
  • 【医】cold-damp syndrome
  1. 白腻苔和黄腻苔在Hp感染中无差异,淡舌和Hp的感染有相关性,脾虚寒湿证和湿热蕴脾证在Hp感染中无显著差异。

    There is no difference between the teams of yellow greasy fur and white greasy fur at infection of HP but correlation existing in the team of pale tongue .

  2. 温肾散寒、化湿通络法治疗强直性脊柱炎肾虚寒湿证的临床研究

    The Clinical Research of Warming-Invigorating the Kidney and Dispelling Cold , Dredging the Collaterals by Resolving Damp for Treatment of Kidney-Asthenia Cold-Dampness of Ankylosing Spondylitis

  3. 瘀血质原发性痛经患者临床证候以寒湿凝滞证为主。

    The haemostasis constitution about primary dysmenorrhea patients ' clinical symptoms were cold-dampness stagnation ones . 3 .

  4. 瘀血体质原发性痛经患者的临床证候以寒湿凝滞证为主。3.瘀血体质患者的发病与饮食结构有密切关系,嗜食冷食、辛辣之品明显增高瘀血质患原发性痛经的发病率。

    Haemostasis constitution is closely related to the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea.2.The haemostasis constitution about primary dysmenorrhea patients ' clinical symptoms were cold-dampness stagnation ones . 3 primary dysmenorrhea patients is closely related to the diet structure .

  5. 寒湿入营证治初探

    Exploration on The Treatment of Syndrome of Invasion of Clod-dampness into Ying Fen

  6. ⑺寒湿困脾证:大便稀、滑苔。结论:⑴大便稀与中医脾病证候关系密切。

    ⑺ Cold-dampness disturbing Spleen Syndrome : loose stool , slippery fur . Conclusions : ⑴ Loose stool were associated intimately with TCM Spleen diseases Syndromes .

  7. 腰痛I号方治疗腰椎间盘突出症寒湿阻络证具有较好的临床疗效及应用价值,值得进一步深入研究。

    Lumbago No. I Decoction in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation cold-dampness syndrome has better clinical efficacy and application value , it is worth further study .

  8. 理论探讨:根据导师的学术观点,结合对有关文献的分析,对类风湿性关节炎寒湿阻络证病因病机进行了探讨。

    In the theoretical research , by analysing the relevant literature and binding academic view of my tutor , this article has researched the pathogenic factor and pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis due to symdrome of cold-dampness blocking the channals and collaterals .

  9. 背景:寒湿痹颗粒主治寒湿痹阻证风湿病。

    BACKGROUND : Hanshibi granule indicates rheumatism due to blockage of cold and damp .

  10. 寒湿透骨散治疗寒湿痹阻证类风湿关节炎随机对照多中心临床研究

    Clinical study on efficacy and safety of Han-Shi-Tou-Gu-San in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of cold-dampness syndrome