
  • 网络Structure of Foreign Trade Commodities;composition of foreign trade;Commodity Composition of Foreign Trade;Foreign Trade by Commodities
  1. 优化我国对外贸易商品结构的对策

    The Countermeasures of Optimizing the Structure of Trading Commodities in Our Country

  2. 中国对外贸易商品结构及其调整对策

    China 's Foreign Trads Structure and It 's Readjustment Countermeasure

  3. 他们以人力投资的差异来解释美国对外贸易商品结构。

    They parsed American foreign trade by the difference of human capital .

  4. 改善了广东的对外贸易商品结构;

    Secondly , it optimizes the structure of foreign trade commodities of Guangdong ;

  5. 19世纪后期中国对外贸易商品结构分析

    Analyses on the Merchandise Structure of Foreign Trade of China in the Late 19th Century

  6. 这种优化较为直观地反映在对外贸易商品结构的变化上。

    This optimization reflects the changes in the structure of foreign trade on commodity more visually .

  7. 而我国比较优势的状况及其变化深刻地反映在对外贸易商品结构上。

    The condition and change of China 's comparative advantages were deeply reflected on the commodity composition of its foreign trade .

  8. 民国初期广西三关对外贸易商品结构分析(1912~1931)

    The Analysis of Foreign Trade Commodity Structure of Three Customs of Guangxi during the Initial Period of Republic of China ( 1912 ~ 1931 );

  9. 另外,一个国家的对外贸易商品结构对该国的产业发展有着导向性的作用,必然会影响其产业结构。

    In addition , a country 's foreign trade merchandise structure plays the role of guidance to the development of a country 's industry structure and cannot but affects its industry structure .

  10. 一国对外贸易商品结构可以反映出该国的经济发展水平、产业结构状况、科技发展水平等,所以,在相当长的一段时间里,贸易结构优化一直是经济学研究的一个热点问题。

    The structure of foreign trade can reflect the economic level 、 industry structure 、 science and technology level of a country , so the structure of foreign trade is a hotspot for a long time .

  11. 最后,基于理论研究成果与实证分析的结论,提出了如何进一步充分利用外商直接投资,以及促进对外贸易商品结构优化的对策建议。

    Finally , based on theoretical analysis and empirical research findings , series of policy suggestions about how to further take advantage of FDI have been made , in order to promote foreign trade commodity structure optimization .

  12. 在此基础上得出结论:我国对外贸易商品结构基本符合比较优势原理,加工贸易在我国对外贸易中占据着重要的地位。

    On this basis , it concludes that the structure of foreign trade commodities basically conforms to the theory of comparative advantage on the whole and process trade plays an important role in China ' foreign trade .

  13. 一个国家的外贸商品结构归根到底是由该国的产业结构决定的,出口商品结构的改善要依赖于国内产业结构的改善和升级,不同的产业结构制约着该国的对外贸易商品结构。

    A country 's foreign trade merchandise structure is decided by the country 's industry structure in the final analysis . The improvement of the export structure depends on the improvement and upgrade of the domestic industry . Different industry structures restrict different foreign trade merchandise structure of this country .

  14. 现有的研究成果中更多地是关注对外贸易的商品结构和产业结构的升级,而对流向问题的深入研究则比较少。

    The existing research findings are concerning about commodity structure and industry structure upgrading , however , in the field of trade direction few research was carried on .

  15. 接着介绍中国对外贸易与经济增长的概况、中国对外贸易的结构(主要包括对外贸易的商品结构、方式结构和市场结构)、中国改革开放以来的外贸体制改革,为进一步实证分析作一个铺垫;

    Then it is the overview of China 's foreign trade and economic growth , China 's foreign trade structure ( including goods structure , style structure and market structure of foreign trade mainly ) and the reform of foreign trade system since the reform and opening-up of our country .