
  1. 第一章主要介绍研究背景与动机、人力资本及博弈论与非对称信息经济学的相关概念、论文结构。

    Chapter 1 , the author introduces the background and motive of the research , the relevant concepts of human capital , game theory and non-symmetry Information Economics and the structure of the paper .

  2. 信息对称是信息经济学核心内容。

    Information symmetry is one of the key contents in information economics .

  3. 信息非对称的信息经济学&2001年的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者的学术贡献

    Non-Symmetry Information of Information Economics

  4. 从市场运行效率角度对非对称信息进行经济学分析。在明确非对称信息内涵的基础上,分析由它所引发的相关问题,进而提出针对非对称信息的相应对策。

    In view of market operation efficiency , the paper clarifies the relevant issues in case of asymmetric information with the countermeasures against those problems .

  5. 随着研究的不断深入,经济学界逐渐达成共识,即货币政策在短期是有效的。近年来,货币政策的非对称效果为广大经济学者所重视,进行了广泛深入的研究。

    With the continuous deepening of research , economic scholars gradually reached a consensus that monetary policy is effective in the short term .

  6. 论文的第二章研究信息非对称的产生及其经济学解释,是全文的基础。

    The second chapter of the paper is the base of the full text studying the form and economic explain of informational asymmetry .

  7. 其中博弈论、非对称信息理论等经济学原理为探讨上市公司会计信息舞弊提供较好理论工具和新颖视角。

    Game theory and asymmetric information theory provide better tools and new theoretical perspective to explore the economics of fraud accounting information of listed companies .

  8. 到目前为止,我国理论界对于企业内部转移定价机制的研究还不甚充分,仅限于在信息完全对称情况下运用经济学中的厂商理论确定最优转移价格。

    Up to now , theoreticians in our nation simply have a superficial research in the internal transfer pricing mechanism which is constraint to the usage of marginal analyses in the economics as the basic method to get the optimal transfer pricing under information symmetry .