
shěn chá yuán
  • examiner;inspector;investigator
  1. 当审查员问他的工作是什么,卡梅尔无法回答。

    When Inspector asks what his job is , Camel cannot answer .

  2. 词审查员滑倒入他的梦想。

    The word inspector slips into his dream .

  3. 导演反对按审查员的指令作删剪。

    The director objected to the cuts ordered by the censor .

  4. 英国审查员将这部电影定为15岁以上级。

    The film was given a 15 rating by British censors .

  5. 因此实际上到底有多少审查员是个谜团。

    So the number of inspectors that actually exist is a mystery .

  6. 审查员删去了该书的精华以取悦于总统

    The censors eviscerated the book to make it inoffensive to the President .

  7. 这群审查员甚至不能向自己的父母透露他们真正的职业,

    These inspectors are not even allowed to disclose to their parents their actual line of work ,

  8. 米其林请来被称为“审查员”的秘密评论家,他们偷偷造访餐厅并决定餐厅类别。

    Michelin hires undercover reviewers called " inspectors6 " ? that travel to restaurants secretly and decide their category .

  9. RequestAssistanceDocument在案例分析过程中,审查员请求协助分析案例。

    Request Assistance Document During case analysis , the examiner requests assistance on the case .

  10. 质量保证经理(QA)负责主审查员和审查员的资质。

    The QA Manager is responsible for qualification of lead auditors and auditors .

  11. 反而,他们吸收了有些审查员本地供应商或CM(联络制造业)外出的检查的,但是由供应商支付了。

    Instead , they have recruited some Inspectors on-site Suppliers or CM ( Contact Manufacturing ) for Out-going Inspection , but paid by the Suppliers .

  12. SolicitElectronicEvidenceDocument缺陷审查员开始这个流程来获取一些电子证据文档,这些文档支持来自此案例中确定的源的案例指控。

    Solicit Electronic Evidence Document A disability examiner begins the process to obtain electronic evidence documents that support case allegations from the sources identified in the case .

  13. AssignCasetoPrimaryExaminer系统中的每个案例都被分配给一个缺陷审查员,该审查员负责开发案例并在整个确定流程中管理事件。

    Assign Case to Primary Examiner Every case in the system is assigned to a disability examiner who is responsible for developing the case and managing it through the determination process .

  14. 用这种方式,PBR为每个审查员提供一个详细的、良好衔接的焦点。

    In this manner , PBR offers each reviewer a specific , well-articulated focus .

  15. 常务董事负责遵照本程序要求,对质量保证经理(QA)的注册审查员资质和认证进行评审。

    The Managing Director is responsible for reviewing qualification and certification of the QA Manager as a registered auditor in accordance with this procedure .

  16. 为什么AFF审查员不贴一个标示说明这是限制级影像?

    Why do AFF censors post warning that this is an explicit or erotic video ?

  17. 后来,美国前财长汉克保尔森(HankPaulson)告诉负责雷曼破产的审查员:福尔德是一个只听悦耳言论的人。

    Later , Hank Paulson , former US Treasury secretary , told the Lehman bankruptcy examiner that Mr Fuld was a person who heard only what he wanted to hear .

  18. 各种信息在互联网上的公开,便会针对专利法意义上的新颖性和现有技术产生影响,在1996年,欧洲专利局(EPO)进行了一次测试,以调查审查员对互联网的使用。

    Thus , the disclosure on the Internet of the information challenges the conception of novelty and prior art in the sense of patent law . In 1996 , EPO brought a test to the examiners to investigate the use of the Internet .

  19. 他的下一部影片又和审查员们发生了冲突。

    His next film led to another collision with the censors .

  20. 一路走来,他接受了审查员们最为严格的审查。

    He tested the limits of the censors along the way .

  21. 吉尔在职业生涯的早期阶段还做过专利审查员。

    Early in his career gill was a patent examiner .

  22. 你是第一个这么关心剧本的审查员。

    Y ou 're the first censor ever to care this much .

  23. 官方审查员删掉了报告中有争议地方。

    The official censors have excised the controversial sections of the report .

  24. 这个星期,专利审查员同意再次更索赔。

    This week , the patent examiner agreed again on even more claims .

  25. 审查员觉得那部电影扰乱人心,不宜公开放映。

    The censors felt that the movie was too disturbing for general viewing .

  26. 审查员假装没看到这项事实。

    The examiner shut his eyes to the fact .

  27. 他的报导被审查员扣压不许刊登。

    His reports were blacked out by the censor .

  28. 电影审查员剪去了骂人的话。

    The censor - ped the swearing words .

  29. 有两个镜头被审查员剪掉了。

    Two scenes were cut by the censor .

  30. 该剧本遭审查员查禁。

    The play was banned by the censor .