
kuān zhǎi
  • width;breadth;size
宽窄 [kuān zhǎi]
  • [width;breadth] 指宽度

  • 这块布做窗帘,宽窄正合适

宽窄[kuān zhǎi]
  1. 这个例子以及其中的文档演示了如何使ACE与MFC和谐共处,解决因调用不当导致内存泄露、宽窄字符集接口等问题。

    This example and the documentation which shows how ACE and MFC harmony to solve memory leak due to improper call , the interface width character set issues .

  2. 当V(XL80)∶V(溶胶)为1∶50时,荧光粉粒子形貌呈现长短、宽窄不一的纳米棒状,电子衍射图呈现更规则有序的单晶点阵。

    When the ratio of V ( XL80 )∶ V ( sol ) was 1 ∶ 50 , the particles of phosphors were synthesized as nanorods with different length and width , and the figure of SAED showed more orderly single crystal lattice .

  3. 这块布做窗帘,宽窄正合适。

    This piece of cloth is just the right size for a curtain .

  4. 高温燃气辐射合并宽窄谱带K分布模型

    Combined Wide-Narrow Band CK Model for Radiative Heat Transfer of the Combustion Gas at High Temperature

  5. 宽窄合用CDMA卫星移动通信系统容量的研究

    Research on the Capacity of Mobile Satellite Communication System of Narrowband CDMA Overlaying on Wideband CDMA

  6. 他补充道:如果此趋势延续下去,具有讽刺意味的是,IPO市场的挑战可能反而体现在管道的宽窄上。

    If this continues , the challenge – ironically – might instead be the size of the pipeline , he adds .

  7. 在HFC网中可以解决上行信道带宽窄的问题,实现双向通信;

    When used in HFC network , it can also solve up-link bandwidth problem and release dual-direction communication .

  8. 结果13例肝癌病例在放疗结束后1~2个月CT复查时,均在肝肿瘤区(Grosstumorvolume,GTV)周围出现宽窄不一、形状各异的低密度带。

    Results The follow up CT studies of 13 patients after completion of therapy 1-2 months showed a low attenuation area adjacent gross tumor volume ( GTV ) .

  9. 三者之间G带带纹的差别,表现在个别染色体特定带纹的位置、宽窄以及有无等方面,而且其大部分差异也会在高分辨G带带纹中显现出来。

    The differences of G-bands of the three kinds lies in the location , breadth and whether specific bands of specific chromosomes exist or not , and the most differences will appear on the high resolution G-banding .

  10. EVA降凝剂的相对分子质量分布的宽窄对降凝效果的影响不大,平均相对分子质量在1.2×104时降凝效果较好。

    When the average relative molecular mass of EVA is 1.2 × 104 , the effect of EVA is best . The distribution of relative molecular mass has little influence .

  11. 它采用平台随动稳定技术来同时稳定宽窄两个CCD视场,并基于低成本的压电速率陀螺仪实现了高精度的视频稳像。

    It utilizes stabilizing platform servo technique to stabilize the narrow FOV ( Field Of View ) and the wide FOV simultaneously and achieves high accuracy video stabilization based on low cost piezoelectric gyroscope .

  12. 它兼具固体激光器和气体激光器的优点,具有量子效率高、光学性能好、输出线宽窄(可达MHz)的突出优点。

    They have both the advantages of gas lasers and solid lasers , which possess some desirable features such as high quantum efficiency , good optical quality and narrow-line-width ( several MHz ) .

  13. 而移动终端具有屏幕和键盘小、运算处理能力差、带宽窄以及流量收费等特点,现有的移动搜索引擎如Google不能满足用户精确、智能、高效等方面的要求。

    However , because of the small terminal screen and keyboard , low computing capability , narrow bandwidth and traffic charges , current Mobile Search engine such as Google can not meet the users ' precise , smart , efficient and other requirements .

  14. 文章针对接入网宽带化、综合化发展趋势,探讨了一种能提供宽窄带综合业务和向下一代网络(NGN)演进的融合型接入网。

    Focusing on the evolution trend of wide band and integration this text discusses an integrated access network , which can provide narrow and wide band integrated services and can eventually evolve toward NGN .

