
kè guān guī lǜ
  • objective law
客观规律[kè guān guī lǜ]
  1. 翻阅这本杂志时,我看到一篇论述社会发展客观规律的短文。

    Paging through the magazine , I came across a short article on the objective law of social development .

  2. 它亦符合市场经济的客观规律。

    It accords with the objective law of market economy .

  3. 做任何事都要遵循客观规律。

    We must hold by the objective laws to do anything .

  4. 依据医学信息化发展的客观规律,本论文概要地论述了医学影像存档和传输系统(PACS)在我国的发展现状及必然的发展趋势。

    The paper describes the development of PACS ( Picture Archiving and Communication System ) and visions trend of the development in China , according to the intrinsic rule of medical information .

  5. 作为一门科学,广告反映了经济领域的客观规律。

    As a scientific subject , advertisement reflects some rules about economy .

  6. 研究表明,四阶段法更具科学性、可信性,比较符合交通量发展变化的客观规律。

    It indicates that the four-step forecast method is scientific and believable .

  7. 公益性地质工作有其自身的客观规律。

    The non-for-profit geological work follows its own natural rules .

  8. 价值规律是支配市场经济分配的客观规律

    Law of Value Is Objective Dominating the Distribution in a Market Economy

  9. 第二,要掌握科学的利益分析方法,也就是要正确认识官兵利益存在的客观规律;

    Secondly , a scientific method of interests analysis should be found ;

  10. 结果基于适应性元胞自动机模型的城市增长仿真,反映了城市化的客观规律;

    Results Urban simulation based on adaptive CA model reflects rules of urbanization .

  11. 重要战略机遇的出现是有着客观规律的,是由国内国际的诸多有利因素孕育而成。

    The appearance of an important strategic opportunity always follows an objective law .

  12. 必须坚持客观规律办事。

    We must act in accordance with objective laws .

  13. 发展合理性是先富与共富的辩证统一,它既合客观规律,又合崇高目的,表现为过程的合理性、结果的合理性,并在实践中逐步得到检验和验证。

    Development rationality with both reasonable process and result is tested in practice .

  14. 前言:“神”反映了生命运动本身所固有的客观规律。

    " Shen " reflects the inherent external rule of life motion itself .

  15. 主观愿望违背客观规律,肯定要受损失。

    As our subjective wishes went against objective laws , losses were inevitable .

  16. 它反映了民事诉讼的客观规律。

    It reflects the objective law of civil litigation .

  17. 马克思主义关于客观规律的论述&也谈人的心理的客观规律与刘茂哉同志商榷

    Objective Remarks on the Objective Laws of Human Psychology

  18. 社会主义取代资本主义这一人类社会发展的客观规律并没有也不可能改变。

    It is the inevitable law of history that socialism will replace capitalism .

  19. 可持续发展,是保险知识经济发展的客观规律;

    Sustainable development is an objective rule of the development of insurance knowledge economy .

  20. 理念是通过人的思维对客观规律长期认识而积累起来的精神实体。

    Ideas are the spiritual substance derived from man 's experiences about objective laws .

  21. 不按客观规律办事,非失败不可。

    It must lead to failure if we do not follow the practical rules .

  22. 科学训练就是要遵循客观规律,合理地运用训练方法和手段。

    Scientific training is to follow objective laws with reasonable training methods and means .

  23. 城市化是人类发展的客观规律,西部城市化有自身的特点,西部开发应走特色城市化之路。

    Civilization is objective law of human being development . Western civilization has itself character .

  24. 分批磨矿仿真试验结果符合分批磨矿过程客观规律。

    The simulation results of batch grinding reflected correctly the objective rule of batch grinding .

  25. 由粗放经营向集约经营转化是世界农业发展的客观规律。

    It is the world agriculture development direction to convert extensive farming to intensive farming .

  26. 分类思想为具有较强客观规律问题的机器自动求解提供了思路。

    Classified thought provide a automatically solved way to problem that have stronger objective regulation .

  27. 企业秘书必须按客观规律对自身角色进行正确地定位。

    The enterprises ` secretaries should play a proper role in accordance with the objective situations .

  28. 这是一种客观规律。

    This is an objective law .

  29. 教育创新是教育发展的客观规律。

    The objective law of the development of education is sure to lead to educational innovations .

  30. 只有遵循客观规律,人类与自然才能够可持续发展。

    Only by following the objective laws , man and nature can maintain the sustainable development .