
  • 网络Lognormal;lognormal distribution;log-normal;log-normal distribution
  1. 数值结果表明,红外LED的寿命服从对数正态分布,其加速模型符合逆幂定律。

    The numerical results show that the infrared LED life is characterized by lognormal distribution , and the accelerated model meets the inverse power law .

  2. 利用对数正态分布图获得了Pb、Cu、Zn、V、Se和Ti等元素的地球化学背景值。

    The geochemical background levels are obtained by applying lognormal distribution plots to Pb , Cu , Zn , V , Se and Ti .

  3. 拟合三参数对数正态分布时第三参数c的优选方法探讨

    Discussion on optimal Estimation Method of the Third Parameter c When Fitting a Lognormal Distribution with Three Parameters

  4. 基于对数正态分布第k试验寿命的分散系数法

    Life scatter factor method based on the kth order experimental life with logarithm normal distribution

  5. 常用的幅度分布模型有瑞利分布、对数正态分布、威布尔分布和K分布。

    Rayleigh distribution , LogNormal distribution , Weibull distribution and K distribution are four distribution models commonly used .

  6. 针对强湍流信道下信号衰落的特点,分析了对数正态分布模型与K分布模型的适用范围。

    Applied fields of log-normal distributed model and K-distributed model were analyzed for the signal fading over strong turbulence .

  7. 对数正态分布加速因子的Bayes估计

    The Bayes Method for Accelerated Factor of Lognormal Distribution Calculation

  8. 论文利用MonteCarlo方法,计算节点疲劳寿命服从对数正态分布时,n个节点的最小值的分布,给出了分布函数的具体表达式。

    Monte Carlo method is used to calculate a function which is a formulation about a number of joints .

  9. 对数正态分布和Weibull分布变差系数的抽样验证方案

    Sampling Inspection Plan of Variation Coefficient about Logarithmic Normal and Weibull Distribution

  10. Ms≥6.0、,Ms≥6.5的间隔时间同时可认为服从对数正态分布;

    Time intervals of earthquakes with Ms ≥ 6 . 0 and Ms ≥ 6 . 5 are supposed to obey lognormal distribution .

  11. 第三章通过运用广义p值的方法,讨论了寿命服从极值分布,修理时间服从对数正态分布的系统的稳态可用度A的假设检验问题和置信区间。

    In Chapter HI , through the generalized p-value method , we discuss the hypothesis problem and confidence interval for steady state availability of a system with extreme value operating time and lognormal repair time .

  12. 运用CrystalBall软件对水产品中甲醛含量进行分布拟合,结果表明比较符合对数正态分布(Lognormal)。

    The distribution fitting of formaldehyde concentration in fishery products was performed with Crystal Ball software , and the results were conformed to lognormal distribution .

  13. 基于对数正态分布的VFD加速寿命试验研究

    Investigation on accelerated life test of VFD based on lognormal distribution

  14. 由于Weibull分布或对数正态分布常用来分析寿命分布问题,故优先考虑这2种模型。

    Weibull distribution or lognormal distribution was often used to analyze lifetime problem , so the two models were preferentially considered .

  15. 2通过对农场477个有效土壤采样点土壤有效养分以及pH值的常规统计,发现土壤养分属性并不完全呈正态分布,土壤有效磷和有效钙含量呈对数正态分布;

    Conventional statistics of soil nutrients and pH value of 477 sampling sites showed the distribution of soil nutrient was not always normal . Available P and Ca had logarithmic normal distribution .

  16. 确定了析出相特征尺寸的对数正态分布和质量依回转半径的Maxwell分布。

    The logarithm Gaussian distribution of effective size and the Maxwell distribution of particles mass with gyration radius are also constructed .

  17. R-R分布与对数正态分布关系的研究

    The Study of the Relation between R R Distribution and Logarithmic Normal Distribution

  18. 该模型建立在无套利约束之上,并且假设远期LIBOR服从对数正态分布。

    The model is built on no-arbitrage constraints , and assumes that the forward LIBOR obey log-normal distribution .

  19. Pitman准则下对数正态分布参数估计比较

    Comparision between the parameter estimators of a lognormal distribution under the Pitman criterion

  20. 结果血清ALT水平为对数正态分布,男女间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Re sults Serum ALT level distribution was logarithm normal distribution , levels between males and females were significantly different ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 提出了一种基于GIS的地球化学数据处理新方法,克服了传统统计分析方法对样本数据要求服从正态或对数正态分布,处理结果受少数特高品位数据影响的缺点。

    A new analysis method based on geographic information system is put forward in this paper , overcoming the shortage of traditional statistics that analysis results are influenced by specimen distributes and the minority with higher content .

  22. 本文将EM算法用于随机右删失数据下指数分布、Weibull分布和对数正态分布的参数估计中。

    In this paper , EM algorithm is used to estimate the parameters of exponential distribution , Weibull distribution and lognormal distribution based on randomly right censored data .

  23. 给出了单参数指数、两参数指数、两参数Weibull及两参数对数正态分布型产品在基于分组型数据下参数的近似极大似然估计。

    Present the approximate maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters under multicomponent data with a single-parameter exponential , two-parameter exponential , two-parameter Weibull or two-parameter log-normal distribution .

  24. 各月份、地点和生态类型的种&多度基本上都服从Preston对数正态分布。

    The species-abundance model of different month , site and ecotype all match basically to Preston 's lognormal distribution .

  25. 对数正态分布场合恒定应力加速寿命试验的MLE和AMLE

    AMLEs for Constant Stress Accelerated Life Testing under Lognormal Distribution

  26. 基于股票价格的对数正态分布假设,Black-Scholes模型运用连续交易保值策略成功解决了有效证券市场中的欧式期权定价问题。

    Based upon underlying asset 's lognormal distribution and hedging continuously , Black-Scholes model has solved European option 's pricing in efficient market successfully .

  27. 由于对数正态分布概率密度函数能够更好地描述ST系数的分布情况,所以采用对数正态分布模型拟合ST系数的似然比概率。

    Because the logarithmic normal distribution probability density function can better describe the distribution of the ST coefficients . The logarithmic normal distribution model is used for fitting the likelihood ratio probability of the ST coefficients .

  28. 假设工作时间、保障延误时间均服从指数分布,故障维修时间服从对数正态分布,用经典方法和广义p值方法给出了可用度的置信下限。

    Supposing that both the failure times and repair-delayed times have exponential distributions , the repair time has a lognormal distribution . By using the typical method and the generalized p-values method , the lower confidence limit of the steady state availability of the system is obtained .

  29. 挤出丝中,PS分散相呈球形分布于基体相PP中,呈典型的海-岛结构,分散相液滴直径呈对数正态分布。

    In the extruded fibers , the dispersed phase distributes in PP matrix phase as sphere with the typical " sea-island " structure , the histogram of droplets diameter distribution is in fine with log-normal distribution .

  30. 且根据不同料件的特性,其寿命函数分布可使用指数分布、Weibull分布、正态分布或者对数正态分布。

    In the meanwhile , according to the attributes of the part , the life time distribution function could be exponential distribution , Weibull distribution , normal distribution or lognormal distribution .