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  • 网络Rongcheng County;Rongcheng;Rongcheng Comt;Rongcheng Grafschaft
  1. 昨日上午,记者从容城县疾控中心了解到,闫德利的化验结果呈阴性,显示她并没有患艾滋病。

    Yesterday morning , the reporter learned from the CDC Rongcheng County , Yan Deli test results were negative , indicating she did not suffer from AIDS .

  2. 4月1日,我国宣布设立雄安新区,规划范围涉及到河北省雄县、容城和安新3县,其中安新县是中国北部主要湿地白洋淀的所在地。

    On April 1 , China announced the plan to create the Xiongan New Area , which spans the counties of Xiongxian , Rongcheng and Anxin in Hebei Province , and is home to Baiyangdian , a major wetland in northern China .