
  • 网络customer development
  1. 总部设在达拉斯的依视路美国公司(EssilorofAmerica)是一家光学镜片生产商,该公司客户拓展部高级副总裁、验光师霍华德•珀塞尔(HowardPurcell)说,太阳镜必须要能够阻挡紫外线。

    Howard Purcell , an optometrist and senior vice president of customer development at Dallas-based Essilor of America , a manufacturer of optical lenses , says sunglasses should block UV light .

  2. 资费套餐在电信PAS客户拓展中的分析应用

    Analysis and application of fees prix fixe in developing telecom PAS customers

  3. 巨流传媒正以媒体传播聚合力,为企业客户拓展多元化的营销渠道与合作空间。

    DITM will keep on expanding multi-layers marketing channels and cooperation space for enterprise customers with media communication convergence .

  4. 总部设在弗吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚海滩的软件解决方案供应商StratusLIVE正在招客户拓展专员。招聘广告称,“理想的求职者必须是数字原生代”,能迅速适应新技术。

    Virginia Beach , VA-based software solutions firm , StratusLIVE , is currently seeking alead generation specialist to join its team and according to its ad , the " ideal candidate must be a digital native " who adapts quickly to new technologies .

  5. 中资银行对私客户业务拓展渠道的研究

    The Research on Channels of Developing Private Customers in Chinese-funded Banks

  6. 陕西省电信公司集团客户市场拓展方案研究

    A Study on Group-customer Market Exploitation Plan of China Telecom Shaanxi Branch

  7. ■提出了基于本体表达的客户需求拓展和聚类模型。研究了客户需求的挖掘和预测方法。

    The method to mine and predict customers ' requirements is proposed .

  8. 因此,通过合作,双方可以针对不同的市场、不同的客户进行拓展。

    Therefore , through cooperation , the two sides can target different markets and different customers expand .

  9. 山东网通大客户分析与拓展研究

    Study on Key Account 's Analysis & Development in Shandong CNC

  10. 支持重点客户的市场拓展。

    Support major accounts marketing development .

  11. 招行将利用已有的客户资源,拓展客户上下游的金融服务。

    Zhao will be using existing resources , and expand , on the lower reaches of financial services .

  12. 兄弟连目前拥有完善的拓展训练设施,一流的教练团队,能满足不同客户不同的拓展训练要求。

    Brother link have the consummation development training facilities at present , the first-class training team , can satisfy the different customer different development training request .

  13. 结论医院客户关系管理拓展了医院信息系统的功能,有助于病人资源的管理,对不同的客户群体针对性地采取差异性服务,有利于保持和增加病人资源,提高医院效益。

    Conclusion Hospital CRM could develop the function of hospital information system to help hospital managers to control the patient resources , offer diverse services to the different customer groups , protect and increase patient resources and improve hospital benefit .

  14. 针对客户市场的拓展,在建立客户关系的基础上,对客户价值进行量化和评定,从而按照评定的财务层次,社交层次和战略层次实施关系营销,并提出了强化挽留客户的措施。

    On the basis of establishment of customer relationship , to expand target market , we quantize and assess customer value ; therefore , we execute relation marketing and put forward measures to save customers according to financial level , social level and strategic level appraised .

  15. 本文在广告服务定价策略进行分析的基础上,以求实现拓展C公司的市场、留住存量客户、吸引新拓展客户和提高市场占有额的目标。

    The advertising service pricing strategy based on C company , expand market , retain stock of customers , attract new customers and increase the market share expansion .

  16. 奥地利VEC欧洲商业咨询有限公司(VEC)致力于向其亚洲,欧洲和南美客户提供国际市场拓展服务。

    VEC Venture Europe Consulting GmbH ( VEC ) is a Austria based company , which is engaged in international expansion services to Asia , Europe , and South American clients in commercial vehicle industry .

  17. 许多行业领袖如我们的客户,帮助我们拓展了视野。

    Many industry leaders as our clients help me widen my vision .

  18. 即银行在没有垄断优势时,可以发挥比较优势为前提,以服务于本国客户为核心,拓展海外市场。

    Although without monopoly advantage , the bank can take the comparative advantage as a premise , serving the native customer as the core , expand the overseas market .

  19. 作为服务类产业的港口企业,只有不断提高自身的服务质量,才能稳定原有客户,并不断拓展新的市场,最终在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。

    Since port enterprise is a kind of service industry , only by improving the quality of service , can the port enterprises stabilize existing clients , at the same time , continue to expand into new markets .

  20. 将整合企业资源,发挥企业独特竞争优势的思路贯穿于整个战略中,主要的战略包括重点客户战略、业务拓展战略、制度改革战略、科技创新战略等方面。

    The soul of the strategy is to integrate the resource and exert the unique competitive advantage of the Development District Bank and it consist of super customers strategy , business development strategy , institution innovation strategy and the technology innovation strategy .

  21. 在新创企业成长过程中,利益主导的客户网络是企业生存和发展的关键,客户在业务拓展、信息支持、资金支持等方面给予农民工企业主很大的支持和帮助,确保企业持续发展。

    On the process of business growing , network of customers that is interest-oriented is the key to the survival and development of enterprises . Customers are giving great support and help in business development , information support , financial support and so on .

  22. 我们已经为众多海外客户提供最有竞争力的中国商品采购代理服务,使得客户拓展业务能始终保持领先地位!

    We have for many overseas customers with the most competitive China 's commodity procurement agency services , enabling customers to expand their business to always maintain the leading position !

  23. 最后探讨了客户分析对客户发展和客户维持的影响。山东网通大客户分析与拓展研究

    The second part mainly discussed the customer analysis . Study on Key Account 's Analysis & Development in Shandong CNC

  24. 本文研究的高端客户理财规划方案不但有助于T银行理财业务的大力发展,而且有助于对高端客户的维护和拓展。同时也能帮助高端客户更好地认识理财业务。

    The study about financial planning in this article has referenced the significance to other domestic commercial banks in developing wealth management business , moreover , helped high-end customers a better understanding of the wealth management business .

  25. 电信大客户经理管理系统就是要支持和帮助电信企业建立适合管理和激励特点的大客户经理考核激励管理体系和规章制度,以信息平台鼓励和促进客户经理人员努力拓展市场。

    The telecom VIP ( Very Important Person ) customer manager management system aims at supporting and helping telecom enterprises build VIP customer management evaluation and motivation system and bylaw , encourage and promote customer manger to make great efforts in expanding markets through information platform .