
jiā tínɡ zī chǎn
  • Household assets;family assets
  1. 美国家庭资产统计方法和分析

    The Statistical Method of Family Assets in the United States and Relevant Analysis

  2. 房价下跌谁利益受损?家庭资产缩水房价跌不得?

    Real estate prices have plummeted who interests ? Family assets or stock prices not ?

  3. 住房抵押后余值贷款由借贷人家庭资产净值做保证的贷款。

    A loan secured by equity value in the borrower 's home .

  4. 但家庭资产负债表不会很快得到修复。

    But household balance sheets will not be rebuilt soon .

  5. 出售他们可能赖以生存的重要的家庭资产。

    By selling critical household assets they may depend on for their livelihoods .

  6. 家庭资产净值大幅缩水的影响需要一段时间才能完全显现。

    It takes time for a slump in household net worth to register fully .

  7. 投资者如何分配家庭资产,为个体的风险偏好研究提供了重要的信息。

    How to distribute family assets provides important information for the study of investors'risk preferences .

  8. 随着家庭资产的增加,收入弹性下降而资产弹性上升。

    With the increase in family assets , the decline in income elasticity increased asset flexibility .

  9. 本研究的主要成果是:第一,将金融中介的作用纳入了家庭资产选择行为的分析框架,丰富拓展了家庭资产选择理论。

    First , develops the theoretical frame of household portfolio by incorporating financial intermediaries ' function .

  10. 美元。(4.500000美元),其中存入他作为一个家庭资产的安全与信任的公司。

    Dollars . ( USD $ 4.500,000 ) which he deposited as a family asset with a security trust company .

  11. 丈夫和妻子都被给予一定的分数,这些分数代表了他们私底下对想要得到的各个家庭资产打的分。

    A husband and wife are each given a number of points which they secretly allocate to household assets they desire .

  12. 美联储近期公布,2010年美国家庭资产净值中位数较2007年显著下滑了39%。

    The Fed told us recently that median household net worth collapsed an epic 39 per cent from 2007 to 2010 .

  13. 城镇居民家庭资产选择结构的实证研究&来自江苏省扬州市的调查

    Urban Residents to Choose the Structure of Household Assets Empirical Study & Taking the Surver from Yangzhou in Jiangsu as a Case

  14. 这个国家的邮政体系占据了全国四分之一的家庭资产,是否推进私有化的计划将其层层围堵。

    One-quarter of the nation 's household assets sit in the postal system , which has been beset by on-off privatisation plans .

  15. 在印度社会中,家庭资产多由男性掌控,75%的印度女性甚至没有银行账户。

    India is a society where men mostly control family financial resources . 75 % of women do not even have a bank account .

  16. 工作时间下降和工资增长缓慢,意味着美国的消费将进一步受到抑制负债累累的家庭资产负债表和信贷收紧已经抑制了该国的消费。

    And falling hours plus sluggish wages mean a further drag on US consumption already constrained by debt-laden household balance sheets and tight credit .

  17. 具体而言,这还意味着妇女可以增强在使用家庭资产(包括卫生开支)上的发言权。

    Concretely , it also means that women are more likely to have a say in the use of household resources-including household spending on health .

  18. 劳伦斯社区工作公司设计中心是一个内部的技术协助办事处,主要向房地产、家庭资产建设和社区组织提供支持。

    LCW 's Design Center is an in-house technical assistance office which provides support to the real estate , family asset-building , and community organizing teams .

  19. 在家庭资产负债状况因房价下跌而恶化、消费信心低落时,消费者可能会不计成本的借款偿付债务。

    When household balance sheets are damaged by falling house prices and confidence is low , consumers may start repaying their debts regardless of the cost of borrowing .

  20. 这对家庭资产、建筑业就业以及国内生产总值的增长都是重大利好,而最重要的也许是,房市的回暖能让房主心态更加平和。

    And that 's great news for growth in household net worth , construction employment , gross domestic product , and perhaps most important , homeowner peace of mind .

  21. 居民收入是资产形成的基础,城镇居民和农村居民由于收入水平的差异带来了在资产总量和结构选择上的差异,居民收入与居民家庭资产之间呈现了较强的正相关关系。

    Household income serves as the foundation of assets . The income differences between rural and urban resulted in the different choice of the amount and structure of the total assets .

  22. 个人理财是对个人或家庭资产或财务进行配置或管理的活动,目的是从财务上合理安排生活、提供经济保障、实现资产的保值增值。

    Personal Finance is a distribution or management activities about personal or family assets . It purposes is to arrange living reasonable , achieve economic security , maintain and increase the value of assets .

  23. 如上所述,保险覆盖面的模式显示与收入呈正增长关系-在保险价值相对于家庭资产的整体价值开始减少时至少上升1个点。

    As noted above , patterns of insurance coverage suggest a positive correlation with income-at least up to a point where the value of insurance begins to diminish relative to the value of overall household assets .

  24. 这是一个残忍的计划,它不太可能会受到60岁以上的人的欢迎,这些人占日本人口的四分之一,却掌控着日本家庭资产的三分之二。

    This is a dastardly plan . It is unlikely to prove popular with the over-60s , who make up a quarter of Japan 's population , but who control two-thirds of its vast household assets .

  25. 居民储蓄存款的高速增长,直接推动了家庭资产的快速增加,并在此基础上,逐步形成了大众富裕阶层,还形成高端富裕阶层。

    The rapid growth of household savings deposits , directly contributed to the rapid increase in household assets , and on this basis , and gradually formed a mass affluent class , but also the formation of high-end affluent .

  26. 虽然他预计总体经济活动将从今年年底开始呈现上升趋向,但是他又说,疲弱的劳力市场降低了家庭资产和财富,而且信贷紧缩状况也可能减慢经济复苏的速度。

    But while he predicts overall economic activity will begin to turn upward by the end of the year , Bernanke said a weak labor market , declines in household equity and wealth , and tight credit conditions could slow recovery .

  27. 提出以家庭资产价值为衡量指标评价水库移民迁移后家庭经济恢复程度,并探讨了评价程序和评估方法。

    On the above-mentioned basis , this thesis suggests the value of household assets should be the standard of appraisal of rehabilitation of household economy after the relocation caused by construction of reservoir , and it also explores the appraisal procedures and approaches .

  28. 从国民收入分配格局(收入分配)、一般性收入(收入流量)、家庭资产(收入存量)三个层面,本文研究造成中国居民收入偏低与收入差距的深层次原因。

    This article is trying to discuss the deeper reason on the issue of low income for Chinese residence and income gap from the distribution of the national income ( income distribution ), general income ( income flow ) and household wealth ( income stock ) .

  29. 由于美国家庭资产的规模巨大,我倾向于较为乐观的看法。但如果美元的储备货币地位遭受严重攻击,那么作为防御,利率必须上升,这可能会引发消费危机。

    I incline to the more benign view because of the size of household assets but , if the dollar 's reserve currency status should come under serious attack , rates would have to rise to defend it and that could itself cause a consumption crisis .

  30. 与此同时,美联储(fed)一项调查显示,美国家庭净资产第三季度下降4.7%,已连续四个季度下跌。

    Meanwhile , a Federal Reserve survey showed us household net worth decreased 4.7 per cent in the third quarter , the fourth consecutive quarterly decline .