
  1. 结果:80例患者经整套PDCA护理,机能障碍明显改善,提高了生活质量,减轻了家庭与社会负担。

    Results : Obvious improvement was seen in the function hindrance and life quality in all 80 CVD patients . Family and social burden was reliefed .

  2. 论犹太家庭与社会观念的传统

    On the Jewish Ideas and Tradition of Family and Communities

  3. 荣辱观:家庭与社会和谐

    The Socialist Views of Honors and Dishonors : Harmonious Family and Society

  4. 家庭与社会:女性角色定位

    Family and Society : Feamle Role 's Position

  5. 家庭与社会保障

    Families and social security

  6. 本文把影响幼儿心理理论的因素分为两类,第一类是外在环境因素,有家庭与社会两方面。

    In this article factors are divided into two . One is external environmental factors involving family and society .

  7. 在中国古代社会,家庭与社会、国家之间的关系紧密相连。

    In ancient Chinese society , the relationship between families and society , between families and country was closely linked .

  8. 结论病前性格、家庭与社会环境在网络成瘾的发病中起主要作用。

    Conclusion The patient 's character and the environment of family and society were main effects on the onset of internet addiction .

  9. 其中最突出的有:邻里关系逐渐淡漠,家庭与社会之间的中间层次&邻里单元的规模与结构发生根本性的改变。

    The most visible expression is that the neighborhood relations had gone out gradually , the unit between family and social-neighborhood unit is changed fundamentally .

  10. 高职院校后进生比例在增加,素质在下降,乃受家庭与社会不良影响所致。

    In higher professional colleges , the proportion of backward students increases and their quality decreases because of bad influences from their families and society .

  11. 但是,老年社会工作在我国的发展还只是起步阶段,还远远不能满足家庭与社会的需要。

    However , old age social work development in China is still the initial stage , far from satisfying the needs of the family and society .

  12. 家庭与社会应努力创设一个有利于青少年诚信品质生长的外部德育环境。

    This paper expounds that family and society should take great efforts to create proper moral environments for the youngsters so as to develop the integrity character .

  13. 为了改善他们的生活质量和减轻家庭与社会的负担,脑机接口技术展现了光明前景。

    In order to improve the patients ' quality of life and decrease the burden of society and family , brain computer interfaces ( BCIs ) provide an efficient and promising solution .

  14. 家庭与社会联系密切,家庭收入分配体系中必然渗透社会的经济、政治、文化、观念等种种因素。

    Between household and society have a close relationship , many factors like social economy ﹑ politics ﹑ culture ﹑ values etc , and seep into the system of domestic income distribution .

  15. 此时,家庭与社会、道德和法律将会介入,以阻止这种过早的婚姻和性。

    When this happens , family and society , as well as morality and law will have to step in and play a role to prevent underage sexual relations and young marriage .

  16. 社区担负着连结个人与他人、家庭与社会的重要纽带作用,既是社会的缩影,同时也是研究整个社会的起点。

    Community plays an important role of tie in connecting individual with others , families with society . It is the epitome of society as well as the starting point of studying the whole society .

  17. 全科医学是以人为中心,以维护和促进健康为目标,向个人、家庭与社会提供连续、综合、便捷的基本卫生服务的新型医学学科。

    General family medicine , taking man as its core , and aiming at maintaining and promoting health , is a new type of medical subject which provides multiple continuous convenient basic health service for individuals , families and communities .

  18. 被夹在家庭与社会,母亲与美国白人之间,她陷入代际冲突与异质伦理冲突的纠结中,这种焦虑与尴尬的处境使她对和谐有一种强烈的期盼。

    She has lapsed into the contradictory tangle interwoven by generational ethical conflicts or heterogeneous ethical conflicts either in the family with her Chinese mother or in the communication with American Caucasian . It is the angst and embarrassment that makes her strongly look forward to harmony .

  19. 除学校教育的影响之外,儿童的社会性发展总是在一定的家庭与社会中,在传统文化的熏陶下,获取知识和能力以适应该群体的社会文化与自然环境的过程。

    Children 's social development influenced not only by the education in schools , but by the certain family and society , and even its traditional cultures is a process , during which children obtain knowledge and skills so as to adapt to their social culture and natural environment .

  20. 全球化视野下的文明家庭与和谐社会构建

    The Construction of Civilized Family and Harmonious Society in Globalization Perspective

  21. 医生工作家庭冲突与社会支持、制度支持的关系

    Effects of Social and Policy Supports on Work-family Conflict in Physicians

  22. 民族地区农村家庭养老与社会发展相关性分析

    Relevance Analysis on Rural Family Endowment and Social Development in Ethnic Regions

  23. 《路德记》&和谐家庭与和谐社会

    Ruth the harmonious families and the harmonious society

  24. 近代西欧社会转型时期家庭组织与社会功能演进

    On the evolution of family structure and societal function during the transition period in modern West-European society

  25. 有关医疗卫生服务的任何财政政策都将影响家庭与整个社会的经济负担。

    Any fiscal policy concerning medical service will inevitably influence the economic burden both of the family and the society .

  26. 由于城市普通女性经济地位低下,其家庭地位与社会地位也是及其低下的。

    In addition , as a consequence of women 's low economic status , their status in family and society is also low .

  27. 论析了学校教育、家庭环境与社会大环境对心理素质的影响及如何培养心理素质。

    This paper studies the influence of school education , family and social environments as well as ways of training on psychological quality .

  28. 面临增速如此迅猛的诉讼事件,对于正处在社会主义初级阶段的中国来说,势必会产生影响家庭和谐与社会稳定的不安因素。

    Facing so rapid growth of lawsuits , our country which is in the primary stage of socialism , will has instable and not harmonious factors .

  29. 它表示,对经济发展影响最大的因素是中产阶级下层和贫困家庭收入与社会其他阶层收入的差距扩大。

    It said the single biggest impact on growth is the widening gap between the lower middle class and poor households compared to the rest of society .

  30. 民国时期,由于各种家庭问题与社会问题的不断出现,婚姻问题也逐渐进入人们改革的视野。

    In the Republic of China ( 1912-1949 ), with the appearance of all kinds of family and social problems , people had gradually realized that traditional marital system should be reformed .