
  • 网络Symmetry
  1. 根据SUSAN模板中角点的特性,提出了灰度对称度的概念,利用灰度对称度区别出棋盘格的角点和边缘。

    According to the characteristics of the SUSAN template , the gray symmetry degree was defined to distinguish the corner from the edge .

  2. 利用该系统可以实时、直观地获得加速器束流强度的相对分布曲面,给出任意剖面的束流强度分布曲线和FWHM、半影、峰值、对称度、均整度等参数。

    This system helps to obtain all the physical characters of the beam in any section plane , such as FWHM , penumbra , peak value , symmetry and homogeneity .

  3. 用三次B样条曲线拟合凸轮轮廓线,得出凸轮的实际轮廓度和对称度。

    The method of curve fitting of cam profile with cubic B-spline curve is presented .

  4. 球对称度规中Dirac方程的严格解

    The Invention of Ball The Exact Solution for the Dirac Equation in Spherically Symmetric Metric

  5. CRC是一种在数据通信和数据压缩中广泛采用的检错校验的循环码。试论键槽对称度误差的正确检测

    Cyclical Redundancy Checking ( CRC ) is a common technology in data communication and data compressing fields for error detection . Correct checking of symmetric error of key way

  6. 本文在深入分析研究PSD的特点和工作原理的基础上,结合被测量对象的特点,首次提出了长定向管导槽对称度、缠角、内径等实时自动化测量的一种新方法;

    Based on in-depth analysis on characteristic and function principles of PSD , combined with characteristic of measured object , this article presents an new real-time measurement for symmetrical degree , guiding-groove , twining angle , inside radius of long direction pipe ;

  7. 本文工作包含以下几部分内容:第一,目标定位:利用对称度算法自动提取双曲线的顶点(x0,t0),该算法不仅能对单目标进定位,也能实现多目标进行定位和统计目标数量。

    The algorithm system contains the following sections : Firstly , object localization : the extraction the hyperbolic vertex ( x0 , t0 ) can be implemented by symmetric algorithm .

  8. 凸形体对称度工序尺寸及尺寸公差的确定

    The Determination of procedure size and tolerance of symmetry of convexity

  9. 高精度高对称度正负电源的研究

    Research on positive and negative power supply of high-precision and high-symmetry

  10. 汽车发动机缸体孔垂直度/对称度专用测量仪

    Special Measuring Instrument for Verticality & Symmetry of Engine Block Holes

  11. 分析法体现基准对称度误差的优化计算

    The Optimization Calculation of symmetry Error by embodying Datum with Analysis

  12. 尺寸链计算中对称度误差的处理方法

    A Means to Deal with Dimensional Chain Computing with Symmetry Error

  13. 加工方形透镜零件时对称度保证措施

    Guarantee Measure of Symmetry Degree when Processing the Square Lens Parts

  14. 再论单键键槽对称度误差的检测与计算

    Re-Dissertation on Measurement and Calculation of Single Keyway Symmetry Error

  15. 键槽对称度公差及其检测方法的选择

    Selection of both Symmetry Tolerance of Keyways and its Methods of Inspection

  16. 雷达目标的广义对称度与线形度

    The Generalized Symmetric Parameter and Linear Parameter of Radar Target

  17. 凸轮轮廓度与对称度的计算机辅助测量

    Computer Aided Testing for Profile and Symmetry of a Cam

  18. 键槽对称度误差的评定方法分析

    An analysis of the keyway symmetry error evaluation methods

  19. 键联接间隙对偏心零件偏心对称度加工误差的影响

    Influence of key Connection Clearance on Partiality Symmetrical Degree Error of Partiality Part

  20. 键联结中对称度公差的选择原则与误差检测

    The principle of choice and deviation measurement of symmetry tolerance in key coupling

  21. 具有点群对称度的各向异性磁作用及其对红宝石的应用

    Point group symmetry magnetic interactions and application to ruby

  22. 双键槽对称度误差的测量与计算

    The measurement and calculation on double keyway symmetry examinations

  23. RbIO3·2HI03晶体结构的再修正及其中心对称度

    Refinement of the crystal structure of rbi0_3 · 2hi0_3 and its centrosymmetric degree

  24. 基于交易对称度的市场结构测度方法改进与实证分析

    The Improvement and Empirical Analysis of Market Structure Measure Based on Transaction Symmetry Indicators

  25. 试论键槽对称度误差的正确检测

    Correct checking of symmetric error of key way

  26. 基于基准互换的孔内键槽对称度检测量具

    A Instrument for Measuring Symmetry of Keyway in the Hole Based on Benchmark Changing

  27. 对零件对称度公差的分析

    The Application Analysis in Symmetrical Tolerance of Parts

  28. 对称度误差的间接确定法

    An indirect method to determine the symmetry errors

  29. 球对称度规场中的质量亏损效应

    Mass Defect Effect in Spherical Symmetric Fields

  30. 中心对称度与倍频

    The Degree of Centrosymmetry and The SHG