
  • 网络Propaganda Campaign;Campaign;propaganda
  1. 但现在,他们怀疑这是一场宣传运动的一部分,其宗旨是到2012年成为一个强国。2012年是朝鲜创始人金日成(Kimil-sung)诞辰100周年。

    But now they suspect it is part of a propaganda campaign to become a mighty nation by 2012 , the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-sung , the nation 's founder .

  2. 他们的目的是使委员会的宣传运动失去作用。

    Their aim is to neutralize the council 's propaganda campaign .

  3. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。

    The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people .

  4. 非营利卫生组织美国肺脏协会(AmericanLungAssociation)为维护《清洁空气法》发起了宣传运动。

    The American Lung Association , a health nonprofit organization , is defending the Clean Air Act with an advertising campaign .

  5. 奥拉泽克称尼日利亚的一个小规模的活动分子正试图保护彼此的安全,并且通过Twitter和Facebook的宣传运动获得支持。

    Orazulike says a small network of activists in Nigeria are trying to keep each other safe and gain support through awareness campaigns on Twitter and Facebook .

  6. 澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学AusSun研究实验室主任MichaelGkimlin教授将宣传运动的成功归于强有力的政府和社区支持。

    Professor Michael G Kimlin , director of the AusSun Research Lab , Queensland University of Technology , Australia , attributes the success of the campaigns to strong government and community support .

  7. 皮肤科医生BiancaCostaSoares认为前来圣保罗州ACCamargo医院做皮肤检查的人数增多是每年宣传运动的结果。

    Dermatologist Dr Bianca Costa Soares credits the annual campaign with an increase in the number of people coming to the AC Camargo Hospital in the State of S ã o Paulo for skin checks .

  8. 19世纪后期拉美的社会主义宣传运动

    Movement of spreading socialist ideology in late 19th century Latin America

  9. 一个大规模的宣传运动已准备就绪。

    The stage was set for a massive publicity drive .

  10. 宣传运动提高了对传染危险的意识。

    The advertising campaign has raised awareness of the risk of infection .

  11. 世界糖尿病日是主要的全球糖尿病宣传运动。

    World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign for diabetes .

  12. 我提及的许多宣传运动涉及公众教育。

    Many of the campaigns I mentioned involved education of the public .

  13. 西撒哈拉全民投票宣传运动行为守则

    Code of Conduct for the Referendum Campaign in Western Sahara

  14. 这次宣传运动目的在于为旅游部门的服务做广告。

    The campaign is intended to publicize the service of the tourist board .

  15. 我们将发起一次广告宣传运动以加深消费者对该产品的印象。

    We will try to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign .

  16. 全世界支持联合国建立自由独立纳米比亚各项决议的宣传运动;

    World campaign to support United Nations resolutions for a free and independent namibia ;

  17. 孩子们会发动宣传运动,制作广告宣传片和幽默短剧来说明性格品质。

    Kids can develop ad campaigns , commercials and skits to illustrate character traits .

  18. 全球反贩卖人口电视宣传运动;

    Global television campaign on human trafficking ;

  19. 他坚决主张工党应在报刊上发表一系列声明来反击这一宣传运动。

    He argued that labour should counter this propaganda with a series of press statements .

  20. 关于世界裁军宣传运动的专家小组

    Expert Group on a World Disarmament Campaign

  21. 关注儿童性侵犯宣传运动

    Against Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Campaign

  22. 这些广告宣传运动利用在线体验来提升消费者的总体体验。

    These campaigns are using the online experience to improve the overall experience for the consumer .

  23. 发起了大众信息宣传运动以及针对当地卫生工作者的培训班。

    A public information campaign was developed as well as training courses for local health workers .

  24. 着名运动员在广告中替厂家宣传运动服装和器械,可获得巨额报酬。

    Well-known sportsmen can earn large sums of money from manufacturers by endorsing clothes and equipment .

  25. 政府目前正在开展一场公众宣传运动,以鼓励在处理家禽中采取安全的做法。

    The government is now waging a public information campaign to encourage safe practices in the handling of poultry .

  26. 本署展开为期两星期的密集宣传运动,宣传针对一般公众地方洁净罪行的定额罚款制度。

    The department begins an intensive two-week publicity campaign to launch the fixed penalty system for common public cleansing offences .

  27. 这一禁令是在一场公共宣传运动之后出台的,是民间团体施加的压力影响中国立法的罕见事例。

    The move follows a public campaign , in a rare example of civil society pressure shaping legislation in China .

  28. 我给销售经理预先看所提的建议,以增加他对广告宣传运动的兴趣。

    I showed the sales director a preview of the proposal to whet his appetite for the main advertising campaign .

  29. 他不断督促助手们展开宣传运动,引起人们对中国之行的更大注意。

    He constantly badgered his associates to press a public relations campaign that would call more attention to the China visit .

  30. 去年,俄议会批判了所谓的同性恋宣传运动,并禁止民众使用俄语中的英文外来词。

    Last year the Duma criminalized what it called homosexual propaganda and made efforts to ban English words borrowed into Russian .