
  1. 小品艺术在初中思想品德课教学中的运用探究

    The Exploration of Art of Chinese Short Talk Show in Moral Teaching for Junior Middle School

  2. 赵本山小品艺术文化本身存在的价值是多方面的,带来的影响也是巨大的。

    There are many artistic and cultural values in Zhaos comedy , and its impact is huge .

  3. 人民艺术家赵丽蓉小品艺术的巨大成功离不开其独具特色的语言。

    One of important reasons why Zhao Lirong , the people 's artist , made great achievements in her sketch art is her elaborately chosen language .

  4. 赵本山小品语言艺术研究

    Study of the Language Style of Zhao Benshan 's TV Sketches

  5. 宋人山水画小品的艺术特色及影响

    The Artistic Features of the Small Pieces of Song Landscape Paintings and Their Influence

  6. 赵本山小品的艺术性即体现在陌生化与熟知化这两种维度上。

    These two dimensions just highlight the artistic features of Zhao Benshan 's short performance pieces .

  7. 本文分三个部分探讨袁氏游记小品的艺术风貌与旅游文化观。

    The thesis covers the following three parts with a purpose of further discussion of Yuan Hong-dao 's characteristics of arts and tourist culture viewpoints .

  8. 同时,《谗书》在艺术上也独具特色,其主题尖锐严肃、形式灵活多样、篇幅短小精悍,将讽刺小品的艺术推向了成熟之境。

    At the same time , A Collection of Slander was one of the most characteristic works in the arts which gave an impetus to the maturity of satires with profound theme , flexible forms and short length .

  9. 喜剧小品语言幽默艺术研究

    A Study on Humor in Comedic Skits

  10. 从它独特的标题性、隐喻性和独特的音乐语汇特征三个方面入手,细致分析了舒曼钢琴小品套曲的艺术风格特征。

    From its unique title , the metaphor and the unique music vocabulary characteristic three aspects obtain , carefully has analyzed the Schumann piano sketch divertimento artistic style characteristic .

  11. 通过喜剧小品与其它艺术形式,诸如相声、幽默音乐、幽默画、小说等幽默文学的比较,明确喜剧小品的幽默是一种戏剧表演式的幽默。

    What 's more , it makes clear that humor in Comedic Skits is humor of drama by comparing Comedic Skits with the other artistic forms such as cross talk , humorous music , humorous painting or humorous novels , etc.

  12. 20世纪80年代后期,社会进入了现代化阶段,随着电视传媒、歌曲、舞蹈、小品等各种艺术形式的出现,戏曲受到了致命的冲击,全国戏曲形势由高峰跌入低谷。

    In the late 1980s , society has entered into the modern stage , with TV media , songs , dances and sketch the emergence of various art form , opera was fatally impact . The national opera by peak bottomed situation .

  13. 这一研究对于演奏者更深入地理解和表现勃拉姆斯晚期钢琴小品的思想与艺术内涵,有着重要的启示意义。

    This study has great significance for those piano-players to further comprehend and express the thought and artistic implication in Brahms 's late piano pieces .

  14. 南宋花鸟画的变化着重写笔者在学习南宋山水小品时如何把山水小品中的艺术特点运用到山水画写生中去,是笔者理论联系实践的方法探索。

    The last part is about how I combine the art features which I understand while learning Southern Song Dynasty landscape painting pieces with my own practice of nature drawing .