
shì nèi shè jì shī
  • interior designer
  1. 法国室内设计师亨利·波桑纳斯(HenryPersonnaz)有个小小的雅好,就是在圣图安担任私人伴游。

    Henry Personnaz , a French interior designer , has made a hobby of giving small private tours of St. - Ouen .

  2. 她招募了著名室内设计师比尔·威利斯(BillWillis)帮忙重建,然后去一家摩洛哥银行贷了一笔款。

    She enlisted noted interior designer Bill Willis to help restore it , and went to a Moroccan bank for a loan .

  3. 室内设计师的整个职业生涯都是紧跟时尚潮流的。

    Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends

  4. 全世界的室内设计师都希望从英国乡村花园汲取美妙的灵感,这并非没有道理。

    It 's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration .

  5. 与养老院相比,老年生活助理中心真的标志着一个重大进步吗?或者只是这个行业雇用了更好的室内设计师?

    Does assisted living really mark a great improvement over a nursing home , or has the industry simply hired better interior designers ?

  6. 这个futureideas小组包括社会学家、室内设计师、美术设计师和其他文化专家。

    The " future ideas " group includes sociologists , interior designers , graphic designers and other cultural experts .

  7. 美国室内设计师协会(TheAmericanSocietyofInteriorDesigners)称,两年前搬进得到了Well认证的华盛顿总部后,该协会的生产率提高了16%。

    The American Society of Interior Designers said it had achieved a 16 percent productivity gain after moving into its Well-certified headquarters in Washington two years ago .

  8. 第三家公司gainsboroughsilkweaving则专门从事窗帘、椅套等装饰品业务,主要销售给室内设计师。

    The third , Gainsborough silk weaving , specialises in furnishings such as curtains and chair coverings and sells mainly to interior designers .

  9. 站在Gler旁边的是CatherineDelRosario,一名27岁的室内设计师,她得的是结核性脑膜炎。

    Next to Gler stood Catherine Del Rosario , a27-year-old interior designer who had TB meningitis .

  10. 穆氏(MMoserAssociatesLtd)公司是一家由建筑师和室内设计师组成的外商投资企业,公司提供专业设计及装修。

    M Moser Associates is an international firm of architects and interior designers specializing in designing and fitting out corporate offices for multinational companies .

  11. 其中一个例子是室内设计师DelRosario,她在疗程结束的3个月前停止了服药。

    One was Del Rosario , the interior designer who stopped taking the drugs three months before her end date .

  12. 室内设计师维维安•伯恩斯坦(VivianBernstein)在40多岁时以成人学员的身份开始学习花样滑冰,她一周有五天会去滑冰。

    Vivian Bernstein , an interior designer in her late 40s , had taken up figure skating as an adult and was skating five days a week .

  13. 室内设计师让-路易·德尼奥(Jean-LouisDeniot)把这里大小不一的24个房间设计得各有特色。

    The interior designer Jean-Louis Deniot made each of the 24 rooms , ranging from small to spacious , unique .

  14. 太古集团聘请香港室内设计师傅厚民(AndreFu)与艺术顾问艾利森皮克特(AlisonPickett),挑选了350件当代亚洲艺术和雕塑作品,摆放在酒店房间和公共区域。

    Swire hired the Hong Kong interior designer Andre Fu and curator Alison Pickett to select 350 works of contemporary Asian art and sculpture for the rooms and public areas .

  15. 最近刚从中国回来的室内设计师山形女士(msyamagata)表示,她在中国遇到的人(包括完全的陌生人)对她都很友善。

    MS Yamagata , the interior designer who recently returned from a trip to China , says people she met there , including total strangers , were very nice to her .

  16. 威廉姆斯在曼哈顿做室内设计师,喜欢在壁炉架上下功夫。她在康涅狄格州(Connecticut)的别墅里有五座壁炉,也就有五处壁炉架可供她打理。

    Ms. Williams , the Manhattan interior designer , likes to focus on the mantelpiece & or in the case of her Connecticut house , which has five fireplaces , all five mantels .

  17. 这套公寓的设计者是墨尔本的室内设计师玛吉·布罗米洛(MargieBromilow),她说公寓内部空间十分开阔,可以用来提升视野。

    Melbourne interior designer Margie Bromilow designed the apartment , saying its generous spaces were used to benefit the views .

  18. 女儿玛丽(Mary)是锡拉丘兹地区的一名内科医生;多萝西是室内设计师,和丈夫迈克尔·斯特劳斯(MichaelStrauss)一起在VanguardConstruction建筑事务所工作,该公司前不久刚建好丹尼尔·布鲁德(DanielBoulud)的最新餐馆DBGBKitchenandBar。

    his daughter Mary is a physician in the Syracuse area , and Dorothy , an interior designer , works with her husband , Michael Strauss , a principal with Vanguard Construction , which recently completed DBGB Kitchen and Bar , Daniel Boulud 's latest restaurant .

  19. 吉士兰·凡·洛斯布鲁克·比尼亚斯(GhislaineVanLoosbroekVi?as)是一名生于荷兰、在南非长大的纽约室内设计师。她喜欢将Moooi的设计作品糅合到自己的项目之中。

    Ghislaine Van Loosbroek Vi ? as , a New York interior designer born in the Netherlands and raised in South Africa , likes to sprinkle Moooi designs into her projects .

  20. 40岁的室内设计师凯•基尼(KayKeaney)曾在加州一家医疗集团工作,她升职很快,负责室内与设施规划以及健康护理设备的施工管理。

    Interior designer Kay Keaney , 40 , rose fast at a California medical group , taking on responsibility for interior and facility planning and construction management for health-care facilities .

  21. Mesches家让室内设计师梅丽莎•博若夫曼来装修厨房,早餐间和家庭间;

    The Mesches family turned to interior designer Melissa Broffman to renovate the kitchen , breakfast and family rooms ;

  22. 室内设计师安妮克簠靟森(AnnickPetersen)设计了由细铜丝制作的鸟笼形灯具,她认为线条形设计是工业材料打造家具流行时尚的组成部分。

    Interior designer Annick Petersen , whose cage-like lights are made from thin copper wire strips , believes line-based designs are part of a trend for furniture made from industrial materials .

  23. 但你并不需要成为一名专业的室内设计师。

    And yet you need not be a professional interior designer .

  24. 提高当代室内设计师素质的研究

    The Explore in Improvement of Chinese Interior Designers ' Quality Nowadays

  25. 各个研究领域都探索着为人们减压的新方法,作为室内设计师更是责无旁贷。

    Every research field is exploring new methods for people relax .

  26. 她是一位室内设计师,只跟上层人物约会。

    She was an interior designer who only dated A-list guys .

  27. 她从美术学院毕业后就开业当室内设计师。

    After leaving art college she set up as an interior designer .

  28. 她这室内设计师也工作得真晚。

    I must say , she works late hours for a decorator .

  29. 这看起来好像你有个专业的室内设计师一样。

    It looks like you had a professional interior designer .

  30. 这个结构很好,你请了室内设计师吗?

    This is a nice setup , did you hire an interior decorator ?