  15. 本文以线性调频(LinerFrequencyModulated,LFM)信号为主要研究对象,从时域、频域和时频域三个方面研究了宽窄信号的分离方法。

    In this dissertation , it is focused on the LFM ( Liner Frequency Modulated ) signals , and the technology of separating the wide band signal from the narrow band signal in time domain , frequency domain and the time-frequency domain respectively are researched .

  16. LD泵浦Nd:YAG微片激光器结构简单紧凑,与半导体激光器相比,前者具有激光线宽窄、光束质量好、相干长度长等优点,因此在一些测量领域有着较好的应用前景。

    Compared with diode lasers , LD pumped Nd : YAG microchip lasers , in each of which the Nd : YAG crystal itself forms the resonance cavity , have narrower frequency linewidth , better beam quality and longer coherent length , meanwhile they are remarkably simple and compact .

  17. 结论颅内动脉瘤术中破裂主要与Hunt-Hess分级、动脉瘤大小、手术时机、动脉瘤颈宽窄和临时阻断夹的应用与否有关。

    ( Conclusion ) Intraoperative intracranial aneurysm rupture may mainly be associated with Hunt-Hess scale , size of aneurysm , timing of operation , size of aneurysm neck , and using temporary arterial clip .

  18. 。集成声光可调谐滤波器(AOTF),具有调谐范围大,输出线宽窄,调谐速度快,无多级衍射,无移动部分,调谐方便可靠并能直接与光纤匹配等优点。

    Integrated acousto-optical tunable filters ( AOTF ), as we know , have many advantages such as wide tunable range , narrow linewidth , fast tuning speed , non-multi-orders diffraction , non-moving parts , easy and reliable tuning and compatible with fiber system .

  19. 还有人在网上讨论这种怪异新潮,一名网友评论:“宽窄巷子一条街全是,今天坐地铁还遇到一个,感觉可以感应WiFi。”

    People have also taken to the web to discuss this bizarre new trend . One said : ' Everyone is wearing it in Kuan Zhai Alley . I saw someone wearing it on the underground today . It feels like they might be able to transmit WI-FI signals . '

  20. 通过在内包层引入一圈柚子形空气孔,大大改善了光纤的色散性能,其色散曲线在至少60nm带宽内随波长线性变化,解决了双芯PCF负色散带宽窄的问题。

    By introducing a ring of large grapefruit holes in the inner cladding , the dispersion performance of the dual core PCF can be improved greatly . The chromatic dispersion of the fiber demonstrates linear evolution with wavelength in a bandwidth of more than 60 nm .

  21. 但试验发现这一控制策略用于半短路过渡焊,则无论电流选多大,电弧电压常维持在20V左右,所焊焊缝熔宽窄,余高大,熔深浅。

    However , the experimental results revealed that under the half short circuiting droplet transfer the arc voltage is generally maintained at about 20V with such control system despite arc current , which results in the formation of the narrow weld bead with a shallow penetration and large reinforcement .

  22. 基于宽窄变换的宽带线性调频脉冲检测和估计

    Detection and parameter estimation of wide-band chirp pulse based on wide-narrow transform

  23. 输入输出电压变换范围宽窄决定是否采用宽范围拓扑;

    Input voltage range determines whether the wide range topology is adopted ;

  24. 四叶型立交桥。使用右击菜单可更改道路宽窄。

    Cloverleaf exchange . Use the right-click menu to change road thickness .

  25. 宽窄不一样的管子就会制造出不同的水压。

    Various pressures were achieved with wide or narrow pipes .

  26. 改进工艺方法解决气缸盖阀座面宽窄不均的探讨

    Improving Techniques to Solve the Problem of Uneven Width of Cylinder-head Valve Seat

  27. 宽窄复式河道水流运动特性的试验研究

    Experiment Study on Characteristics of Water Movement in Compound Channels with Variable Boundary

  28. 请问“剑的厚薄宽窄呈阶段性的变化怎么翻”。谢谢。

    Staggered diversifications are revealed on the width and thickness of the blade .

  29. 按摩槽可以根据腿型的精细进行宽窄辐度的调节;

    Massage slot can make width extent regulation according to leg shape and size ;

  30. 横流中有限宽窄缝射流的旋涡结构

    Vortex structure of slot turbulent jets in cross-flow