
kè cāng
  • passenger cabin;main cabin
客舱[kè cāng]
  1. C919飞机将进行有关客舱、照明和外部噪音的测试。

    The C919 aircraft will conduct tests concerning the passenger cabin , lighting and external noises .

  2. 待在客舱的时候,他会非常想念他的家人。

    While staying in the passenger cabin , he would miss his family very much .

  3. 主舱前面是客舱。

    Forward of the main cabin are the guest cabins

  4. 由于空气又冷又稀薄客舱必须进行空气调节。

    Because the air is so cold and thin , the cabin has to be air-conditioned .

  5. 今年,飞机客舱内屡次出现骚乱。

    This year , airplane cabins have seen chaos .

  6. 全日航空将提供现场音乐表演,客舱乘务员将像读飞行广播那样宣读贺词。

    ANA will provide live music performances , and cabin attendants will read out congratulatory messages as if they were making normal in-flight announcements .

  7. 下面将向你介绍客舱设备的使用方法:今天您乘坐的是XX型飞机。

    Now we are going to introduce you the use of the cabin installations . This is a XX aircraft .

  8. 今年3月份,美国波士顿附近的一家内河邮轮公司汤姆哈珀河旅行公司(TomHarperRiverJourneys)表示,将在2016年新增一艘邮轮,所有的特等舱和法式阳台客舱全对单人旅行者免收附加费。

    In March , Tom Harper River Journeys , a river cruise company based near Boston , said that in 2016 it would introduce a ship with supplement-free staterooms and French balconies for solo travelers .

  9. 波音的竞争对手空中客车公司向潜在的买家展示自己的空中客车A380双层客舱的飞机。

    Boeing 's rival Airbus put on a show of its own , with its A380 double-decker soaring above potential buyers .

  10. 就在几周前,英国的一家小型船舶(small-ship)邮轮公司雄伟游轮公司(MajesticLine)宣布,明年的每艘新船上,将有七个套间客舱中将有两间留给单人旅行者,而且不会收取任何单人附加费。

    A few weeks earlier , the Majestic Line , a small-ship cruising company based in Britain , announced that next year two of the seven en-suite cabins on a new ship will be for solo travelers and won 't have single supplements .

  11. 荷兰皇家航空维修公司重申,客舱改装的提速要求厂家支援MRO。

    KLM E & M 's Veltman highlighted the increasing speed of change in cabin modifications , which require vendors to support MROs with business in this area .

  12. 空气综合质量指数(AQI),甲板上的数据远小于1,三、四等客舱略大于1,五等客舱则远大于1。

    Air quality comprehensive index on the deck was far less than 1 , cabins No. 3 and 4 greater than 1 and cabin No. 5 was far greater than 1 .

  13. 作者将SHEL模型运用于A航空公司飞行运行、运行控制、机务维修、客舱安全、地面保障、货物运输六大系统,识别出了各系统存在的危险源。

    Authors use SHEL model in six systems such as : flight operation , maintenance and operation control , flight cabin security , ramp and cargo , identify the danger information of every system .

  14. 头等舱和客舱的票价有什么区别?

    What is the difference in price between first-class and coach ?

  15. 基于自适应逆控制的飞机客舱消噪系统

    System of Eliminating Airplane Cabin Noise Based on Adaptive Inverse Control

  16. 飞机客舱的防腐措施提出了今后保护对策。

    Aircraft Corrosion Protection and countermeasures for the protection are proposed .

  17. 客舱;船舱拓荒者住在树林中的小屋里。

    cabin The pioneers lived in a cabin in the woods .

  18. 民用飞机客舱信息服务系统的发展

    The Evolution of Information Service System for Civil Aircraft Cabine

  19. 活塞发动机和涡桨发动机的飞机有压气机来控制客舱的压强。

    Piston-engined aircraft and turboprops have air compressors to maintain cabin pressure .

  20. 我是一等客舱票。

    I 've a ticket for a first class cabin .

  21. 坐下等客舱的旅客付最低的票价。

    Passengers traveling in the steerage paid the lowest fares .

  22. 客舱乘务员,请作好起飞准备。

    Cabin crew , please stand by for take off .

  23. 现代客机的客舱装饰层材料及维修更换工艺

    The Repairing and Replacing Procedure of Aircraft Interior Decorative Coat

  24. 但是在经济客舱点酒要付费。

    But there 's a charge for alcoholic beverages in economy class .

  25. 我想检查一下食品舱和客舱。

    I want to inspect food fuselage and passenger fuselage .

  26. 岛上没有宾馆,只有自给自足的客舱,游客们还没有寄住在当地人家中。

    Tristan has no hotels , only self-catered cabins and home-stay opportunities .

  27. 但在客舱内请不要充气。

    Life vest can not be inflated in the cabin .

  28. 转机旅客可选择于客舱逗留或下机。

    Passengers can choose to remain onboard or disembark .

  29. 后来我在特等客舱里醒了过来

    And then I woke up in the stateroom .

  30. 他们包租了飞机客舱中部的一组座位。

    They booked a block of seats in the middle of the plane .