
  • 网络hakka literature
  1. 丘逢甲&台湾近代客家文学之祖

    Qiu Fengjia : The Originator of Modern Taiwan Hakka Literature

  2. 论客家文学的文化特征

    On the Culture Characteristics of Hakka Literature

  3. 从文学地理学论宁都客家文学

    From the Literary Geography to See Ning du Hakka Culture

  4. 海外客家文学,是反映海外客家人生活的文学。

    The overseas Hakkas literature aims to mirror the life of overseas Hakkas .

  5. 文学史的传统与新质&兼论《客家文学史纲》

    The Tradition and Newness of Literature History & Talk about Hakka Literature History Compendium ;

  6. 海外客家文学及其前景展望&从黄遵宪的《番客篇》说起

    Overseas Hakkas Literature and Its Prospects

  7. 展望21世纪的海外客家文学,寄希望于客属新移民。

    Thus the prospects for the Hakkas literature in the21th century lies in new Hakkas immigrants .

  8. 本来,“台语文学”应包括客家文学,但鉴于鹤佬话的影响力远远超过客家话,故客家文学只好另张新帜。

    The influence of Hakka has weakened so much that Hakka literature has been excluded from Taiwanese literature and become a new school .

  9. 客家地域文学的乡土性及其人文思想研究

    A Study of Localism and Humanistic Thoughts in Hakka Literature

  10. 粤北客家民间文学简述

    Summarizing on Hakka Folk Literature in the North of Guangdong

  11. 什么是客家民间文学?

    What is Hakkas ' folk literature ?

  12. 藉此研究呈现客家口语文学在文化上的价值。

    With this study I hope to show the cultural value of the Hakka 's oral literature .

  13. 太平天国颁布和发出的大量谕旨、命令和刊刻的书籍,多用客家民间文学体例,并以俗语、方言、俚语和客家歌谣的形式出现。

    A large quantity of imperial edicts , orders and inscribed books promulgated and issued by the Heavenly Kingdom of Taiping were used mainly in Hakkas folk literature styles , and in the form of colloquialism , dialect , slang and Hakkas ballad .

  14. 思考与回归:客家文化与郭沫若文学创作思想的深层构成

    Thinking and Regression : Hakka Culture and Deep Constitution of Guo Mo-ruo 's Literature Creation

  15. 弘扬本土文化恢复客家尊严&谈台湾的客家文学

    On Taiwan 's Hakka Literature

  16. 客家传统文化氛围中,崇文重教的风尚,崇信风水观念,独特的生存环境,使赣南客家文学与中国古典文学一脉相承,繁荣兴盛,又具有浓郁的地方特色。

    Hakkas traditional culture among the atmosphere , tradition taught again , believe in the geomantic omen idea , unique living environment , make gannan Hakkas ' literature direct successor of Chinese classical literature , prosper the prosperity , have a strong local characteristic .