
  • 网络Bingham;Hiram Bingham
  1. 1911年,耶鲁历史学家及探险家海拉姆•宾厄姆(HiramBingham)让此“失落的”城市得到了世界的关注。

    In1911 , Yale historian and explorer Hiram Bingham brought the " lost " city to the world 's attention .

  2. 同时,力拓在美国犹他州的宾厄姆峡谷(BinghamCanyon)铜矿今年将因修复性工作而减产,该铜矿运营已超过一个世纪。

    Meanwhile , Bingham Canyon , Rio 's mine in Utah that has produced copper for more than a century , will cut output this year amid rehabilitation work .

  3. 前人已把τo/ηs、τc卡/η∞、n分别作为钻井液在宾厄姆、卡森、幂律流变模式下剪切稀释性的表征,并在石油钻井工程中作为评价指标。

    Predecessors have taken the τ o / η , τ c ( casson ) / η and η as the characterization of shear thinning behavior of drilling fluid respectively under Bingham 's , Casson 's and power-law rheological models and as the evaluation index in petroleum engineering .

  4. 宾厄姆是耶鲁大学的校友。1911年,他在安第斯山脉南部茂密的森林中发现了马丘比丘。

    Bingham , a Yale alumni , found Machu Picchu in the southern Andes under thick forest in1911 .

  5. 宾厄姆峡谷矿井地处美国犹他州盐湖城,肯尼科特铜矿使其闻名遐迩。

    The Bingham Canyon Mine , also known as the Kennecott Copper Mine , is located in Salt Lake City , Utah , USA.

  6. 来自纽约州宾厄姆顿的玛勒·奥姆斯戴德还不到两岁就开始画画。

    Marla Olmstead , from Binghampton , in New York state , has been painting since just before she was two years old .

  7. 据该研究的主要作者、宾厄姆顿大学研究助理克雷格·莫里斯称,男女的这种差别归结起来是生物学的问题。

    According to Craig Morris , research associate at Binghamton University and lead author on the study , the differences boil down to biology .

  8. 马丘比丘&数世纪以来西班牙侵略者都无法找到这座“失落的印加城市”,直到1911年才被探险家海勒姆•宾厄姆发现。

    Machu Picchu - " The Lost City of the Incas " was kept hidden from the Spanish conquistadors for centuries and only rediscovered in1911 by explorer Hiram Bingham .

  9. 但是,星期一国际货币基金组织驻河内的代表宾厄姆向越南政府施加压力,要求越南政府采用允许调高越南盾对美元汇率的办法,而不是通过为银行设立增加贷款数额限制的方式来抑制通货膨胀。

    But on Monday , the IMF 's Bingham pressed the government to fight inflation by allowing the dong to rise against the dollar , rather than by setting targets for the amount of credit banks can extend .

  10. 宾厄姆顿大学和伦敦大学学院的研究人员要求来自96个国家的5705名参与者将分手对自己造成的情感和生理痛苦程度用1到10表示,1表示没有伤害,10表示难以忍受。

    Researchers from Binghamton University and University College London asked 5705 participants in 96 countries to rate the emotional and physical pain of a breakup on a scale of one ( none ) to 10 ( unbearable ) .

  11. 文章重点对触变性水泥浆的测量和评价方法进行了全面分析和深入的讨论,提出的水泥浆触变性有关模型同样适用于其它非胶凝性宾厄姆流体、幂律流体的触变性评定。

    The measurement and evaluation methods for thixotropic cement slurry are emphatically and overall analyzed and discussed in this paper and the raised model related to the thixotropy of cement slurry is also suitable for the thixotropy evaluation of other Bingham fluid and power law fluid with non gelling property .