
  1. 介绍了组合音响的CD开门机构设计方法,分析了塑料齿轮的强度校核及减小机构体积的设计方法,对开门机构的降低噪声措施进行了研究。

    This paper introduces the design method of audio product ′ s moving mechanism , makes a study on plastic gear strength and shows how to minimize the mechanism ′ s size , and gives some details on noise reduction measures .

  2. 采用VVVF技术对电梯开门机直接拖动,使电梯门机装置机械结构简化,关闭时噪声低,且可靠到位。

    By use of VVVF technology to directly control elevator door operation simplified the mechanical structure of elevator door device with low noise in door closing and leveling in exact position .

  3. 对快开门式压力容器设计中的注意事项进行了论述,并对上、下法兰和卡箍的计算和图样表示要求提出了建议。

    This paper discusses the notices in the design of fast open pressure vessel and puts forward recommendations on calculations of upper and bottom flanges and callipers and demands for draft demonstrations .

  4. 她对为自己开门的男士甚至连一点表示都没有。

    She never even acknowledged the man who opened the door for her

  5. 为克服高校社科学报趋同与平凡的现象,对什么是开门办刊、如何开门办刊,进行了探讨。

    To improve the common similarity of social science journals edited by universities , what is open door policy and hwo to open door is discussed .