物期权的煤炭资源投资决策方法研究

    Study on methods of the coal resources investment decision based on real option

  15. 在行业用水投入系数和产出系数的基础上构造用水效率和用水效益评价指标,从而对国民经济行业用水特性进行综合评价。效率的含义是降低单位实物产出的水资源消耗量;

    With the water resource Input-output table , the status of water use efficiency and profit are discussed .

  16. 第2章研究考察实物资本乃至全部资源配置效率的理论方法。

    Chapter 2 extends the study to the level of listed company , examines the efficiency of material capital as well as total resource allocation .

  17. 本文论述了资源宏观预警中要进一步处理好的宏观与微观、长期与短期、长线与短线、单项与综合、实物与价值、资源与资产、速度与效益、绝对与相对等几组关系。

    The article analyses the several relations of macroscopic to microcosmic , long-term to short-term , long-line to short-line , single to comprehensive , matter to value , resource to property , speed to benefit , absolute to relative in the practice of marcroscopic resource prewarning .