
sù jiàng
  • veteran general
宿将 [sù jiàng]
  • [veteran general] 久经战阵的将领

  • 晋鄙嚄唶宿将,往恐不听,必当杀之,是以泣耳。--《史记.魏公子列传》

宿将[sù jiàng]
  1. 他是一位身经百战的宿将。

    He was a much experienced veteran general .

  2. 当然,我们都知道,谈起激励美国奋进的体坛宿将,必然会提到最伟大的拳王(TheGreatest)。

    Of course , we know that when it comes to athletes who have inspired America , any list would include the man known simply as The Greatest .

  3. 供者淋巴细胞输注及诱导移植物抗宿将细胞效应也可用于此类问题的治疗。

    Donor lymphocyte infusion ( DLI ) and induced graft versus host plasma cell effect can aslo be used in the treatment of delayed erythropoiesis .

  4. 前者提出,推动欧洲国家走向一体化的决定因素来自于各种超国家力量,其归宿将是欧洲联邦。

    Supernationalism holds that it is various supernational forces to give a decisive impetus to the integration among European countries , which ultimate aim is European Federation .

  5. 王和甫拿出许多表册单据来给吴荪甫,孙吉人他们过目,又简单地说明道:他,吴荪甫,以及他的同志孙吉人他们,都是企业界身经百战的宿将,难道就怕了什么?

    Wang Ho-fu brought out a pile of books and papers for Wu Sun-fu and Sun Chi-jen to look over , and gave them a brief summing-up : Was the way it went , but he and his partners were battle-scarred veterans , so what had he to fear ?