
  • Account Manager;Customer Manager;account executive
  1. 2009年的时候,她被GraybarElectric公司从战略客户经理的职位上解雇。她在公司工作了五年,并在其间开始变性。

    In 2009 , she was fired as a strategic account manager at Graybar Electric , where she had worked for five years , during which time she transitioned .

  2. 来自旧金山的销售客户经理Schumacher本会喜欢这种交谈。

    Schumacher , the sales account manager from San Francisco , would have appreciated having that conversation .

  3. 他从送信员一步一步晋升为客户经理。

    He worked his way up from messenger boy to account executive .

  4. 基于电力CRM的大客户经理制的实践研究

    Appliance of Key Customer Manager System Based on Electric Customer Relationship Management

  5. 我国银行业客户经理制度的推广和应用,在加入WTO后给中国银行业带来的冲击和影响下,开始进入快速发展阶段。

    After china joined WTO , it caused great impact and influence upon Chinese banks . Therefore , the client & manager system is in rapid exertion .

  6. DanGisolfi是IBM的jStartemergingtechnologies小组的客户经理兼解决方案设计师。

    Gisolfi is an engagement manager and solution architect for IBM 's jStart emerging technologies team .

  7. 试论KN涂料公司大客户经理的绩效考核

    Discussion on the performance evaluation of key customer manager in KN coating company

  8. 我国商业银行为了成功应对加入WTO,近年来相继建立和推行了客户经理制度。

    To cope with the challenge caused by entering the WTO , our country 's commercial banks have set up and performed the customer manager system in the past few years .

  9. 环境管理咨询公司EMSIEngineering客户经理面试题。

    EMSI Engineering ( Account Manager )

  10. 我是首席客户经理&访中国银行江西分行行长方红光因此,中国上市公司高管存在一定程度的RPE证据。

    Therefore , there is some evidence of RPE in chief executives of China 's listed enterprises .

  11. 狄乔(DanDiCio)是美国匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)的一名客户经理,多年从事高科技设备的销售工作。

    After years in sales , Dan Di Cio , a Pittsburgh account executive , was aiming for'a breakout season'selling high-tech equipment .

  12. 利昂的老板,也是他的Facebook好友把利昂的这条信息转给了鹰队一位客户经理,结果是利昂被炒了鱿鱼。

    Leon 's boss , the Facebook good friend that also is him turns this information of Leon to accipitral team manager of a client , the result is Leon was fried squid .

  13. 信贷业务是AB银行最主要的利润来源,信贷客户经理作为信贷业务的主要销售力量,其胜任力水平对于银行的业绩表现有着重要影响。

    Credit is the most important business of AB Bank . As the revenue makers , the competency level of credit customer managers influence the performance of the bank a lot .

  14. 花旗集团于1985年聘用了刚刚获得沃顿商学院MBA学位的彼得森,然后他通过工作表现逐步获得晋升,从阿根廷企业银行部门客户经理职位晋升到哥斯达黎加区域经理,此后又曾担任乌拉圭区域经理。

    Citi hired Peterson in1985 , fresh from Wharton 's MBA program , and he worked his way up from corporate banking role in Argentina to country manager in Costa Rica and then Uruguay .

  15. 文章以KN涂料公司为例来分析大客户经理如何进行绩效考核及如何构建大客户经理的关键绩效指标考核体系。

    This test has analyzed how to evaluate the performance of key customer manager and how to construct the KPI system of key customer manager in KN coating company .

  16. 实际上,他在软件开发团队中的各个职位都工作过,包括了项目经理,客户经理,指导员,程序员,DBA,业务分析员,和技术类作者。

    He has held virtually every position on a software development project team , including project manager , account manager , coach , programmer , DBA , business analyst , and technical writer .

  17. 最后提出BS电信公司政企客户经理能力与业绩评估体系实施保证,如保证的措施,政策、操作方法以及控制方法等等。

    Finally , the paper put forward the implementation guarantee for the government-enterprise customers ' competence and performance evaluation system , such as the guarantee measures , policies , methods of operation and control methods , etc.

  18. 这要归功于大客户经理SteaveZelinsky的幕后工作与他的坚忍不拔的精神。

    Credit goes to Key Account Manager Peter Zelinsky for his behind-the-scenes work and perseverance .

  19. 斯科特•巴洛赫(ScottBalloch)是英国电信(BT)的一名客户经理。当巴洛赫考虑去美国攻读一个全日制MBA学位时,公司提出资助他在英国攻读一个EMBA项目,从而让他可以边工作边学习。

    Scott Balloch , a client manager at BT , the UK telecoms group , was considering a full-time MBA in the US when his employer offered to fund an EMBA in the UK , so that he could study while working .

  20. 白贺德表示:这个体系运转非常良好,并受到客户经理的喜爱,因为他们可以向其客户介绍整个银行的全面业务,包括在IPO、并购、结构产品和房地产方面的专长。

    Mr Berchtold says : The system has worked very well and the relationship managers love it because they can talk to their clients about the comprehensive offering of the entire bank , including expertise on IPOs , M & A , structured products and real estate .

  21. 2005年,戴维·格林(DavidGreene)辞去北卡罗莱纳州卡里市商业分析软件公司SAS的客户经理职务,在一位朋友与人共同成立的一家数字成像公司当上了副总裁,希望在这家初创公司将自己的摄影技能派上用场。

    David Greene quit his job as an account executive at SAS , a Cary , N.C. , maker of business-analytics software , in 2005 to become vice president of a digital-imaging startup co-founded by a friend , where he hoped to use his skills as a photographer .

  22. Preact使得这项流程的效率提升了25%,更重要的是,它大大改善了客户经理团队获得的信息质量,这样他们就能够最有效地确定自身努力的针对性。

    Preact makes that process 25 % more efficient , and more importantly , improves the quality of the information that the account management team sees so they can most effectively target their efforts .

  23. 并根据各地的客户经理数、话务量、账单数等数据测算系统所需TPCC,制订了本地网主机扩容方案。

    This thesis predicts the TPCC needed by the system according to the data that includes the number of customer manager , the traffic , and the number of bills , and make the capacity expansion program of the local network hosts .

  24. 农业银行基层支行客户经理制完善

    On the Perfection of the Customer Manager System in ABC Branches

  25. 国有商业银行客户经理绩效管理机制的构建

    Establishing a Performance Management Mechanism of Customer Managers in Commercial Banks

  26. 商业银行客户经理制的问题与建议

    Problems and Suggestions Concerning the Account Manager System in Commercial Banks

  27. 成品油销售企业客户经理管理方式的改进

    Improvement of Management Mode of Customer Manager in Refined Oil Enterprise

  28. 提出推行个人银行客户经理制。

    It puts forward carrying out individual banking client manager system .

  29. 客户经理制与银行经营模式创新和银行再造;

    Client manager system and bank operation mode innovation and bank reconstruction ;

  30. 客户经理业绩评价系统分析与设计

    The Analyse and Design of Client Manager Performance Evaluation System