
xiǎo xínɡ qì chē
  • Small car;runabout;baby car;baby-bus;small-bus;minicab
  1. 而且,在今年五月,凯美瑞汽车击败雅阁(Accord),成为美国最畅销的小型汽车。

    Likewise , through May , Camry is the top-selling U.S. compact car , beating accord .

  2. 中小型汽车企业电子商务销售系统是为了满足汽车生产企业和汽车经销商供需关系,而设计并实现的B2B电子商务销售平台。

    So , a Business To Business E-commerce sales platform which is developed to design and implement .

  3. 日产(Nissan)从2010年起将在日本为克莱斯勒生产一款小型汽车。

    Nissan is to build a small car for Chrysler in Japan from 2010 .

  4. 一种由于输入转速和输出扭矩的变化而无级变速的V带传动,已成功的在极地雪橇车和小型汽车的变速器中得到了应用。

    A type of V-belt drive which shifts ratios in accordance with input speed and output torque has been successfully employed as the transmission for vehicles ranging from snowmobiles to compact automobile .

  5. 汽车产业链协作ASP平台就是基于上述关系的以ASP技术服务的公共性平台,在产业链上主要是为中小型汽车制造厂提供信息化服务。

    Basing on ASP technology services public platform , the automotive industry chain is a public application services platform , and provides information technology services for the small hand medium-sized manufacturers of automobile .

  6. 罗斯金德说,他们去年开始采取这些举措,其导火索是通用汽车(GeneralMotors)十年来都未能召回约260万小型汽车,这些车的点火器故障可能会突然切断发动机动力,令安全气囊失效。

    The moves , Mr. Rosekind said , were set off by the revelation last year that General Motors had failed for a decade to recall about 2.6 million small cars with faulty ignitions that can suddenly cut engine power and disable airbags .

  7. 克莱斯勒(Chrysler)和奇瑞汽车(CheryAutomobile)已终止有关在华生产小型汽车用于出口的合作协议,使这家美国公司最有名的海外项目之一受到打击。

    Chrysler and Chery Automobile have terminated a co-operation agreement to produce small cars in China for export , dealing a blow to one of the US company 's highest-profile overseas projects .

  8. 位于成都市红牌楼汽配市场的HX公司是一家小型汽车配件销售企业。

    HX Corporation is a small-scale sales enterprise for automobile accessories , which is located in Hongpailou Market for Automobile Accessories , Chengdu .

  9. 小型汽车ISAD方案设计与仿真研究

    The Study Of Small Car Design And Simulation

  10. 两年前,中国汽车消费者曾一度对小型汽车产生了兴趣,而价格4000美元左右的微型轿车奇瑞(Chery)QQ也成为中国当时最畅销的车型之一。

    Chinese car-buyers flirted with smaller vehicles two years ago when the Chery QQ , a subcompact costing about $ 4,000 , became one of the best-selling models in the country .

  11. 库扎克对Ecoboost青睐有加,因为这台引擎能在各类车型上广泛运用,从小型汽车到卡车,无一例外。

    Kuzak likes EcoBoost because it can be deployed across a wide variety of vehicles , from small cars to large trucks .

  12. 其中最明显的例子是奇瑞(Chery),该公司之所以能成为领先的中国品牌,很大程度上应归功于其QQ品牌,该款小型汽车的起价仅为5000美元。

    The best example is Chery , which has become the leading Chinese brand largely on the back of the QQ model , a small car which starts at a price of $ 5,000 .

  13. 福特Pinto车是一款臭名昭著的车型,但比这更惹非议的是福特公司对人们对70年代小型汽车的安全的担忧的处理方式上。

    The Ford Pinto was a famously bad automobile , but worse still might be Ford 's handling of the safety concerns surrounding the '70s-era subcompact .

  14. 铃木是日本第四大汽车制造商,专注于生产小型汽车,2009年曾与大众汽车(Volkswagen)结成合作伙伴,但仅两年后双方就不欢而散。

    Suzuki , Japan 's fourth largest carmaker with a focus on small cars , formed a partnership with Volkswagen in 2009 , but that was followed by an acrimonious split only two years later .

  15. 方法对重庆市近郊五个区、县2001年的246起小型汽车相互碰撞事故驾驶员和前排乘员的伤亡与机动车安全带使用情况进行分析,并采用U检验和χ2检验进行比较。

    Methods Analysis was done on mortality of drivers and front row passengers as well as safety belt use in 246 traffic accidents that involved minicars in five districts and counties of Chongqing in 2001 . The results were compared by U-test and χ ~ 2-test .

  16. 结果表明,MCH随车脱氢供汽车氢燃料在小型汽车上应用是可行的,其贮氢系统的能效可达0.59。

    Car World The results show the auto hydrogen fuel based on MCH dehydrogenation on board seems to be feasible , and the MTH hydrogen storage system has a better energy utilization ratio up to 0.59 .

  17. 本文借助于汽车产业链协作平台,为中小型汽车制造企业提供了一个基于ASP(应用服务提供商)模式的协同售后服务管理解决方案,并设计和实现了其中配件管理系统。

    Based on the automobile industry chain cooperation platform , a new solution for collaborative after-sale service which is based on ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is put forward for these enterprises , and the auto parts management system in the solution is designed and implemented .

  18. 通用汽车表示,将关闭北美地区的4家SUV和皮卡工厂,在美国开发新款雪佛兰(Chevrolet)小型汽车,同时继续推进其插电式电动汽车Volt的生产。

    The carmaker said it would close four sport utility vehicle and pick-up truck plants in North America , develop a new Chevrolet compact car in the US , and push ahead with its Volt plug-in electric car .

  19. 克莱斯勒想让另一家中国汽车制造商奇瑞(chery)尽快达到美国安全与环境标准,因为该公司希望进口奇瑞制造的汽车,以填补其小型汽车空白。

    Chrysler would like Chery , another Chinese carmaker , to be able to meet us safety and environmental standards soon , because it hopes to import chery-made cars to make up for its lack of small cars .

  20. 曾几何时,政府实施的每个家庭只能购买一辆小型汽车的限购政策还称得上迷人,该政策起初由马克12539;吐温和伍德罗12539;威尔逊(WoodrowWilson)共同推动出台,使汽车被禁止了几十年。

    And once upon a time , it was charming that the country limited residents to one puny car per household , a policy dating back to when Mark Twain and Woodrow Wilson teamed up to help get motor vehicles banned for decades .

  21. 制造小型汽车已成为亨利不愿谈及的事。

    Making small cars became the bone in henry 's throat .

  22. 浓缩的美学&小型汽车的造型设计探讨

    The Enrichment of Modern Aesthetics , Styling Design for Small Vehicles

  23. 中小型汽车运输企业如何发展物流

    How Do Small and medium Sized Auto Transportation Enterprise Develop Logistics

  24. 小型汽车的设计思想应该得到更广阔的发展。

    The design ideas about compact car should be expended .

  25. 我要一部美国制的、引擎状况完好的小型汽车。

    I want an American-made small car in good condition .

  26. 小型汽车空调常见故障的分析与排除

    Common Fault Analysis and Shooting Ways of Air Conditioner on Mini Bus

  27. 我若独自一人旅行就租一辆超小型汽车。

    I rent a subcompact when I 'm travelling alone .

  28. 在美国很难找到小型汽车。

    Small cars are quite hard to come by in the states .

  29. 我们六个人全挤进那辆小型汽车里。

    All six of us packed into the tiny car .

  30. 小型汽车比较容易找到停车空地。

    It 's easier for small cars to find a parking space .