
hán tán
  • cold phlegm
  1. 三根汤治疗寒痰阻肺型慢性支气管炎50例

    Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis of Cold Phlegm in Lung by " Sangen Decoction " in 50 Cases

  2. 寒痰蕴肺治疗组灌服小青龙汤煎剂;

    The retention of cold-phlegm in the lung treatment group were given Xiaoqinglong Tang ;

  3. 支气管哮喘炎症特点及其与中医寒痰、热痰证型关系的研究

    The Characteristics of Inflammation in Asthma and the Association of It with Cold-phlegm and Heat-phelgm Syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  4. 在医学工作上胡椒可用作健胃剂、解热剂、利尿剂及支气管粘膜刺激剂等,可治疗消化不良、寒痰、肠炎、支气管炎、感冒和风湿病等。

    Pepper can be used in medical work , stomach agents , antipyretic agents , diuretics and bronchial irritation agent , to treat indigestion , Han Tan , enteritis , bronchitis , colds and rheumatism and so on .

  5. 结果急性心肌梗死超急性期病机以标实为主,多属寒凝痰阻;

    Results : The main pathogenetic characteristics were , in the super - acute period , excess in superficiality such as Cold - Evil Stagnation and Phlegm - Block ;

  6. 导致本病症发生发展的原因,首先是阳气不足,心阳虚衰,病情日重则可导致气血阴阳失调,及寒、痰、瘀、浊的阻滞。

    The first reason of the primary disease was deficient and weak YANG QI , followed the deficiency of heart-yang , pathogenetic condition may result in the imbalance of the yin and yang , qi and blood , and the stoppage of cold , phlegm , stagnant blood .

  7. 本虚有气虚、气阴两虚、阴阳两虚,标实有血瘀、寒凝、痰浊、气滞、热毒。

    Deficiency in fundamental aspect includes symptoms of deficiency of qi , deficiency in both qi and yin , deficiency of yin and yang , while excess in incidental aspect has symptoms of blood stasis , cold accumulation , phlegm turbid , qi stagnation and heat toxin .

  8. 结论:1.用苈黄导痰汤中西医结合治疗COPD急性加重期,可提高临床疗效,对外寒内饮、痰浊阻肺、痰热郁肺三个证型,该方均有良好疗效。

    Conclusion : 1 . Li Huang Dao Tan Decoction combined with western medicine has favorable effect on acute exacerbation of COPD , and it can be prescribed to all the three TCM syndromes mentioned in this article .

  9. 总体说来,病因包括:①情志失调;②外感寒邪;③痰湿;④瘀血。

    In general , the causes include : emotional disorder , exogenous cold , phlegm and stagnant blood .

  10. 其主要病机为肾虚督寒,风寒湿痰瘀互结。

    And the main pathogenesis is the deficiency of spleen , liver and kidney , the pathogenic factors are wind-cold - dampness and interlocked phlegm and blood stasis .