
yù suǒ
  • residence;place of residence;abode;dwelling place
寓所 [yù suǒ]
  • [residence;abode;dwelling place] 居住的处所

寓所[yù suǒ]
  1. 德尼萨苏-恩格索(denissassou-nguesso)总统在该军火库附近有一处寓所,但爆炸发生时不在那里。

    President Denis sassou-nguesso has a residence near the arms depot , but was not there when the explosions began .

  2. 这是私人寓所不是中央车站

    This is a private residence , not Grand Central Station .

  3. 他们的寓所简直是个猪窝!

    Their flat is a tip !

  4. 安妮回到寓所的时候早就过了午夜。

    It was well after midnight by the time Anne returned to her apartment

  5. 他邀请她去自己在法尔岛上的消夏寓所过美国独立纪念日。

    He invited her to spend the Fourth of July holiday at his summer home on Fire Island

  6. 他们离婚后,他搬进了租来的寓所。

    They were divorced and he moved into the rooms .

  7. 他在派克街上有一幢3层楼的寓所。

    He occupies a three-story dwelling place on the Park Street .

  8. M:是的W:恩,还住在那个小寓所里?

    Woman : Still living in ... that ... er ... little flat ? Man : Yeah .

  9. 布什总统在CampDavid——位于马里兰西部群山中的总统寓所。

    President Bush is at Camp David - the U.S. presidential retreat in the mountains of western Maryland .

  10. 从杰克逊寓所的卧室以及Murray的公文包里,警方又发现了几个装有异丙酚的药瓶。

    Police recovered several bottles of propofol from Jackson 's bedroom and from Murray 's doctor 's bag at the home .

  11. 而在爱沙尼亚塔林(Tallinn)的寓所,带有一间桑拿浴室。

    their apartment in Tallinn , Estonia , had a sauna .

  12. 至少从他在诺丁山月租1万英镑的寓所的墙壁来看,丝毫看不出异国情调的壁纸售自OsborneLittle公司他父母的公司。

    At least the walls of his £ 10,000 a month house in Notting Hill bear no trace of the exotic wallpaper sold by Osborne & Little , his parents ' company .

  13. 这点补贴能让我们在寓所里拥有分式T-1带宽。

    A little extra money to get fractional T1 bandwidth in the apartment .

  14. 在纽约参加联合国(UN)年会的他信已飞往伦敦。他在伦敦有一套寓所,女儿在伦敦读大学。

    Mr Thaksin , who had been visiting New York for the annual meeting of the United Nations , flew to London where he owns a flat and where his daughter attends university .

  15. AB观念,一个领导的室内设计和亚洲建筑的工作室,已经沿着香港最忙碌的交通通路之一产生独有、现代而且亲密的休息寓所。

    AB Concept , a leading interior design and architectural studio in Asia , has created an exclusive , modern and intimate retreat along one of Hong Kong 's busiest traffic thoroughfares .

  16. Murray是在杰克逊&这位流行巨星本人所租的寓所中看护他的。Murray告诉警察,他当晚给了杰克逊25毫克的异丙酚,那是一种强力的麻醉剂。

    Murray , who was treating Jackson at the pop star 's rented home , told police he then gave him25 milligrams of propofol , a powerful anesthetic .

  17. 贝宝(PayPal)创始人、亿万富翁皮特•泰尔(PeterThiel)曾邀请威尔森前往位于怀俄明州的一处私人寓所,两人就比特币的未来进行了探讨。

    PayPal founder Peter Thiel , a billionaire libertarian , invited Mr. Wilson to a private Wyoming retreat , where the two men discussed the future of bitcoin .

  18. 戴维・惠特科姆(DavidWhitcomb)与亨丽・惠特科姆(HenrieWhitcomb)位于纽约格林威治村的寓所有一个2500平方英尺(约合230平米)的全景式露台,他们的绿色幕恢复了露台大量不可用的空间。

    David and Henrie Whitcomb 's vertical garden redeemed a chunk of unusable space on their 2500-square-foot wraparound terrace in New York 's Greenwich Village .

  19. 2008年,这对情侣在Jay-Z的寓所秘密举行了婚礼。

    They finally tied the knot in 2008 in a quiet and private wedding at Jay Z 's apartment .

  20. 他们在卢森堡的住所,装饰着漂亮的裸露横梁,附带一间阁楼;而在爱沙尼亚塔林(Tallinn)的寓所,带有一间桑拿浴室。

    Their home in Luxembourg had beautiful exposed beams and a loft ; their apartment in Tallinn , Estonia , had a sauna .

  21. 48岁的美国人CamillaRees曾是一名投资银行专家。由于受不了邻居家产生的电磁辐射,她搬出了位于旧金山的寓所。

    For example , Camilla Rees , 48 , a former investment banker in the US , moved out of her apartment in San Francisco because of the radiation coming from next door .

  22. 上述这些知情人士说,大约12名警察搜查了萨科奇5月中旬离开爱丽舍宫之后使用过的办公室,以及他的妻子布吕尼-萨科齐(CarlaBruni-Sarkozy)在巴黎的寓所。

    About a dozen police searched offices Mr. Sarkozy has used since leaving the Elyse palace in mid-May , and the Paris apartment of his wife , Carla Bruni-Sarkozy , these people said .

  23. 凯特所居的AnmerHall别墅自然与皮帕位于伦敦富人区的寓所不可同日而语,不仅位置偏僻,还几乎与乐趣绝缘——在附近甚至找不到LKBennett品牌分店。

    Located in one of the most exclusive parts of London , Pippa 's pad couldn 't be more different from Kate 's remote Anmer Hall , stuck out on a limb , miles away from any fun - or even a consoling branch of LK Bennett .

  24. 麦肯锡大中华区消费产品业务部主管马克斯马格尼(MaxMagni)表示:中产阶级的上层是这样一群人,他们正准备购买一套小型寓所,有一辆汽车,更多地考虑休闲活动。

    The upper middle class are the ones that are ready to buy a small apartment , that have a car , that think about leisure activities more , says Max Magni , head of the consumer products practice in Greater China .

  25. 当历史是这的时候:西元前390,乌鸦对罗马人的侵犯,进入休息寓所之内,强迫撤回CABITorrington小山,祖先的圣地破坏,国家几乎是时间;

    When the history is this : BC390 , Crow invasion of the Romans , into retreat , forced to withdraw CABI Torrington hill , ancestral shrines destroyed , the country was almost time ;

  26. 他们的寓所包括两个小房间和一个套间。

    The apartment consisted of two small rooms and a parlor .

  27. 我下午先去你的寓所帮你测试好路由器。

    I will test the router in your apartment this afternoon .

  28. 文化是道德及道德教育的精神寓所。

    Culture is the spirit home of moral and ethical education .

  29. 有时,整个船库都变成了一座寓所。

    Sometimes , an entire boathouse is turned into a dwelling .

  30. 一个枪手企图在他京斯敦的寓所行刺他。

    A gunman attempted to assassinate him in his Kingston home .