- 【土】allitization

Results of correlation analysis showed that during laterization , the enrichment of Au and As has little bearing on desilicification and Al enrichment , but has a great bearing on Fe enrichment .
Iron oxide is significantly higher than UCC ; there is a significantly negative linear correlation between SiO2 and ( Fe2O3 + Al2O3 ), which indicates strong base leaching and desilicification-allitization features .
Allitization Characteristics of Soils Developed From Quarternary Red Clay in Fujian
The Crystallinity of Kaolin Minerals of Allitic Soils in Fujian Province
Effect of alkaline ameliorators on acidic buffering ability of aluminum-rich ALFISOLS
Study on the characteristics of ALLITIC soil in Guangxi
Diagnostic classification of allitic soils in Zhejiang province
A Preliminary Study on the Desilicification and Allitization of Soils on the Islands of Guangxi
The studies of vermiculated red soil in recent years are summarized , The results show that the strong acid and laterized characteristics of vermiculated red soil are obvious ;
For other soil nutrients , there existed significant difference among tree species , but overall , the broadleaved forest was better than coniferous forest in improving soil physical and chemical properties .
The accumulation of aluminum and the serious acidification in the soil during its development from qua-ternary red clay stimulated the potassium leaching and decreased the total potassium content in the soil .
The content of total and available silicon in soil because of the forming process in south china are lower than that need to plant , study on silicon yield effect of peanut has great significance .
On the basis of soil survey and study in laboratory of the representative soil profiles we found that most of the soils on hilly land should be classified as the Yellow-Red Earth , a subgroup of the Red Earth under alli-tic soil order .
Aluminum ( Al ) toxicity is one of the major factors limiting the growth of plants in acidic soils . China is an agricultural country with lots of red soils which contain Al . It is very important to explore the mechanism of plant to tolerance Al toxicity .