
  • 网络parenchyma;parenchymal tissue
  1. 脓肾是一种严重的肾脏化脓性感染,肾实质组织遭到广泛性破坏,大量坏死组织与肾脏形成一巨大脓腔。

    Renal abscess is a severe purulent kidney infection , kidney parenchyma was extensive damage to a large number of necrotic tissue and to form a large abscess cavity .

  2. 5-HT免疫活性内分泌细胞在涡虫体内有少量的发现,主要分布在肠道周围的实质组织中。

    A small quantity of 5-HT immune active endocrine cells are found in planarian , mainly distribute in parenchyma around the gut .

  3. 结果:治后1-7d,在虫的皮层、合体细胞、肌束、实质组织、肠管上皮细胞和卵黄细胞等均发现超微结构变化。

    RESULTS : One to 7 d after treatment , ultrastructural damage by artemether were apparent in the tegument , syncytium , musculature , parenchymal tissues , intestinal epithelial cells and vitelline cells .

  4. 出生后乳腺发育要经历青春期、妊娠期、泌乳期、退化期多个时期,在这期间乳腺的结构和功能都将发生很大变化,乳腺实质组织和脂肪组织剧烈变化。

    Postnatal mammary gland development was divided into a few stages , including virgin , pregnancy , lactation and involution , during which the mammary gland exhibited significant structural and functional changes , especially in the mammary essential tissue and adipose tissue .

  5. 结论:肾实质部分组织的严重损伤,TAE应列为首选治疗方法。

    Conclusions : TAE was the best method for severe renal trauma .

  6. 目的:为寻找正常肝与异常肝之间纹理变化的定量标准,本文根据肝实质的组织结构特征、应用纹理分析的局部运算原理设计了四邻接点算法。

    Objective : It is to find the quantitative criteria of texture changes between normal liver and abnormal liver .

  7. 本文分别从社会整合的精神实质、组织体制、整合原则三个层面讨论社会整合与执政环境的逻辑关联与理论连接。

    This paper from the essence of social integration , organizational structure , the principles of the three levels of integration on social integration and the logic governing the environment associated with the theoretical connection .

  8. 弗雷德里克森对标杆管理进行剖析,指出标杆管理的实质是组织为了摆脱当时的困境对管理比较好的组织的模仿,这并不是组织变革和创新。

    Frederickson analyzed the benchmarking and pointed out that the essence of benchmarking was an imitation to an organization with better management to get rid of the dilemma but not the organizational change and innovation .

  9. 进入模式是企业海外市场运作的一种制度安排,其实质是组织租金的创造与分配。

    Substantively , a model of entry is an institutional arrangement chosen by the firm to operate in the foreign market , and the ultimate purpose of entry mode choice is to generate and distribute the organizational rents .

  10. 认为超声手术刀更适合于肝、牌等实质性组织的切割,如在操作柄、刀具、仪器性能等方面能进一步改进,应用效果会更好。

    We considered that the ultrasonic scalpel is more suitable to cut substantive tissue such as liver , spleen . If some improvements were made in hold handle , cutting tool , the performance of the instrument and so on , its effect of application might be better .

  11. 该系统无需基站等基础设施支持,自组网络TDMA通信是AIS技术的核心实质,自组织、自恢复组网通信能力较强。

    This kind of system does not require infrastructure support such as base stations . Ad hoc TDMA communication is the core of AIS technology , providing strong self-organizing and self-recovering networking communication capability .

  12. 关于经络实质是身体组织间压力带的思路

    Meridian System May Be an Interstitial Pressure Band System of the Body

  13. 该两种酶、尤其是多聚半乳糖醛酸酶影响了果实质地及组织的稳固结构。

    Those two enzymes , especially the PG , had effects on the stability of fruit structure .

  14. 因此,组织文化是组织中极为重要的知识,组织文化的核心和实质,是组织文化的知识体系。

    Knowledge constructs the main core of organizational culture . So organizational culture is the knowledge of great importance in the organization .

  15. 中间组织实际上是多个企业形成的动态联盟和网络结构,其实质是强调组织间的合作关系。

    Actually , inter-organization is dynamic alliance and network framework which formed by many firms , the essential is cooperation among organizations .

  16. 图书馆传统文献组织与网络信息组织的实质是知识组织,分类法和主题法是知识组织的基本方法。

    The essence of library traditional document organization and web information organization is knowledge organization , which basic methods include classification and subject .

  17. 在此基础上,分析知识组织智能化与现代目录学的关系,认为现代书目情报活动的实质是知识组织,知识组织智能化是现代目录学的基本特征。

    The authors consider that the essential of modern bibliographic information activity is knowledge organization , and intelligential knowledge organization is the basic character of modern bibliography .

  18. 党管干部是党政领导干部选拔任用的根本原则,其实质是党组织引导、支持人民选拔、管理、监督干部。

    The principle of the party assuming the responsibility for cadres ' affairs is the basic principle of cadre selection and appointment work of the party and government .

  19. 本病系肾实质间叶组织肿瘤,因含较多脂肪组织,故X线平片肾肿块区有不规则斑片状密度减低透亮区。

    This disease is renal mesenchymal tumor and because of more fat tissues , it can show a characteristic irregular patchy radiolucent area in the renal mass in the x-ray plain film .

  20. 而科技特派员进行农业推广的过程,实质上是组织与教育农民、改变农民行为的过程,具有明显的教育属性。

    The course of agricultural extension , Is the process of the organization and educating farmers essentially , is the process of changing the behavior of farmers , have the nature of education .

  21. 其实质是合理组织城市土地利用,使城市土地利用方式、结构和关系适应社会经济发展目标,提高城市土地利用率和产出率,改善城市生态环境的过程。

    Its substance is to re-arrange rationally urban land utilization , to make the method , structure and relationship of urban land utilization fit in with the target of economic social development , to increase utilization ratio and productivity ratio of urban land , and to improve urban ecological environment .

  22. 它的实质是个人通过组织化的形式实现和维护自己的权利。

    Its essence is achieved and maintains their own rights in the form of the organization .

  23. 实质主要由淋巴组织和血窦构成,可分为中央区及外周区。

    The parenchyma , in which obvious trabecula wasn t found , was chiefly composed of lymphoid tissue and blood sinuses .

  24. 立法审议组织结构调整的过程实质就是立法审议组织结构变迁的过程。

    In fact , the process that adjusts deliberative organization and relevant structure is the process of structural changing of deliberation organization .

  25. 同时免疫实验证实了中药在炎症中保护了实质的器官及组织,减低了损伤程度。

    And the immunity test prove Chinese herb can protect parenchymal organ and tissues , relieve degree of the damage in the inflammations .

  26. 考虑到组织文化概念的抽象性,本文是以个案的形式,通过事实途径来研究学校组织文化的实质,并对组织文化建设进行系统思考。

    The writer tries to study the core of school organization culture in individual case , and make a thorough thinking in school organization culture construct .

  27. 就其实质来说,产业组织模式是确定产业内企业之间关系的制度安排,确定了产业内企业之间的竞争与分工合作关系。

    The essence of industrial organization model is a kind of institutional arrangement about the organizational relationship of the division of labor and cooperation among the enterprise inside the industry .