
jiā yuán
  • home;homeland;family;homestead;hometown;hearth and home
家园 [jiā yuán]
  • (1) [homeland;home]∶家里的庭院

  • (2) [hometown]∶故乡

  • (3) [family]∶泛指家庭

家园[jiā yuán]
  1. 我正试图在远离家园的地方重建家庭生活。

    I am trying to recreate family life far from home .

  2. 迄今已有35万多人返回了家园。

    So far more than 350,000 people have returned home .

  3. 人们毫不气馁,又开始重建家园。

    Nothing daunted , the people set about rebuilding their homes .

  4. 地震过后,人们开始重建家园。

    After the earthquake , the people set about rebuilding their homes .

  5. 人们在恫吓之下离开家园。

    People were terrorized into leaving their homes .

  6. 人们失去了自己的家园和所有的财物。

    People had lost their homes and all their possessions

  7. 保利娜已经无奈地接受了失去家园的事实。

    Pauline was already resigned to losing her home .

  8. 她很害怕他们会丧失家园。

    She was terrified they 'd lose their home .

  9. 每隔几年他们就会因这条河的泛滥而被迫离开家园。

    The river flooded them out every few years .

  10. 在10月27号他们的家园被炸毁了。

    On 27 October they were bombed out .

  11. 他们说他们将留下重建家园而不是躲到难民营里。

    They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps

  12. 印度教徒对自己家园主张权利的时候到了。

    The time has come for Hindus to stake out their claim to their own homeland .

  13. 许多因战乱而流离失所的百姓将无法重返家园。

    Most of the civilians displaced by the war will be unable to return to their homes .

  14. 有10万户左右的家庭在地震中失去了家园,其中许多家庭还没有得到安置。

    Many of the 100,000 or so families who lost their homes in the earthquake have still not been rehoused

  15. 吉妮西丝录制了一首歌来抨击那些买下并毁坏人们家园的贪婪的房地产开发商。

    Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people 's homes

  16. 正在呼吁援助在地震中失去家园的人们。

    An appeal is being made for help for those who lost their homes in the earthquake .

  17. 灾民靠救济金过活,直到他们能重整家园为止。

    The victims of the disaster lived on charity until they could make new lives for themselves .

  18. 既然他们现在已经决定要建立一个购物中心,那么将近100名当地的居民就要被赶出自己的家园。

    Now that they 've decided to build a shopping centre , nearly a hundred local people are going to be booked out of their homes .

  19. 邻居们利用业余时间帮助别人重建家园。

    Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild .

  20. 娜塔莉的许多朋友失去了家园,住在很远的地方。

    Many of Natalie 's friends had lost their homes and were living far away .

  21. 全阳光咖啡的种植着摧毁了这个森林家园,导致许多物种迅速灭绝。

    Full-sun coffee growers destroy this forest home . As a result , many species are quickly dying out .

  22. 灰狼曾经在黄石地区和美国大陆的大部分地区出现,但人类的发展逐渐迫使它们离开了家园。

    Gray wolves once were seen here and there in the Yellowstone area and much of the continental United States , but they were gradually displaced by human development .

  23. 我看到了一个巨大的纯蓝色圆球——地球家园。

    I saw the huge round pure blue globe home planet .

  24. 我们必须立即采取行动拯救唯一的家园。

    We have to act now to save our only home .

  25. 士兵和医生迅速赶到该地区,救人和重建家园。

    Soldiers and doctors quickly arrived in the area , saving people and rebuilding homes .

  26. 现在,沙洲上有一片茂密的森林,是成千上万动植物的家园。

    Now the sandbar is a thick forest and home to thousands of plants and animals .

  27. 这片潮湿的林地是鸟类、其他动物和许多不同植物的家园。

    The land was wet and forested , and made a home for birds , other animals and many different plants .

  28. 家园炽天使:保存家园,为家园兴旺与进步努力

    The home seraphim : preservation and advancement of the home .

  29. 薄薄的膜层就是咱们独一的家园

    Thellos thellon , membranous layer of life is our only home .

  30. 家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。

    Where we love is home , home that our feet may leave , but not our hearts .