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  • 网络Sushi Rice
  1. 将寿司饭捏成团状的叫手握寿司。

    Combined with hand-formed clumps of rice , it is called nigirizushi .

  2. 其他日本地方美食料理还有鳗鱼寿司(鳗鱼饭),博多豚骨拉面&在猪脊骨高汤中下入拉面。

    Other regional delicacies include anago-meshi , or sea eel rice , and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata , a pork-bone white soup with ramen noodles .

  3. 其他日本地方美食料理还有鳗鱼寿司(鳗鱼饭),博多豚骨拉面——在猪脊骨高汤中下入拉面。

    Other regional delicacies include anago-meshi , or sea eel rice , and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata , a pork-bone white soup with ramen noodles 。

  4. 哪个国家电视台的厨艺比赛,会不仅让参赛者挑战寿司师傅的料理技巧,更是用核磁共振来检测寿司饭卷中空气的含量,并以此决定比赛结果?

    What other nation would stage a televised competition in which they brought in challengers to try to better a master sushi chef 's technique and scanned the resulting sushi pieces with an MRI to compare the ratio of rice to air ?