
  • 网络rf filter;radio frequency filter
  1. 一种C波段射频滤波器的设计

    A Design of a C - band RF Filter

  2. 基于0.18μMCMOS工艺的多标准射频滤波器

    A Multi-Standard RF Filter in 0.18 μ m CMOS Technology

  3. 本文主要介绍使用可重构方法设计的射频滤波器,射频滤波器采用片上电感的方式进行设计,可重构方式采用MOS管开关控制的方式。

    The RF filter uses the inductance on the chip , and the reconfiguration uses MOS switch to control .

  4. 随着无线通信的迅速发展,数据通信的中心频率提升到GHz以上,而射频滤波器,作为通信系统中信号处理的一个重要部件,越来越引起人们的关注。

    With the rapid development of wireless communications , the center frequency of data communications has raised to GHz or above . The RF filter , as an important component of signal processing in the communication systems , attracts more and more attention .

  5. 射频滤波器在无线电话机测量中的应用

    Analysis of the Function of RF Filter in Measuring the Radio Telephones

  6. 射频滤波器插入损耗的测量方法。

    Method of insertion loss measurement for radio frequency filters .

  7. 和选频类似,选带功能实质上也是一种射频滤波器。

    Like channel selector , band selector also is a kind of RF filters .

  8. 射频滤波器的优化设计通常借助于电磁仿真软件。

    RF ( radio frequency ) filters can be simulated and optimized by means of electromagnetic simulation software .

  9. 介绍了一种利用归一化算法结合经典福斯特法实现射频滤波器的方法。

    This paper introduces a way to implement RF filter by using normalization algorithm in combination with the classic Foster method .

  10. 作为通信系统的关键部件,射频滤波器的双频和多频化是实现通信系统双频或多频功能的重要途径。

    As a pivotal component of the communication systems , dual-band or multi-band RF filters play a more and more important role .

  11. 射频滤波器在无线通信系统中具有频带和信道选择,并且能滤除谐波,抑制杂散。

    In the wireless communication system , FR filters with the selection of frequency band and channel , can filter harmonic and inhibit the stray .

  12. 基于微加工技术制造的体声波滤波器品质因子高达数千,其性能已超过表面波滤波器,且可通过标准集成电路技术生产,将其用来替代通信系统中的传统射频滤波器,极具性能和价格优势。

    The quality factor of Bulk Acoustic Filters fabricated by micro-machining technology can reach several thousands in RF range , which is better than SAW .

  13. 这些关键模块主要包括中频滤波器、上变频混频器、本振、射频滤波器、功率放大器、低噪声放大器和下变频混频器。

    These key modules include IF filter , up-mixer , local oscillator , RF filter , power amplifier , low – noise amplifier , down-mixer .

  14. 子电路包括低噪声放大器、射频滤波器、混频器、驱动放大器、功率放大器、中频滤波器等。

    The subcircuits consist of the low noise amplifier , RF filter , mixer , driver amplifier , image filter , power amplifier , transmit-receive switch and IF filter and so on .

  15. 这些方法和步骤既能够解决射频有源滤波器的设计,而且对于其它射频电路设计都有一定的参考意义。

    The design procedures and methods can also be very helpful for other RF circuit designs .

  16. 基于改进BP算法的微带射频带通滤波器设计

    Design of microstrip radio frequency bandpass filter based on improved BP algorithm

  17. 多腔体射频可调谐滤波器的研究

    The study of multiple - cavity RF tunable filter

  18. 专用短波接收机射频前端预选滤波器设计与实现

    Design and realization of the preselected filter of dedicated SW receiver RF front-end

  19. 高性能小型化射频及微波滤波器的研究

    Study on RF / Microwave High-Performance Miniaturized FIlters

  20. 基于硅表面加工工艺的射频体声波滤波器研究

    Study of RF-MEMS BAW Filter Using Surface Micromachining

  21. 射频无源匹配滤波器的优化设计

    The Optimization Design of RF Passive Matching Filters

  22. 随着商用无线通信的迅猛发展,电子设备的小型化成为一个十分关键的问题,特别是对于小型化的射频电路如滤波器有着很大的需求。

    Along with the high development of wireless communication in business , the miniaturization of electron equipment becomes a very important problem .

  23. 其中接收链路由低噪声放大器、射频前端预选滤波器、混频器、中频放大器和中频放大器组成,本振链路由倍频器、放大器和滤波器组成。

    The receiving link of the subsystem is composed by a low-noise amplifier , RF front-end pre-filter , mixer , IF filter and IF amplifier .

  24. 现代无线通信系统对射频、微波滤波器在小型化、集成化方面的要求越来越高,多层介质结构由于有利于实现射频与微波电路的高度集成,相关研究受到了广泛的关注。

    In modern wireless communication systems , microwave filters or RF filters are required to be smaller and smaller in size , and higher and higher in performance . Filters constructed on multi-layer substrates draw wide attention for the advantages of higher integration level .

  25. 锆钛酸铅(PZT)材料有着优良的压电性能,其薄膜具有高机电耦合系数、高品质因数的特点,适合于制作低插损、大带宽的射频(RF)滤波器。

    PZT thin films , characterized by high K t and high Q , are suitable for making low insertion , wide bandwidth RF filters .

  26. 因此,本文的方法能够实现对SAW器件的快速、精确模拟,并可以应用于射频低损耗SAW滤波器的优化设计中。

    Therefore , it will be able to realize the rapid and precise simulation of SAW devices using the methods in this thesis , which is available to the optimal design of low-loss RF SAW filters .

  27. 本文设计了两种基带滤波器,一种是应用于射频发射机的Gm-C滤波器,其中跨导单元(Gm)电路的输入管处于线性区,具有线性度高,功耗小等优点。

    Two kinds of Baseband filter are presented . One is Gm-C filter used in RF transmitter , the Gm circuit utilized input transistors biased in linear-region to achieve high linearity and low power dissipation .

  28. 另一种是应用于射频接收机的Active-RC滤波器,其中的运算放大器采用折叠式共源共栅结构,使用了缓冲器和密勒效应电容进行频率补偿,提高了滤波器的稳定性。

    The other is Active-RC filter used in RF receiver , it utilizes folded cascode operational amplifier . In order to improve stability of active filter , buffer and miller effect capacitor are added .

  29. GB/T15287-1994抑制射频干扰整件滤波器第一部分:总规范

    Complete filter units for radio interference suppression & Part 1 : Generic specification

  30. 把这些器件的性能指标和目前射频系统中谐振器、滤波器的性能要求进行比较,分析了这些器件的应用前景。最后,对基于MEMS技术的射频谐振器、滤波器发展作出展望。

    The applications of these components are forecast from the performance requirements for current RF systems , and the development trend of MEMS resonators and filters is discussed as well .