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  • verruca vulgaris
  1. 结论MTC是一种简便、有效、安全的治疗寻常疣的新方法。

    Conclusion MTC is a convenient , effective and safe method of treatment for verruca vulgaris .

  2. 目的评估微波组织凝固法(MTC)治疗寻常疣的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of microwave tissue coagulation ( MTC ) to treat verruca vulgaris .

  3. ~(32)P敷贴、微波和冷冻治疗寻常疣的疗效比较

    Therapeutic Effect Comparison between ~ ( 32 ) P Contact , Microwave and Freezing Treatment in Wart Vulgaris

  4. 波导CO2激光配合手术治疗寻常疣193例

    Treatment of 193 Cases of Verruca Vulgaris with CO_2 Waveguide Laser and Operation

  5. 波导CO2激光治疗色素痣、寻常疣、血管瘤215例

    215 Cases of Nevus , Warts and Angioma Treated with Waveguide CO_2 Laser

  6. 目的探讨~(32)P敷贴治疗寻常疣的临床疗效,并结合微波和冷冻治疗效果,评价其临床应用价值。

    Objective To assess and evaluate the therapeutic effect of ~ ( 32 ) P contact therapy for warts vulgaris and compared it with microwave and freezing therapy .

  7. HPV的电泳分析结果表明来自寻常疣、跖疣的HPV具有不同的结构蛋白图型,其主要和次要衣壳蛋白多肽的分子量具有明显的差异。

    The electrophoretic analysis results of HPV indicate that there are different polypeptides patterns and molecular weights between verrucae vulgaris and plantaris .

  8. 应用灵活的CO2波导激光器,在215例色素痣、寻常疣、血管瘤患者的治疗中无副作用,疗效满意。

    This paper described the use of the waveguide CO_2 laser in the treatment of some skin diseases , such as nevus , common warts , angioma , etc. Satisfactory results have been obtained .

  9. 将就诊的扁平疣,寻常疣,及跖疣三种患者按先后顺序和自愿原则分别分为A组(治疗组)和B组(对照组)。

    The treatment of verruca plana , verruca vulgaris , and three kinds of patients with plantar warts , according to the order and voluntary principles are divided into A group ( treatment group ) and B ( control group ) .

  10. 目的:研究寻常疣p53蛋白、p21蛋白和增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)过度表达与人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染的关系。

    Objective : To study the relation between the expression of p53 , p21 , proliferating cell nuclear antigens ( PCNA ) and the infection of human papillomavirus ( HPV ) .

  11. 结果OKT(11)~+、OKT4~+细胞百分比及OKT4~+/OKT8~+此率在寻常疣,扁平疣及尖锐湿疣较正常对照显著降低,仅尖锐湿疣OKT8~+细胞百分比显著升高。

    A significant decrease was found in the percentage of OKT_4 ~ + and OKT_ ( 11 ) ~ + , subset and in OKT_4 ~ + / OKT_8 ~ + ratio in patients with common , flat and genital warts .

  12. 结论:32P敷贴治疗手足寻常疣,方法简便,安全,痛苦小,疗效显著,复发率低,副作用和并发症少,是一种成功有效的治疗方法。

    It is concluded that the treatment of extremity verruca with P 32 32 application therapy is a simple and effective method with features such as safety , little pain , notable curative effect , lower recurrence rate , less side effect and complication .

  13. 结果:斑秃治愈率为33.3%,扁平疣为35%,寻常疣及跖疣分别达56%及66%,传染性软疣为41.8%。DNCB免疫疗法对某些免疫有关疾病如化脓性疾患获得意想不到的疗效。

    Results : The cure rate of alopecia areata was 33.3 % , verruca plana 35 % , verruca vulgaris and verruca plantaris 56 % and 66 % , molluscum contagiosum 41.8 % and the effect to other immuno-related suppurative diseases was sometimes very excellent .

  14. 15.香灸治疗寻常疣临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Verruca Vulgaris Treated by Moxibustion with Joss Sticks

  15. 病毒性感染中最常见的疾病为寻常疣。

    The most common viral infection diseases was common wart .

  16. 微波治疗寻常疣的临床观察

    Clinical Evaluation of Microwave Tissue Coagulation Treatment of Verruca Vulgaris

  17. 尖锐湿疣和寻常疣患者外周血细胞因子和T-淋巴细胞亚群的变化

    Change in cytokine in condyloma acuminatum and verruca vulgaris patients

  18. 细胞免疫反应不良型寻常疣的免疫排斥治疗

    Immunorejection therapy of verrucae vulgaris with impaired CMI reactivity

  19. 1例寻常疣并发巨大皮角手术切除的护理

    Nursing of a patient undergoing excision of common warts and huge cutaneous horn

  20. 结论药条灸治疗寻常疣疗效确切。

    Conclusions Medical Moxibustion is an effective method on treatment of verruca vulgarism .

  21. 系统性红斑狼疮合并手足多发性寻常疣1例

    A case of multiple wart with systemic lupus erythematosus

  22. 结论手部较大寻常疣应首选微波治疗。

    Conclusion Microwave therapy is the first treatment to primary verruca vulgaris of hand .

  23. 皮损内注射重组人干扰素γ治疗寻常疣

    Treatment for Verruca Vulgaris by Intradermic Injected Recombinant Human Interferon γ at Affected Region

  24. 寻常疣:脉冲染料激光疗法与水杨酸+脉冲染料激光疗法之比较

    Verruca vulgaris : Pulsed dye laser therapy compared with salicylic acid + pulsed dye laser therapy

  25. 卡介菌多糖核酸对扁平疣、寻常疣的疗效观察

    The Observation of Curative Effect of Bacille Calmette-guerin Polysaccharide Acid on Flat Wart and Common Wart

  26. 结论寻常疣的增殖性改变可能不是由于表皮角质形成细胞凋亡降低引起的。

    Conclusion The proliferation of verruca vulgaris may not be due to reduced apoptosis of epidermal keratinocytes .

  27. 刮疣术治疗指趾关节部位寻常疣临床观察

    Observation of the clinical outcomes of clearing therapy in verruca vulgaris around the fingers and toes ' joints

  28. 外用5-氟尿嘧啶联合冷冻治疗寻常疣无特别益处:一项单中心、双盲、随机、安慰剂对照试验

    Topical 5-fluorouracil has no additional benefit in treating common warts with cryotherapy : A single-centre , double-blind , randomized , placebo controlled trial

  29. 目的:观察灭疣膏治疗寻常疣的临床疗效及对人体免疫功能的影响。

    Objective : To observe the clinical therapeutic effects and to investigate its effective mechanism based on immunity levels of Mie-you ointment on common warts .

  30. 目前国内常用的激光器为氦氖激光器、二氧化碳激光器,适用于色素痣、寻常疣、汗管瘤、眼睑黄色瘤以及细小皱纹等。

    Currently used as a helium-neon laser lasers , carbon dioxide laser for nevi , common warts , syringoma , eyelid xanthelasma , as well as small wrinkles and so on .