
shí yàn wù chā
  • experimental error
  1. RLC串联谐振电路实验误差的分析及改进

    An Analysis and Amelioration of the Experimental Error on RLC Series Resonance Circuit

  2. 本文详尽描述了用穆斯堡尔无反冲因子(f)法测定晶体的德拜特征温度(θD)的原理和方法,并讨论了该方法的实验误差及原理的不完善性。

    The principle and procedure of determining Debye characterstic temperature (θ D ) by MOssbauer recoil-free factor are described in detail . The experimental error and the imperfection of the principle are discussed .

  3. 液体闪烁计数法应用于~(14)C年代测定的实验误差分析

    Analysis of experimental errors in liquid scintillation counting in radiocarbon dating

  4. 落体法测g实验误差的研究

    Research on the errors in the experiment of measuring g with the falling body method

  5. 对中能以上的电子剂量响应在实验误差范围内、与电子平衡条件下~(60)Coγ辐射剂量响应相同;

    Equivalent response for gamma rays from ~ ( 60 ) Co and electrons with the high energy ;

  6. 本文对落体法测g实验误差进行了深入研究。

    A deep research on the errors in the experiment of measuring g with the method of falling body is conducted .

  7. 后来,今年2月23日,该团队的研究人员承认,他们用以使中微子束两端的原子钟同步的全球定位系统(gps)信号中发现了可能导致实验误差的来源。

    But then , on February 23rd , its researchers owned up to discovering what could be a source of experimental error in the global positioning system ( GPS ) signals used to synchronise atomic clocks at either end of the neutrino beam .

  8. 用NE213谱仪测量了dT中子的075~15MeV泄漏中子能谱,能量大于075MeV的中子的穿透率为084±003,中子能谱实验误差为5%~7%。

    The leakage neutron spectrum is measured using NE 213 spectrometer . The energy range of measured neutron spectrum is 0.75 ~ 15 MeV . The overall experimental error is 5 % ~ 7 % .

  9. 在实验误差允许的范同内Cu-Al2O3复合材料电导率的优选模型一与实验值吻合很好。

    Within the scope of experiment error permitted , the optimally selected model 1 anastomose the experiment values very well .

  10. 对于CO2的v3振动模,光解产生的D~与CO2的第一次碰撞形成CO2分子的振动激发的假说是在实验误差范围内的。

    In the case of CO_2 ν _3 vibrational mode , the assumption that the first collision of an initially generated D ~ with CO_2 produces the vibrational excitation is within experiment error The effect of the second collision is less than 1 / 10 of the first collision .

  11. LDPE在N6/LDPE/EVA其混物中比在N6/LDPE共混物中有较低的熔化热,但其熔点在实验误差范围内保持不变。

    The heat of fusion of LDPE in the blends of N6 / LDPE / EVA is less than that in the blends of N6 / LDPE . The melting point of LDPE is same for all the blends within the limits of experimental error .

  12. 分别按Vegard定律和亚规则溶液模型对点阵参数和摩尔体积的数据与摩尔分数的关系进行数学回归,表明两解析式的预测精度均在实验误差范围内。

    According to Vegard 's law-or sub-regular solution model , the relationship between a or Vm and the compositions of alloy is obtained by the mathematic regressive method , the prediction precisions of both the formulae are within the limits of experiment error .

  13. 该衰减器解决了632.8nm多膜氦氖激光器出射光为非完全自然光且偏振面随时间做随机变化导致实验误差的问题,为偏光信息测试系统提供了相对稳定的激光光源。

    This attenuator helps to eliminate experimental errors caused by 623.8 nm multimode He-Ne laser 's non-complete natural light and changing random of polarization plane with time , and thus provides relatively stable laser light source for polarized light information testing system .

  14. 霍耳元件测螺线管磁场分布实验误差分析

    Error Analysis of Measuring Solenoid 's Magnetic Field by Hall Effect

  15. 降低脉冲法停留时间分布实验误差的途径

    On Reducing the Error in RTD Determination with Pulse Injection Used

  16. 对于实验误差进行了分析、讨论,提出了我们实验中的三个误差来源。

    Three possible sources of error in our experiment are discussed .

  17. 浅谈药物分析化学中容量分析实验误差

    Discussion on Experimental Error in Measure Analysis of Pharmaceutical Analysis Chemistry

  18. 求解接触问题的一种新的实验误差法

    A new test error method to solve the contact problems

  19. 用蒙特卡罗法研究线性滴定法的实验误差

    Monte Carlo method for the Study of Experimental Error in Linear Titration

  20. 浅析应用光栅方程满足的实验误差条件

    Initial analysis on the experimental error conditions of applying the grating equation

  21. 沙摆实验误差分析

    Study on the error in the experiment of sand pendulum

  22. 物理量的数学平均值和物理实验误差

    The Mathematical Mean of the Physical Quantity and the Physical Experimental Error

  23. 一种减小改装电表实验误差的有效方法

    An effective way of minimizing errors in the experiment of remaking electric meters

  24. 还就可能出现的实验误差进行了分析。

    Sources of error in the experiment are discussed .

  25. 以后的实验误差降到1%。

    Later experiments reduced the uncertainty to 1 percent .

  26. 该方法具有实验误差小、使用样品少、操作简单等优点。

    The method is preferable with high precision and less usage of sample .

  27. 谈实验误差理论教学

    A Discussion on the Teaching of Experiment Error Theory

  28. 为减少实验误差,使该评价方法更加准确、可靠,我们对其影响因素进行了研究。

    To make it more accurate and credible , correlate factors were studied .

  29. 在实验误差范围内,测量值和计算值符合.(2)电脑彩超;

    ON HUMAN ERROR ( 2 ) computed sonography .

  30. 物理实验误差理论图析

    Analyses of Error Theories for physical Experiments with Graphs