
  1. 弗拉芒剧院举办一次,在一个星期六月份的歌剧院导赏团。

    Flanders Opera organises guided tours of the opera house once a month on a Saturday .

  2. 会员参与过一连串训练后,更获邀加入导赏服务计划。

    Members , after a series of training programmes , were recruited to join the docent scheme .

  3. 下次到访艺术馆时,不要忘记参与我们的免费公开导赏服务啊!

    When you next visit the museum , please remember to join our free public guided tours !

  4. 导赏团将提供专页导赏,介绍不同作品的概念和技术,让参加者能真正了解艺术作品的意义。

    With tour guides introducing concepts and technologies behind the works , participants can truly understand the significance and appreciate the complexities of new media art .

  5. 透过由古物古迹办事处筹划的导赏团,我更学习到如何从历史、艺术及文化的角度去欣赏文物。

    The guided tours arranged by the Antiquities and monuments office have enabled me to appreciate cultural relics from the views point of history , art and culture .

  6. 不过当导赏员确实很好玩,由于每次讲解的对象均不同,因而会有不同的经历和感受。

    However , to be a docent is still fun because each time the participants of the tour are different and so my experience and impression will not be the same .

  7. 古物古迹办事处举办的教育及宣传活动,包括展览、讲座、导赏团、考古工作坊及设立文物径等,以及印制有关古迹的小册子和书刊。

    Antiquities and monuments office organizes educational and promotional activities to the public , including exhibitions , talks , guided tours , archaeological workshops , setting up heritage trails , publishing pamphlets and booklets .