
mì lè
  • Miller
密勒[mì lè]
  1. 一种改进的RFID中的密勒解码方法

    An improved decoding method of Miller in RFID

  2. 用X射线和光学方法测定了各个显露面,确定其密勒指数。

    The orientations of all developing facets in the crystals and their Miller indices have been determined by means of X-ray and optical method .

  3. Si(337)&另一个较稳定的高密勒指数晶面

    Si ( 337 ) - a Stable and Intriguing High Miller-Index Surface

  4. 稳定的GaAs(2511)高密勒指数表面的电子结构

    Electronic structure of the stable GaAs ( 2 5 11 ) surface

  5. GaAs高、低密勒指数表面性质的对比研究

    Study the properties of high miller index surface and low miller index surface of GaAs

  6. 密勒编码器的VHDL设计

    Design of Miller Encoder Using VHDL

  7. 利用格雷互补序列和雷德密勒码来降低PAPR的方法

    A Method to Reduce the PAPR by Complementary Golay Sequences and Reed-Muller Codes

  8. 对半导体GaAs的高低密勒指数表面的性质进行了比较研究。

    In this paper we study the properties of high miller index surface compare with the low miller index of semiconductor GaAs .

  9. 利用动态密勒补偿电路解决LDO的稳定性问题

    A Dynamic Miller Compensation Circuit for LDO Regulators

  10. 基于嵌入式密勒补偿技术的LDO放大器设计密勒定理探讨


  11. 在此基础上,通过分析整个级联型低噪声放大器的密勒效应对优化设计的影响,进一步提出了对共栅级MOSFET的沟道宽度优化的必要性。

    Based on this , the article draws a conclusion that the optimizing channel width of common-source MOSFET is necessary by analyzing Miller effect of LNA .

  12. 针对LDO稳压器的稳定性问题,设计了一种新颖的动态密勒补偿电路。

    A novel dynamic miller compensation circuit was developed in this paper to solve the stability problem of low dropout regulators ( LDOs ) .

  13. 提出了用VHDL语言实现密勒编码器的设计方案,给出了主要源程序代码和MAX+PLUSII环境下的仿真结果,说明了电子设计自动化(EDA)的整个过程。

    Miller encoder is designed using VHDL . The primary code of program and the result of simulation using MAX + PLUSII software are introduced . Through designing Miller code , all process of the electronic design automatization ( EDA ) is explained .

  14. 介绍了一种CMOS全差分两级OTA,第一级为折叠级联放大器,第二级为共源输出增益级,OTA技术采用了级联密勒电容补偿技术和开关电容共模反馈技术。

    An optimal design of CMOS in fully differential two stage OTA is presented in this paper . The OTA contains a folded-cascode input stage and a common-source output gain stage . Cascode compensation technique and switched capacitor common mode feedback technique are used .

  15. 具体分析了采用格雷互补序列和雷德密勒码来降低PAPR的算法,并用MATLAB进行了仿真,验证了当采用PSK调制时该编码方法可将PAPR降至3dB以下。

    Based on Golay Complementary Sequences and Reed-Muller codes , a method to reduce the PAPR is presented , and simulated with MATLAB . The simulating results show that the PAPR can be limited to below 3 dB , when PSK modulation is applied into OFDM system .

  16. 另一种是应用于射频接收机的Active-RC滤波器,其中的运算放大器采用折叠式共源共栅结构,使用了缓冲器和密勒效应电容进行频率补偿,提高了滤波器的稳定性。

    The other is Active-RC filter used in RF receiver , it utilizes folded cascode operational amplifier . In order to improve stability of active filter , buffer and miller effect capacitor are added .

  17. 高密勒指数晶面衍射和测量方向的合理选择有助于提高测量精度,也利于经典sin2ψ分析法实验线性关系的建立,从而简化了分析和计算程序。

    The reasonable selection of diffraction lattice planes with high Miller index and measuring directions would win the favor of enhancing the measuring precision , establishing the linear experimental relation for the classical sin ~ 2 ψ method and simplifying the procedure of stress analysis and calculation .

  18. 也谈密勒定理及其在电子电路分析中的应用

    Also on Miller theorem and its application in electronic circuit analysis

  19. 密勒电路及其起始正跳

    Miller circuit and its starting positive step up jump shot

  20. 密勒扫描电路的极限状态与特征状态

    The limited state and character state of Miller scanning circuit

  21. 本文提出了四个新的网络变换定理,它们是密勒定理的推广。

    This paper presents four new network equivalence transformation theorems .

  22. 因此,应用电路中,采用密勒补偿技术,具有一定的应用价值。

    So , Miller Compensation Techniques has a real value in application circuits .

  23. 底心单斜格子中密勒指数与晶面间距的关系式

    Expression of relation between Miller indices and interplanar spacing in base-centered monoclinic lattice

  24. 折射式起偏器的密勒矩阵表示及偏振度分析

    Muller matrix expression and polarization analysis of refraction polarizers

  25. 一种三级误差运放单密勒补偿技术的研究

    Research of single Miller capacitor compensation for three-stage amplifier

  26. 密勒补偿技术在电子线路中的作用

    The Role of Miller Compensation Techniques in Electric Circuit

  27. 用于反馈放大器的四条密勒推广定理

    Extended Miller Theorems in All Kinds of Feedback Amplifier

  28. 嵌入式密勒补偿放大器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Nested Miller Compensation Amplifier

  29. 关于密勒定理在多级放大器中高频段上应用的研究

    A study of the application of Miller theorem to the multistage amplifier at high frequencies

  30. 金属、半导体高密勒指数表面:表面能和电子结构

    The High Miller Index Surface of Metals and Semiconductors : Surface Energy and Electronic Structure