
  1. 中世纪西欧宫廷文化对骑士精神的影响

    The Influence of the Court Culture of West Europe on the Knight Spirit in Middle Ages

  2. 单霁翔表示,他们发现宫廷文化在香港尤其受欢迎。

    Shan Jixiang says they 've found that Forbidden City culture is particularly popular in Hong Kong .

  3. 王府文化是北京文化的重要组成部分,是连接宫廷文化和平民文化的桥梁。

    The Wangfu culture is the core part of Beijing culture , which bridges imperial culture and normal citizen culture .

  4. 这一特殊的词体与宫廷文化环境息息相关,随之而变。

    This special Ci genre was closely linked to the cultural environment of the palace and changed along with it .

  5. 在其不断传播宫廷文化的过程中,明代文化宦官通过不断吸收明间文化,发展出为帝王及内廷权贵服务的明代宫廷文化。

    Through continuous absorption of folk culture , they develop the Ming dynasty court culture for emperors and palace bigwigs .

  6. 当宫廷文化碰上庶民文化,您要用什麽样的心情与角度去聆赏?

    What kind of frame of mind or angle should you use to appreciate art created when palace culture meets popular culture ?

  7. 战争、比武、宗教、典雅爱情思想以及宫廷文化等因素,塑造与催生了骑士精神。

    The factors of fight , competing military skills , religion , elegant love thought , and court culture molded and promoted knight spirit .

  8. 在这些文化圈中,宫廷文化、士大夫文化与民俗文化形成多向互动,成为京畿地区的文化特色。

    Within these circles the palace culture , elite culture and folk culture interacted in different directions and constituted the cultural feature of this region .

  9. 这种贵族气质与宫廷文化融合在一起,彰显着极其强烈的皇权独尊、帝王神圣的观念和意识。

    The merge of aristocratic temperance with palace culture clearly displays strong conceptions and senses such as the supremacy of royal power and the sacredness of emperors .

  10. 明代文化宦官是明代政治双轨制中一轨的主体,同时也是明代宫廷文化的创造者和继承者。

    Highbrow Eunuch is the major of one track of " politics of dual track ", also is the creator and the successor of the Ming court culture .

  11. 宫廷文化表现和宣讲了骑士贵族的价值观念,对骑士精神品质的培育和发展产生了重要影响。

    The court culture expressed and spread the value outlook of the knight nobility , which exerted important influence on the cultivation and development of knight spirit character .

  12. 在士人文化与宫廷文化尤其是市民文化的共同影响下,宋代审美文化有了完全不同于先秦与魏晋的色彩。

    Influenced by the culture of clerisy and the royal court , especially by the culture of citizen , the aesthetic culture of the Song Dynasty absolutely was different from the Pre-Qin and the Wei-Jin dynasty .

  13. 在骑士精神形成过程中,战争、比武、宗教、典雅爱情思想以及宫廷文化等诸多因素共同培育和催生了骑士精神。

    Such factors as wars , WuShu Contests , religions , elegant love ideas and court culture formed and speeded up the spirit of Knight among which the Christian churches made great contribution to the cultivation of the spirit of knight .

  14. 由蒙古族建立的元帝国,其宫廷礼乐文化经历了较为漫长的建设过程,不同时期又有具体的发展演变轨迹和特点。

    Yuan empire , established by the Mongol nationality , its royal sacrificial rites and regulations undergo a relatively long development process , its evolving track and development feature enjoy different characteristics at different periods .

  15. 在反映宫廷历史文化方面,故宫及其藏品可称为是明清皇家生活方式的标本,值得深入挖掘、整理和利用。

    In its representation of court history and culture , the Palace with its collection is the sample of the imperial life of the Ming and Qing dynasties , which is worth profound research and utilization .

  16. 汉代宫廷女性与文化的关系

    The Relations of the Han Dynasty Palace Female and Culture

  17. 汉代统治者鼓励宫廷女子接受文化教育,当时的社会风气是对有才学的宫廷女子持赞扬的态度。

    Han government encouraged Palace women to accept cultural education , the social atmosphere at that time praised the Palace women , who was gut educated .