
  • 网络register circuit
  1. 自激移位寄存器电路

    Autonomous shift register circuit

  2. 移位寄存型向量寄存器电路

    A vector register circuit of shift register mode

  3. 提出一种互补结构的寄存器电路设计方案,用于减小DES加密电路的差分功率信号,防御差分功耗分析。

    A complement register structure is proposed for a DES circuit . The structure can reduce the differential power signal of a DES circuit and lead to the failure of differential power analysis .

  4. 提出一种低功耗准动态移位寄存器电路,这种电路静态功耗几乎为0,仅仅存在动态功耗;

    In this paper a new low-power quasi-dynamic shift register is presented . It is of low power dissipation near to 0 for the static power and has only dynamic power .

  5. 应用MSI移位寄存器设计时序电路的新方法

    Sequential Circuit Design Using MSI Shift Register

  6. 接着,针对生成矩阵的准循环特性,提出了一种新的基于反馈移位寄存器的编码电路,并用FPGA进行了实现。再次,论文对译码算法和译码器实现进行了研究。

    Next , according to the characteristics of quasi-cyclic matrix , a new encoding circuit using feedback shift registers is proposed and implemented by FPGA . Thirdly , the decoding algorithm and decoder implementation are studied .

  7. 首先,在软件变异测试的基础上,针对Veriloghdl描述的寄存器传输级电路,提出一种运用于数字集成电路功能验证的变异测试方法。

    First of all , based on software mutation testing , a new hardware mutation testing approach is proposed to evaluate digital integrated circuit functional verification . This approach applies to such a kind of circuit described in Verilog HDL .

  8. HM-hash以并行线性反馈移位寄存器作为基本电路,采用并行压缩方式计算哈希值,利用压缩过程的信息损失而带来的单向性提供哈希函数的安全性。

    Taking parallel LFSR as the basic component HM-hash provides the security of hash function using one-wayness brought by the information loss in the process of compression .

  9. 基于移位寄存器的监控电路在油气悬架试验系统中的应用

    Application of a Monitoring Circuit Based on Shift Register in the Hydro-pneumatic Testing System

  10. 移位寄存器式存储电路

    Shift register storage circuit

  11. 系统设计了A16/D16寄存器基接口电路,开发了软面板和仪器驱动程序。

    The method to achieve circuit of A16 / D16 register-based interface is put forward , the softpanel and drivers to apparatus are developed .

  12. 基于USB接口的VXI寄存器基模块控制电路设计

    The Design of VXI Register-based Module Control Circuit Based on USB Interface

  13. 串行编码电路采用移位寄存器实现,并行电路由一个组合逻辑网络和余数寄存器构成。

    The serial encoder is designed with shift registers , the parallel encoder is consisted of a combinational logic network and remainder registers .