
  • 网络Navigation instruments;CAOS;NavAids
  1. 罗盘是导航仪器。

    The compass is an instrument of navigation .

  2. 电子罗盘作为导航仪器或姿态传感器已被广泛使用,高精度电子罗盘同GPS组合是实现导航定位的理想系统。

    The electronic compass is widely applied as navigation instrument and attitude sensor , and the combination of electronic compass and GPS is considered as a ideal system of heading and orientation .

  3. 船载自动识别系统(AIS)的诞生弥补了以往导航仪器的不足,为内河安全航行开辟了一条崭新的道路。

    Now , Automatic Identification System ( AIS ) overcome the shortage of traditional navigators , which opens up a new way for safety navigation of inland rivers .

  4. 提出利用导航仪器的计算功能求天体计算高度和计算方位的方法、观测低高度天体罗方位之后利用GPS船位快速求取罗经差的方法以及利用GPS船位估计天文船位线标准差的方法。

    This paper advances the methods for using the function of the GPS receiver getting the computed altitude and azimuth , getting the errors of compasses based on the GPS position and estimating the errors of the celestial line of position with the GPS receiver and its position .

  5. 船载导航仪器信息融合的研究

    A Study on the Information fusion of the Shipborne Navigation Instruments

  6. 采用最新的导航仪器可以很方便地定出该飞机场的方位。

    The latest navigational aids make the location of the airfield quite easy .

  7. 陀螺导航仪器及自动控制

    Gyroscopic navigational instrument and automatic control

  8. 他们用特殊的导航仪器

    They are using special GPS units

  9. 回声测深仪在导航仪器中的地位在下降,其原因是它存在着较多的误差。

    The echo sounder is now gradually out of use in navigation , because it has many errors .

  10. 第4章提出基于船舶导航仪器数据最优航法的设计原理,并将此最优航法嵌入电子海图显示与信息中,使之成为该系统的一个功能。

    Chapter 4 explains the design principle of the advanced Navigation base on the ship 's apparatus data , and accomplish the function in ECDIS .

  11. 结合非开挖导航仪器中探头部分的整体构成原理与设计,介绍了倾角、具面向角等关键技术参数的检测原理与方法。

    The measure theories and methods of tilt angle and face angle are introduced combining with the composing principle and design of the transmitter of No-dig navigating instrument .

  12. 但从这些试验雷达的导航仪器测得的运动参数精度较低,为作精确的运动补偿,运动参数需要从实测数据估计得到。

    But the precision of motion parameters measured by navigational instruments on these radars are low , so motion parameters must be estimated from raw data for accurate motion compensation .

  13. 最优航行方法中采用实时获取船舶导航仪器传入到系统中的数据,并根据这些数据进行计算,给出船舶当前最佳船艏向,实现基于电子海图显示与信息系统的最优航法。

    It figures out the best head bearing of the ship with the real time transfer data from navigation apparatus to the system , accomplish the advanced navigation function in ECDIS .

  14. 马来西亚气象部门警告称,马来半岛与苏门答腊岛之间的马六甲海峡南部能见度较低,对没有配备导航仪器的船只来说,情况比较危险。

    Malaysia 's meteorological office warned of low visibility in southern parts of the Strait of Malacca , which separates the peninsula from Sumatra , saying conditions were dangerous for vessels not equipped with navigational instruments .

  15. 平台罗经是将传统的平台和罗经进行紧密结合的一种精密复杂的惯性导航仪器,它可以为大中型舰船的导航、武器装备、指挥控制等系统提供精确的航向和水平基准信息。

    Platform compass is a sophisticated inertial navigation equipment that the traditional platform and compass is closely connected , which can provides precise heading and level of baseline information for medium-sized ships , weapons equipment , command control system and so on .

  16. 现在,GPS接收机作为一种先进的导航和定位仪器,已在军事及民用领域得到广泛的应用。

    Now GPS receivers , as a type of advanced equipment on navigation and positioning , have been widely used in both military and civil field .

  17. 光纤陀螺与传统陀螺相比,具有可靠性高、寿命长、动态范围大等优点,如今已成为惯性导航领域主流仪器。

    It becomes more and more popular in inertial and navigation field because of the advantages such as high reliability , long working life and large dynamic range and so on while compared with the traditional gyroscopes .

  18. 重力场辅助水下导航对惯导仪器的要求惯性导航系统惯导系统

    The Demand of Inertial Navigator Performance in Gravity-aided Underwater Navigation System

  19. 应用于某型导航雷达的虚拟仪器设计

    Design of Virtual Instrument for the Navigation Radar

  20. 渔船无线电导航、助渔仪器的现状与发展趋势

    Current status and development trend of radio navigation and fishing aids for the fishing vessels